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Kerry points at Hamas in Israel kidnappings that include teen with US citizenship

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June 16, 2014

Last August, John Kerry assured the world that Syria's President Assad had gassed his own Alawite supporters using sarin gas, virtually in front of the UN chemical weapons inspectors, on the very day they arrived in Syria.

 Then someone asked Kerry why Assad would do such a stupid thing, and Kerry went silent. Because motive was the missing piece that betrayed the whole lie. There was no reason for Assad to do something that provocative and insane, and eventually the rest of the claims made in August unraveled and were revealed as more war propaganda, not unlike the whopper about Saddam's nuclear weapons.

 John Kerry, proving that marrying a ketchup fortune doesn't necessarily make you any smarter, has made the same mistake again. Kerry is echoing Netanyahu's claim that Hamas kidnapped these three boys. But why would Hamas do such a stupid and provocative thing right now, when they are trying to win world recognition of the new Palestinian unity government.

 Netanyahu, on the other had, desperate to discredit and derail the new unity government, has plenty of motive for yet another Israeli false-flag attack, kidnapping the boys and blaming Hamas. And Israel's history of full of such dirty tricks, from the Lavon affair to the attack on the USS Liberty to 9-11 itself.

 To uncover when the government is lying to you, always look for what should be there and isn't. In the case of last August, what was missing was a motive for Assad to gas his own people. What is missing today is a motive for Hamas to carry out an act that will damage the public support it needs to move their unity government forward.

 Think, people, THINK! It makes the propagandists very nervous!

And would someone ask John Kerry how he feels about US citizens Rachel Corrie and Furkan Dogan who were openly murdered by Israel? ~Mike Rivero

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