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  • Jul 17, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    Members of Conservative Caucus Read From Boehner’s Talking Points, Declare “I Disagree” With Impeachment

    July 16, 2014 • 9:15AM

    Following the eruption of debate last week sparked by Sarah Palin’s editorials and John Boehner’s multiple ‘disagreements’, the pressure for Obama’s impeachment continues to become increasingly hot in Washington DC, forcing members of Congress to publicly display their true intentions for the American people to see…

    Following the eruption of debate last week sparked by Sarah Palin’s editorials and John Boehner’s multiple ‘disagreements’, the pressure for Obama’s impeachment continues to become increasingly hot in Washington DC, forcing members of Congress to publicly display their true intentions for the American people to see.

    At a packed press conference titled “Conversations With Conservatives” on Tuesday on Capitol Hill, when asked by LaRouche PAC representative Matthew Ogden where they stood on the ever-increasing demands for Obama’s impeachment, a half-dozen reputedly maverick Republican members of Congress all responded by essentially quoting directly from John Boehner’s talking points, declaring “I disagree.” Their ‘disagreements’ came in a number of different flavors, from practicality to political expedience, but despite their reputation as party mavericks, each ultimately ended up deferring to the strategy which has been dictated by the party leadership. Rep. Jim Jordan from Ohio even went so far as to say that he believes that Boehner’s lawsuit against Obama is “right on target”. And Rep. Raul Labrador (Idaho), who just completed a campaign ostensibly against the Boehner faction to replace Eric Cantor as House Majority Leader, virtually echoed Boehner’s statements from his press conferences last week and stated “I don’t think it’s gotten to the level of impeachable offenses yet,” going on to claim that the American people do not believe that Obama should be impeached — even though a poll just published this week reports that 35% of all Americans and 68% of Republicans are indeed in favor of impeachment!

    The anomaly among those Congressman who spoke came from Rep. Weber (TX), the last member to speak, who asserted strongly, “The President deserves to be impeached! Plain and simple.” However, even after stating this conviction repeatedly, Weber joined his colleagues to say that while he believes that Obama “definitely deserves” to be impeached, “I don’t think it’s practical that we impeach him right now.”

    The room was packed with major media from around the country who were intent on the responses from the Congressman on impeachment, with widespread press coverage of the exchange appearing as soon as the event was over.