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Pentagon devises plans to combat zombie apocalypse

The Unhived Mind

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  • May 16, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    15 May 2014, 16:55

    Pentagon devises plans to combat zombie apocalypse

    The US Defense Department has created a detailed scenario for a possible zombie invasion. The strategy, known as “CONPLAN 8888″ is not actually a joke, according to its disclaimer. It has been developed by Pentagon “to undertake military operations to preserve ‘non-zombie’ humans from the threats posed by zombie horde.”

    “This document is unclassified to ensure maximum utility during times of crisis. Classified capabilities used to counter zombies will be addressed in appropriate orders and annexes adapted during crisis action planning to adapt the actions in this plan to current operational conditions. <…> Because zombies pose a threat to all non-zombie human life, [Strategic Command] will be prepared to preserve the sanctity of human life and conduct operations in support of any human population – including traditional adversaries,” reads COMPLAN 8888, otherwise known as “Counter-Zombie Dominance”, dated April 30, 2011. “This plan was not actually designed as a joke,” claim the authors of the document.

    The strategy, obtained by Foreign Policy, also contains a careful description of the eight types of undead assailants the US military forces may face during the operation. “Space”, “weaponized” and “magic evil” zombies may pose a serious threat, while “vegetarian” zombies are less violent, eating plants rather than human brains, according to the Pentagon’s document.

    However, not being a joke, this document is in fact intended as an exercise in drawing up defensive strategies in the event of an attack of any kind.

    “The document is identified as a training tool used in an in-house training exercise where students learn about the basic concepts of military plans and order development through a fictional training scenario. This document is not a US Strategic Command plan,” explained Navy Capt. Pamela Kunze, a spokeswoman for Strategic Command, quoted by Foreign Policy.

    On the other hand a military training strategy based on a fictional scenario does not carry the risk of the “political fallout.”

    “Planners … realized that training examples for plans must accommodate the political fallout that occurs if the general public mistakenly believes that a fictional training scenario is actually a real plan,” wrote the authors of the plan. “Rather than risk such an outcome by teaching our augmentees using the fictional ‘Tunisia’ or ‘Nigeria’ scenarios used at [Joint Combined Warfighting School], we elected to use a completely-impossible scenario that could never be mistaken for a real plan.”

    Thus zombies in the plan represent a potential adversary of the US. Interestingly enough that the planners consider Eurasia as the main source of danger: they noted that “zombie infections” originate “in the Eurasian landmass.” What were they hinting at?

    theunhivedmind says:

    May 16, 2014 at 4:29 am

    The clue is in the film ‘The Crazies’ and it is about using covert weapons and aerosols vectored mixed with biological weapons over the skies (Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering). This will aid the implementation of electronic bracelet tracking devices to be merged with the new electronic economic system. They’ve been giving you clues in the predictive programming zombie movies for a while now that the events will be from biological warfare.

    -= The Unhived Mind