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Punish All Who Abuse Power.

J.B. Campbell

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June 22, 2014

Recent history has shown that America is a presidential dictatorship, abetted by a cowardly Congress and graced by a corrupt Supreme Court.  It has masqueraded as a democracy and as a republic and as a nation guided by “the rule of law.”  But the law is only for us, the people, to obey and be controlled.  The lawmakers and law enforcers make and enforce the law on the orders of our deadly enemies.  The law is a weapon in the hands of our enemies.  We are actually under the law of the gun.


There are two political philosophies in America.  One philosophy is that government is necessary and as such deserves to be voted on and validated periodically.  This philosophy includes the idea that government is a necessary evil and needs to be tamed by electing “good new people” to keep it under control due to the naturally corrupting nature of government.  But as we all can see, with untold trillions of dollars of government debt to the private Federal Reserve, Communist China and others, the government is out of control and has been for a hundred years.  The government lies us into war after war and has slaughtered millions of people just in the last twenty years and produced a million US casualties out of two and a half million troops who were in the two Moslem wars.  The government has lied us into a fraudulent version of socialist medicine which has already caused millions to lose their hard-earned health insurance policies with nothing to replace them.  This new attempt at socialist medicine was planned to be run by the IRS, which can’t even run itself without committing major crimes.  All of this and much more were made possible by a hundred years of voting.  I say one hundred years because that is exactly how long it’s been since our elected representatives voted to make the Federal Reserve Act into “law.”  This criminal act immediately led to a century of ghastly war that is ongoing.


At last count, there were about 150 million registered voters.  About 127 million of them voted in the 2012 election.  There are about 207 million Americans who are eligible to vote and of them about 80 million did not vote in that election.  Many of the voters vote out of habit or resignation with the excuse that the lesser of two evils would be better to have power over us than the greater of two evils.  Once in office, however, the lesser of two evils always becomes the great evil.


The other philosophy is that the government is our main and most dangerous enemy and must not be supported in any way, especially by voting.  Those 80 million non-voters make up our base, whatever the actual reasons they did not vote may be.   At least they didn’t contribute to the corruption by voting.


A non-voting political party dedicated to the shutting down of the suicidal and catastrophic federal system would give Americans an actual means to unlatch the homicidal parasites from our veins and bank accounts.  All government is life-destroying cancer but nothing compares with the US federal government for fraud, theft, waste, spying and mass murder.  A non-voting party would formalize the idea that federalism must be outlawed.  The issue would become Government or No Government, one or the other, because we can easily see where constitutional government has put us.  The new party wouldn't put people in federal office because we want to do away with the federal government and you can't do that as a part of government.


The political climate in America is ripe for radical change.  The Neo-Cons who took control of the Bush and Obama administrations have brought only chaos and hardship to America and mass death and misery to the peoples of the world.  The Neo-Cons have plotted to rule the world for decades but once in power demonstrated only ineptitude and failure at everything other than destruction.


The American Defense Party would replace the Constitution with Articles of Confederation – a modern version of the original.  There would be no central government to enforce the private central bank, both of which would be abolished forever.  The one legitimate function of the remaining Treasury Department – appropriated by the Confederation – would be to create and distribute debt-free currency (Kennedy’s 1963 US Note).  That would be one of the first principles of the party platform.


The party would eliminate the web of control used by the central federal government to destroy us and others through relentless totalitarian laws, regulations and executive orders.  The warlords of Washington must be put out of business permanently.  The war industry and all its satellites would be outlawed by the Confederation.  The Confederation itself would be a voluntary one – any states not wishing to join would be free not to.


Why have a party if there's no one to vote for?  For a sense of identity and camaraderie and communications and organization and a common declaration and agreement of purpose.  And for organized defense against aggression.  Party members would be supported and defended by fellow members if attacked.  A position on subversion and treachery can be given once our traditional enemies inevitably react the way they always do.


The party would face a lot of danger and violence.  That in itself would justify its existence and its advertised purpose of self-defense.


The party would stand for everything that's healthy and against all the brutality and corruption in government.  America lost all its good jobs because of the federal government.  So if someone were to say, "But what will we do without a federal government?" the answer would be, "We'll prosper."  We have lost our basic right to privacy to the federal government and that right there is reason enough to abolish it forever.  No central government was the whole idea behind the American Revolution.  The central government has announced its plans to arrest us and assassinate us, to trap us in a non-functioning socialist medical system that would only destroy our health, run by the most notorious financial terrorists in US history, the IRS, and I don't need to go on.  So, no, we don't need a central government and probably can't survive much longer with the one we have.  It must be dismantled and prohibited forever.  This can be done by a strong, well-armed political party when its numbers approach those of the militia movement of the 1990s.


The party would be very militant; it would have to be to survive.  When it gets to the size, say, of the militia movement of the '90s, it would be strong enough to overthrow the federal government, which was never the declared goal of the militia.  A militant political party that large wouldn't really need violence - it could issue an ultimatum.  But there would be violence along the way to this massive size, and the violence would attract tough people to the party.


The party would be concerned with national defense against treason and be against all military aggression, sabotage and espionage, which would mean the end of the deadly, tax-supported military industry.  Everything the federal government does would end, such as foreign aid, protecting Monsanto and the deadly AMA.  Everything, because one thing the federal government doesn't do now is supply our currency, the only thing it should be doing.


A question was asked, “How could this be achieved?”  I answered, “Probably in the way I started the militia movement in the late '80s, with provocative radio (and television) interviews.  Back then, life was still pretty good in America but I managed to persuade millions to consider themselves part of that new and totally unexpected movement.  Today, the average citizen is not successful and is much more likely to support a movement and a party that would lead to reindustrialization (jobs) and non-aggression.”


Today, twenty-four years later, America is in critical condition, on the verge of martial law, government food supplements being reduced, Neo-Cons manipulating the military to attack more friendly countries...  This must not happen.


The decent people in the military need an identity, more than just "the resistance."  Millions of civilians need the same thing.  People doing something good but dangerous need to see themselves as parts of a legitimate political force.  That force requires able representatives to speak for it at first.   At the present time, few Americans have demonstrated the will to lead such a party due to the sense of fear and hopelessness in this country.  We must develop the ability to strengthen people rather than frighten them and be able to deal with the lies and dirty tactics of the Zionists, who are the most dangerous, murderous liars in human history.


This idea needs backing, as all political movements do to get going.  This will be very effective if it has strong initial support.  America is ready for this.  The Neo-Cons are doing everything they can to wreck all diplomacy and get the military to attack several more countries. 


This would be the first urgent reason given for starting the American Defense Party – to prevent nuclear war against friendly people by persuading the military to refuse to participate in more military aggression.  Military aggression is already a criminal matter here, so who could reasonably object?  No one, but the Zionists will of course object and this will create great controversy and growth of this new party, since there's already an anti-war revolt in the ranks.  A party would legitimize the revolt.


This needs people with experience who can speak plainly and persuasively, who aren't afraid of the Zionists and their agents.  It also needs financial support at first and the ability to spread the idea quickly, since the time is now to do this.  It's obviously in the interest of many countries to promote a peace-oriented political movement in America, one that would prohibit any further US aggression against others and which would convert America into a good neighbor for the first time in history.   We have begun soliciting the support of several countries which are opposed to the malevolent American empire.  The original American revolutionaries would never have beaten the British without the generous support of France, which we must always keep in mind.


A primary activity of the American Defense Party would be to encourage US military personnel to join the resistance movement against the totalitarians who control the US government.  This is a bold and aggressive tactic, but it reflects the prevailing anti-war attitudes in the military.  It will also blunt the threat we face of the US military being used against the people when martial law is declared by our president-dictator, who brags that he is “really good at killing people.”


The resistance movement needs its own identity, a political party that seeks no power over the people – but the total power of self-defense over the totalitarians.  This would be the first expression of the original revolutionary spirit that led to independence from England in the 18th Century.


The ultimate goal of the American Defense Party would be the overthrow of the federal government.   With the termination of the federal monster, we would see the end of thousands of destructive departments, agencies and policies and practices that have bankrupted us, both financially and morally.  Some notable changes would include:


Outlaw the vaccinations of children;


Mass education on alternative medicine and preventive health practices, prohibition of poisoning the population through fluoridation of water supplies;


An end to genetically modified plants and animals, an end to fraudulent, subsidized ethanol fuel;


An end to weather modification (chemtrails, HAARP, etc.);


Bring all military personnel home and shut down all overseas bases, destroy all weapons of mass destruction and demobilize regular military personnel (no peacetime standing military);


The United Nations would be evicted from the USA and delegitimized.  America would withdraw from all international obligations;


An end to all foreign aid and military assistance, all of which has profited Wall Street;


An end to military aggression and “intelligence” (sabotage) activities e.g., Stuxnet;


An end to federal regulations and taxes and socialist medicine;


Gun control classified as treason, the right to bear arms not to be infringed;


Nuclear power prohibited, nuclear reactors decommissioned and decontaminated;


Reindustrialize America and recreate good-paying jobs;


No restrictions on travel;


An end to the lucrative wars on drugs, terror, firearms, poverty and natural health.


The United States government has shown itself to be the deadly enemy of mankind.  Our presidential dictators, obeying their banker-bosses, have caused us to lurch from world war to depression to perpetual war with most of the world, to the great profit of the banks and the war-based corporations, which has resulted in the destruction of our savings, our money system and our way of life.  Events have shown that there is no systemic, lawful method to slow down this illicit activity, let alone end it.  The only way to do this, to end it forever, is with a determined anti-federal political party that seeks no power over the people but total power over the totalitarians.


The first positive step taken by the party will be to incorporate into it members of the armed forces who will uphold their oaths to protect the people from domestic enemies, some of which are in the armed forces.  Civilian and military party members will join to eliminate members of secret societies who have infiltrated and subverted the federal government and influenced it toward totalitarianism and theocracy, as we plainly see in the military academies and in the creation of the department of homeland security, which was created by Israel and remains under Zionist control.  We see this subversion in many American police departments which take training in Israel and others that allow Israelis to set department policies and procedures, making their sadistic treatment of Palestinians the model for American police to emulate.


This first positive step of the American Defense Party will be intended to stop all military aggression and intelligence sabotage of foreign governments. 


Membership in the party will require nothing beyond a natural antipathy to the abuse of power and a complete break with the pro-government party, whatever his/her previous associations or employment.  We will be coming to the party from all different directions and past histories.  We must simply share a dedication to national liberation from the merciless federal government and from the secret societies that control it.


The slogan of the American Defense Party might be, “Punish All Who Abuse Power.”  This would include would-be empire builders who might see the party itself as a way to personal power.  Membership can be anything from formal to open to merely sympathetic.  Actual members will be expected but not compelled to participate in anti-federal operations and all members will be expected to lend support in whatever ways he or she is able.


All members will be expected to protect the party from enemies, namely police/federal agents, informants, provocateurs and spies.  These will be the most dangerous people we have to deal with, besides the paid liars in the prostitute media, all of whom will combine to destroy the party in league with our main target, the federal government.  Treachery and treason are capital crimes and will be punished harshly.


The federal government is based on the US Constitution, which is a seven-part program for operating that government.  It has, contrary to popular mythology, never been our friend.  It was from the start so draconian that the people had to be protected from it with the Bill of Rights.  The Constitution gave us the president, two houses of Congress and the Supreme Court.  The countless deadly departments and agencies that have sprouted like poisonous mushrooms are authorized by the Constitution, were created mostly by the Congress and found to be “constitutional” by the Supreme Court.  Now we are confronted with numerous threats to us known as “executive orders,” which are completely illegal but nevertheless found to be constitutional by the Supreme Court.  This leaves us nowhere and completely unprotected by our supposed protectors.  It is on us and our party of self-defense to protect ourselves.


The American Defense Party is based on just that:  defense.  Once we know that we are under attack, with, say, the Patriot Act or the Military Commissions Act or the NDAA or the Patient Affordable Care Act, then we are by definition on the defensive.  When you are on the defensive, in fear of your life or safety, anything goes.  This is why the name of the War Department was changed to the Defense Department.  It was a deception to justify aggression – in the name of defense – because America back then had no enemies who could threaten America.  The only time the 48 actual states were ever attacked by foreigners was by Pancho Villa’s raiders at Columbus, New Mexico in 1916, until Israel and its American helpers attacked the World Trade Center and Pentagon in 2001.


But in our case, defense means self-defense on all levels of American life.  We are under deadly attack by federal forces, mainly the NSA, FBI, ATF, DEA, TSA and CIA, among many other secret police agencies.  In fact, there are seventy-three federal agencies that have militarized SWAT teams with the license to kill us.


It’s time for the American Defense Party to lead the defense of whatever we have left to defend.