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Secret Decoy NSA buildings

The Unhived Mind / Jim Stone

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  • Jun 13, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    By Jim Stone

    June 12 2014

    We will soon see a day when the NSA’s computer analyzes you, calls you, sets up an online affair or dating scheme, talks to you, “loves you” and then destroys you. That is what the future holds, and for this reason I am giving out the following information.

    The real location of the NSA data center in Utah is not at Camp Williams. The hollowing out of the cavern for the NSA data center was disguised as a gravel mining project run by Geneva Rock. The real data center is about a half mile into the point of the mountain. The tunnel going to it is miles long and deceptive, and even the workers there don’t really know exactly where it is because of the way the tunnel turns. The above ground buildings are decoys. SO, when a polite nation sends a ground penetrating nuke, don’t believe Camp Williams is all there is, instead bury the nuke as far into the point of the mountain as you can and hope for the best. And, they do use those buildings, just not for the hardcore stuff, so nuke those too. Just do ground penetrating megatons there as well, and launch it good.

    It is crucial to know that the NSA uses decoy buildings. The REAL OPERATION IS NEVER WHERE THE BUILDING IS, it is always far underground at the end of a long tunnel. The cars will be parked at the decoy building, and people either walk or shuttle into the real facility.

    Success will be gauged by whether or not the internet goes down. If it does, you nailed them. When this facility was getting the ground work laid for it in the late 1990′s, there was a lot of talk about how ALL internet in the world would eventually be run through a huge new fiber optic network and the rumor was that it all went behind Camp Williams. So due to this rumor, nuke that mountain behind Camp Williams as well. And as I said, success will be gauged by whether or not the entire internet goes down, EVERYTHING in the world was supposed to have a path through there one day, and now we know the reason why.

    I actually witnessed this gravel mining by Geneva Rock. They were only eating the Point of the Mountain a little to provide cover, but in the back, behind the gravel piles there was a conveyor running 24/7 coming out of the ground at a steep angle through a tunnel that went back into the point of the mountain. This conveyor fed at least a semi truck worth of material per minute for 10 years straight. There were always semi’s leaving with material, and the stop lights always stopped at least 2 per light, even when there were no major construction projects such as roads being built that would need it. I saw this a lot, from the late 90′s and when I was in the area again in 2008. This is not fluff. Simultaneously there were absolutely no semi’s taking material from anywhere near Camp Williams. So we all know a cavern had to be dug for this place, and Geneva Rock was the only operation that removed enough material. It was probably used as a front company for this.

    With the type of material removed there is no way it would have been stable enough to make a cavern, simultaneously with the removal of material there had to have been construction going on to support the roof and prevent cave ins. And we know something got built. 2+2.

    Even super crappy North Korea has 3 nukes. A lot of nations can put a stop to all of this.