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  • Jul 23, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    US funds Iron Dome as states go broke

    Wed Jul 23, 2014 3:57PM

    An American political commentator criticizes US politicians for including millions of taxpayer money in an emergency funding bill for the Israeli military which has been relentlessly pounding the Gaza Strip with missiles, bombs and artillery shelling.

    “Barbara Mikulski (Chairwoman of the Senate Appropriations Committee) wants to send $225 million more in President Obama’s proposal to build up the Iron Dome missile defense as US states go broke and Americans have their cost of living going higher,” said James Morris in an interview with Press TV Wednesday.

    “It’s just outrageous,” he added.

    Morris made the remarks as Israel has been conducting a deadly offensive against the residents of the Gaza Strip in past two weeks, killing more than 650 Palestinians and injuring over 4,200 others. The UN says most of the victims are civilians.

    The Israelis say the death toll from their side has reached 33 people including 30 soldiers.

    Morris who is also the editor of went on to add that the influence of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) on the US Congress “is to the detriment of” the United States.

    He added that the American support for Israel “basically caused Americans to get killed.”

    Morris also criticized the international community’s inaction with regard to “Israeli war crimes” and “genocide” in the Gaza Strip.

    “You have over six hundred Palestinians killed and thousands more wounded and the world just looks on and does nothing.”

    The US has either jointly developed or financed three Israeli missile systems of Iron Dome (short-range missile interceptor), David’s Sling (medium range) and the Arrow (long range).