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Now China bashes U.S. over spying

Bob Unruh/WND

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May 27, 2014

Revelations about U.S. operations to listen in on phone conversations and spy on text messages and Internet data from around the globe already have brought a shocked reaction from Americans and Europeans alike.

Now the Chinese are sounding off about their aggravation at being found in the crosshairs of National Security Agency goals for obtaining information.

According to China’s People Daily news site, the repressive nation’s Internet Media Research Center released a report Monday saying the U.S. has taken advantage of its “political, military and technological hegemony to spy without restraint.”

The American operations have gone “far beyond the legal rationale of ‘anti-terrorism’ and have exposed the ugly face of its pursuit of self-interest in complete disregard for moral integrity,” it said.

The result is that the U.S. has, “flagrantly infringed international laws, seriously impinged on human rights and put global cyber security under threat,” the report said.

Among the subjects of the report was the program named PRISM, which was used by the NSA to spy, but which was revealed to the public by former agency contractor Edward Snowden before he fled to Russia.

The Chinese report said investigators confirmed snooping activities had targeted Chinese interests such as government operations and leaders, Chinese companies, researchers, and even ordinary cell-phone users.

Chinese spy ship

WND had reported months ago when Wired revealed that among the Chinese business targets for American spies was the communications technology firm Huawei.

It makes products that are being used around the globe for Internet traffic access, management and facilitation, and the U.S. has been concerned about the impact that could be created should Huawei be able to access back doors or other secret access channels to American information through the products it makes.

WND also reported about a year ago how Huawei allegedly was involved in an attempt to sell embargoed U.S. telecommunications technology to Iran.

Citing the details revealed in Joseph Farah’s G2 Bulletin, the report said an Iranian partner of Huawei, Soda Gostar Persian Vista, allegedly tried in 2011 to sell embargoed American antenna equipment to the Iranian firm, MTN Irancell, but the transaction never was completed.

Huawei at the time was under congressional scrutiny, along with another Chinese company, ZTE, for alleged espionage of U.S. telecommunications systems.

That wasn’t the first time these Chinese companies have been used as a conduit to obtain embargoed U.S. technology, according to sources.

ZTE allegedly had agreed to sell U.S. computer equipment worth millions of dollars to Telecommunication Co. of Iran, or TCI.

And the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence at one point released a 52-page report along with a classified annex raising concerns about Huawei and ZTE’s expansion into the U.S. market.

The concerns are that the companies with their Chinese government ties could spy and actually disrupt telecommunications systems that already incorporate Huawei and ZTE technology.

Despite efforts by the Chinese companies to dissuade the committee that it was not engaged in espionage, the House committee report said that “neither company was willing to provide sufficient evidence to ameliorate the committee’s concerns.”

That congressional statement followed revelations in WND from intelligence sources that the two Chinese companies had developed what was a covert capability to remotely access communications technology sold to the U.S. and other Western countries and could “disable a country’s telecommunications infrastructure before a military engagement.”

Reported then was that the companies, acting on behalf of the Chinese government, also had the ability to exploit networks “to enable China to continue to steal technology and trade secrets.”

The new People Daily report said, “The U.S. magazine Foreign Policy reported in June last year that an ‘Office of Tailored Access Operations,’ created in 1997, under the NSA had successfully penetrated Chinese computer and telecommunications systems.”

The Chinese report said even computer games and social networking were monitored.

There have been reports as early as 2008 about the dangers of Huawei’s technology influence.

In America, the NSA activities have prompted a number of lawsuits, including one handled by attorney Larry Klayman in which a judge ruled the spy operations were unconstitutional.

It was District Judge Richard Leon who enjoined the government from collecting data from hundreds of millions of Americans.

Klayman, a former Justice Department prosecutor, said it’s important for the sake of the American people and the plaintiffs to resolve the case as soon as possible.

“Even one day more of these Orwellian violations of our constitutional rights is too much, as this illegal surveillance is a means for the government to coerce and enslave the populace into submission to the rule of establishment politicians of both political parties,” he said.

“For any one who challenges the authority of this ruling class is subject to being destroyed with the government’s use of the most private of information. Thus, the stakes are high and we intend to win this battle for all Americans.”


