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The Shattered Trust is the End of the USA

John Galt

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June 3, 2014

by JohnGalt

June 3, 2014 00:00 ET

In all honesty, admit the truth my friends and fellow followers of freedom:

Who can you trust in the United States of America now?

The President, Supreme Court, and both Houses of Congress have lost the trust of the American people and rightfully so. They are elected to enforce the laws, write the laws, and protect this nation within the bounds of the Constitution, yet they violate that trust an almost hourly basis with decisions, votes, and edicts far in excess of their granted power within the laws of the land. If anyone trusts these people, then one must ask themselves; if “I” do not trust them, how come few if any nations,be they ally or enemy trust their words, deeds, or actions as honest and trustworthy?

Of course as a result of the abuse of the people’s trust, the very regulators within the maze of bureaucracies created by the Federal Government now feel they can act with impunity, stealing people’s property, their rights as defined by the Bill of Rights within the Constitution, and ultimately their freedoms. Since their are no consequences, no enforcement of the Constitution nor the rule of law they are now telling people how to live their lives and those who do not fall in line with their beliefs are both persecuted then often prosecuted. The level of distrust extends from the head of the various cabinet level departments down to the janitors within those fiefdoms. Sadly, it the distrust now extends to the United States Post Office even where individuals put items in the mail unsure if they are being checked for value to be stolen or monitored for a National Security Agency or FBI premise to create an arrest. Yet most Americans just mutter their distrust and disgust and whine like an old Soviet citizen, doing nothing in the mean time to change our nation’s government.

Enough of the bitching and moaning about the Federal Government however; the state governments are far, far worse. The state and local police forces in many locales now believe they can behave with impunity against innocent civilians like throwing flash bang grenades into cribs of infants even thought the evidence used to justify a “no-knock” in violation of the 4th Amendment raid was dubious at best: