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Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert

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ALL Patriot Americans MUST know, with sources inside American/European intelligence agencies and INTERPOL reporting what is really going on behind the scenes of the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly propaganda U.S. media's massive deceptions



Sunday   May 18, 2014


NAZI Paperclip NSA Continues to Play God

by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert


UNITED States of America   - It can now be reported that the NAZI controlled U.S. NSA continues to launch HAARP, Tesla Scalar technology encrypted meteorological attacks across the world as they prepare to enslave ALL mankind with their New World Order (NWO).

P.S.  At this hour the American-French Alliance, including the highest levels of both U.S. and French Military have activated the sequential Biblical codes from the Book of Matthew that themselves are encrypted, which will be used to decapitate this evil and LIBERATE ALL MANKIND!

P.P.S.  Jesus Christ remains the Messiah and the Son of God.







May 14, 2014 --  US Air Force Admits in Defense Hearing to HAARP

5/16/2014 — Washington DC Tornado Warning issued for RADAR Pulsed Area from 3 days prior

5/12/2014 — MAJOR Hail Outbreak — Severe Weather across North, Midwest, and South United States

5/11/2014 — California Volcanic SURFACE Earthquake — Lassen Volcanic Complex — Lake Almanor

5/08/2014 — Earthquake in Central Los Angeles — “Quartz Ave.” — USGS fails to mention LA in its notice


 – An earthquake struck Central America today, which was the largest one down there in quite sometime. west coast readings days before then were red alert status.

Sometimes a red or pink alert brings about a side-effect. That side-effect is earthquakes. A magnitude 6.5 struck Central America this morning. Maps embedded indicated the long wave present over Southern California, on that side of the Pacific Plate.  Read more

hold cursor down and drag to Ring of Fire

note the large quantity of volcanoes and daily quakes


6.9 quake: 'We dodged a bullet,' Northern California official says

5.8 magnitude earthquake hits Alaska

5/06/2014 — California’s Clear Lake Volcanic complex / Geysers, California GEOTHERMAL 3.4M earthquake

5/07/2014 — West Coast Volcanic Earthquake Movement @ Dormant Volcanoes , Extinct Buttes, and old mines


5/08/2014 — Earthquake in Central Los Angeles — “Quartz Ave.” — USGS fails to mention LA in its notice

Tom Heneghan's Explosive Intelligence Briefings

March 20, 2011


Cyber Terror Led to Japanese Nuclear Meltdown


by Tom Heneghan


It can now be reported that the four nuclear reactors in Japan (one facing a meltdown) had their computer system hacked by a NSA computer virus, "Stuxnet", one month before the 9.1 earthquake and tsunami aka a meteorological "black op" hit the nation of Japan.


Note: Stuxnet is a U.S.-Israeli NSA computer virus that was developed to destabilize the nuclear program in the nation of Iran.


It directly attacks the coolant rods of a nuclear reactor.


Accordingly, this computer virus "Stuxnet" effectively disabled the fail-safe defense system of the Japanese nuclear reactors and was synchronized to take place at the time of the 9.1 quake.


We can also divulge that the 9.1 earthquake and tsunami that hit the nation of Japan was a meteorological terrorist attack launched against Japan by the out-of-control New World Order (NWO) elite who have decided that at least 25% of the world's population must be eliminated before the final financial meltdown collapses the world economy.


The technology used in these meteorological black ops are commonly known as HAARP and Tesla.


Note: HAARP and Tesla were WWII secret Nazi technology captured by both the U.S. and Soviet Union after WWII ended.

Security at Fukushima was set up by an Israeli firm

New cybervirus found in Japan / Stuxnet designed to attack off-line servers


Al Gore on “Restoring the Rule of Law"


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