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Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

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ALL Patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions



Sunday   July 20, 2014


Putin Assassination Attempt Foiled

U.S. NSA Media Lies Totally Exposed

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert
















UNITED States of America   -  It can now be reported that the psyops, both financial and military, occurring in the Middle East and the nation of Ukraine are being directed by the rogue U.S. NSA NAZI-Zionist Paperclip junta that currently occupies the United States, control the media and are calling the shots.

Note:  The junta's time is now limited as resistance to occupation on American soil is ready to strike back.

The junta, which describe themselves as a council of emergency, is headed by former NAZI NSA Chieftain Michael Hayden, former Vice pResident Richard Cheney (Cheney directed the year 2000 president election coupd'état and the 9/11 black op attack on the United States), former First Lady and New York U.S. Senator and former U.S. Secretary of State, NAZI neo-con Hillary Rodham Clinton, current financial terrorist (along with Michael Hayden tied to the illegal U.S. NSA crooked bank financed coup against the then duly elected pro Russian government of the Ukraine) George Soros.

Note:  Current corrupt U.S. Attorney General, worldwide bank stooge and former Marc Rich defense attorney Eric Holder is now in charge of the NSA.

The top tier of the ruling junta includes former U.S. President George Herbert Walker Bush, his wife and 5th degree witch, Barbara Bush aka the bookkeeper, and former Florida Governor, year 2000 election stealer and nation wrecking, Constitution shredding enabler, neo-NAZI Jeb Bush.

Former year 2000 illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD is now out of the inner circle and reduced to drawing pornographic pictures and spending a great deal of time with his gay lovers Victor Ashe and body builder Jeff Gannon.

At this hour alleged President, Marxist and Fabian socialist Barack Hussein Obama remains a puppet aka a department store mannequin taking orders directly from the aforementioned U.S. NAZI NSA banking junta.


We can now divulge that the psyops that began in the nation of Iraq tied to the "crisis actors" aka the British Petroleum (BP)-JPMorgan financed ISIS have been fingered by former NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden as U.S. NSA, British Intelligence and Israeli Mossad assets.

Item: Alleged ISIS leader Al-Baghdadi has been outed by Snowden as working for both U.S., British and Israeli intelligence.



Al-Baghdadi mugshot from his days as a U.S. detainee (2005-2009)

NSA Doc Reveals ISIS Leader Al-Baghdadi is

U.S., British and Israeli Intelligence Asset


It is important to remember that the psyops in Iraq were originally triggered by a massive liquidity crisis in China tied to bad bank loans and Citibank crude oil derivatives that had gone ass backwards in turn triggering the liquidity crisis and exposing JPMorgan as a counter party to the insurance that JPMorgan had sold to China on their own debt.

Reference: JPMorgan Chase and their affiliate Morgan Stanley had actually loaned the money to China to buy their own insurance.

The Federal Reserve has aided and abetted this ponzi scheme by allowing banks to write illegal cross-collateralized derivatives on the U.S. bond market in an attempt to create alleged liquidity by rigging interest rates.

As the Chinese liquidity crisis spread it began to affect not only the Federal Reserve but the European Central Bank (ECB) as derivative ratios began to escalate and go hybrid financial terrorist George Soros, along with the aforementioned Michael Hayden, stated a coup in the Ukraine removing the duly elected Ukrainian President who had refused to allow this criminal banking cabal to park their off balance sheet derivatives in the Ukrainian banks.

Soros' scheme remains the same trying to use Ukrainian banks to attack the Russian ruble and collapse the Russian stock market and bankrupt the Gazprombank in order the pay the insurance premiums for JPMorgan on the Chinese debt insurance.

Once again the Queen of England, which is JPMorgan, is up to her neck in financial corruption.

P.S.  We can now reveal that the Kiev air traffic controller, a Spanish citizen, was taken off duty after he told Ukrainian government officials that it was the Ukrainian military that was responsible for the take down of Malaysian flight MH-17.

We can also divulge that Russian Federation President Vladimir Putin's flight from Brazil to Moscow actually intersected in the same air space of Malaysian flight MH-17.  According to reconnaissance data and evidence supplied to the U.S. Military by the Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force the Ukrainian military was actually attempting to take down Putin's plane and instead took down Malaysian flight MH-17.

It is important to note that the armed militia pro Russian forces operating in Eastern Ukraine do not have the BUK missile systems, which are capable of taking down aircraft flying at altitudes up to 25 kilometers aka 82,000 feet.

Note:  As reported earlier the NAZI U.S.-controlled Ukraine government actually received BUK missile systems three days prior lethal air show over the Ukraine (from the Israeli government of Benjamin Netanyahu).


NAZI Paperclip NSA-Israeli Mossad Adamus Group Fingered Again



In closing, I want to apologize to both Ambassador Leo Wanta and VeteransToday Gordon Duff for calling them bagmen for German banks.  However, this is a direct message to Ambassador to Leo Wanta:

It is time that U.S. Chief Justice John Roberts does his job and gets the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocols totally implemented.  The IMF is ready.

Suggestion:  Don't you think it is also time, Mr. Ambassador, that the worldwide financial settlements be removed from this global crooked bank derivative carousel so the world can turn the corner with solvency, legitimacy and proper accounting techniques.

Accordingly, Mr. Ambassador, I think you and your colleagues should stop Hillary Clinton and her bagman John Podesta from attacking Gazprombank and Gazprom itself, which you, along with Rouse Oil, have 50% ownership in.

Finally, a history lesson.

As we approach the 100th anniversary of the start of WWI, which began with the assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of Austria-Hungary by a British Intelligence agent (British Intelligence had issued a secret memo in 1913 that the nation of Germany had become a major threat with its new navy to worldwide British trade and commerce), one should be careful knowing that psyops are nothing new in the game of world politics and nation states.

WWI led to a massive slaughter of human beings reference the Battle of the Somme and the legendary French victory at Verdun.

If WWIII is triggered over the nation of Ukraine, which has been for over 1,000 years in the Russian orbit, by neocon NAZIS in charge of the United States one can only hope that the U.S. Military steps in and puts and end to this filth before they start a nightmare scenario which will engulf all mankind.

The 2nd American Revolution commences in the 21st century.

As we live free or die, Lafayette remains at Brandywine and Albert Gore Jr. remains the year 2000 DULY ELECTED, non-inaugurated, natural born REAL President of the United States.





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