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Eric Odom

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May 29, 2014

People are always skeptical when the talk of martial law or military action against citizens pops up in the blogosphere. The discussion is elevated to a whole new level, though, when a major media outlet like the Washington Times publishes a terrifying report on a new directive that essentially empowers the President to use military force against citizens in times of unrest.

Which is exactly what the Washington Times did yesterday. The story surrounds Directive No. 3025.18 and should shake anyone who bothers paying attention right down to his/her core.

This is truly scary.

The troubling aspect of the directive outlines presidential authority for the use of military arms and forces, including unarmed drones, in operations against domestic unrest.

“This appears to be the latest step in the administration’s decision to use force within the United States against its citizens,” said a defense official opposed to the directive.

Directive No. 3025.18, “Defense Support of Civil Authorities,” was issued Dec. 29, 2010, and states that U.S. commanders “are provided emergency authority under this directive.”

“Federal military forces shall not be used to quell civil disturbances unless specifically authorized by the president in accordance with applicable law or permitted under emergency authority,” the directive states.

“In these circumstances, those federal military commanders have the authority, in extraordinary emergency circumstances where prior authorization by the president is impossible and duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation, to engage temporarily in activities that are necessary to quell large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances” under two conditions.

The conditions include military support needed “to prevent significant loss of life or wanton destruction of property and are necessary to restore governmental function and public order.” A second use is when federal, state and local authorities “are unable or decline to provide adequate protection for federal property or federal governmental functions.”

“Federal action, including the use of federal military forces, is authorized when necessary to protect the federal property or functions,” the directive states.

Military assistance can include loans of arms, ammunition, vessels and aircraft. The directive states clearly that it is for engaging civilians during times of unrest.

We’ve covered countless stories of the U.S. military arming local law enforcement with heavy armor vehicles. We’ve covered countless stories of training events that included the firing of live ammunition in heavily populated cities like Miami. But this new directive is a much different animal. It essentially moves the conversation away from terrorism and into the idea of civil unrest.

And by what definition of unrest does the government intend to use in initiating such military force?

Land of the free and home of the brave? Not so much anymore. Not so much at all.

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People are always skeptical when the talk of martial law or military action against citizens pops up in the blogosphere. The discussion is elevated to a whole new level, though, when a major media outlet like the Washington Times publishes a terrifying report on a new directive that essentially empowers the President to use military force against citizens in times of unrest.

Which is exactly what the Washington Times did yesterday. The story surrounds Directive No. 3025.18 and should shake anyone who bothers paying attention right down to his/her core.

This is truly scary.

The troubling aspect of the directive outlines presidential authority for the use of military arms and forces, including unarmed drones, in operations against domestic unrest.

“This appears to be the latest step in the administration’s decision to use force within the United States against its citizens,” said a defense official opposed to the directive.

Directive No. 3025.18, “Defense Support of Civil Authorities,” was issued Dec. 29, 2010, and states that U.S. commanders “are provided emergency authority under this directive.”

“Federal military forces shall not be used to quell civil disturbances unless specifically authorized by the president in accordance with applicable law or permitted under emergency authority,” the directive states.

“In these circumstances, those federal military commanders have the authority, in extraordinary emergency circumstances where prior authorization by the president is impossible and duly constituted local authorities are unable to control the situation, to engage temporarily in activities that are necessary to quell large-scale, unexpected civil disturbances” under two conditions.

The conditions include military support needed “to prevent significant loss of life or wanton destruction of property and are necessary to restore governmental function and public order.” A second use is when federal, state and local authorities “are unable or decline to provide adequate protection for federal property or federal governmental functions.”

“Federal action, including the use of federal military forces, is authorized when necessary to protect the federal property or functions,” the directive states.

Military assistance can include loans of arms, ammunition, vessels and aircraft. The directive states clearly that it is for engaging civilians during times of unrest.

We’ve covered countless stories of the U.S. military arming local law enforcement with heavy armor vehicles. We’ve covered countless stories of training events that included the firing of live ammunition in heavily populated cities like Miami. But this new directive is a much different animal. It essentially moves the conversation away from terrorism and into the idea of civil unrest.

And by what definition of unrest does the government intend to use in initiating such military force?

Land of the free and home of the brave? Not so much anymore. Not so much at all.

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