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China publishes 146-page book on US mass surveillance

The Voice of RussiaJune

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June 21, 2014

China on Friday published a book exposing the United States' surveillance activities over China and other countries across the world.

The book, "How is the United States surveilling China?", includes a report titled "The United States' Global Surveillance Record" released in May as well as a series of analysis articles and commentaries by 18 experts.

The US has waged large-scale cyber attacks against China, with both Chinese leaders and the telecom firm Huawei as targets, the book said.

The cyber espionage and attacks have flagrantly breached international laws, infringed upon human rights and threatened global cyber security. They deserve to be rejected and condemned by the whole world, the 146-page book said.

The book was compiled by the Internet Media Research Center and published by the People's Publishing House.