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Silly Keystone Pipeline Vote

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Today, the Keystone XL Pipeline seems like a sure thing.


According to Talk Radio News, "56 Senators have signed on to legislation to immediately approve the Keystone XL Pipeline, Sen. John Hoeven (R-N.D.) announced today."


In conclusion, "Hoeven says that he has all 45 Senate Republicans backing the bill, which is co-sponsored by Sen. Mary Landreiu, and that there are efforts underway to draw in more Democrats to provide a 60 plus majority needed to override a filibuster."


But let's take a look at what else is going on...


If you remember, I've explained before that the Democrats are the new fractured party because they cannot figure out their stance on energy. In the upcoming 2014 mid-term elections, energy policy is the Dems' Achilles' heel. Harry Reid is doing everything he can, including holding this vote, to try to smooth this over and maintain his Democrat majority in the Senate.


The Wall Street Journal's Reid's Keystone Caper explains Mr. Reid's vote perfectly. It says…

As he did a year ago as part of the Democratic budget, Mr. Reid wants to allow only a non-binding resolution. Whether the resolution comes as a stand-alone vote or as an amendment to broader energy efficiency legislation, it would have no force of law. President Obama could and would ignore it.

This disingenuous action does a few things. It lets Senators like Mary Landreiu of Louisiana and Mark Begich of Alaska (both face tough re-election campaigns) to appear to be supporters of the pipeline when they weren't.


Obama hates this "hidden" account...


It's tax-free. Pays up to 37 times more than bank accounts. And you DON'T NEED TO REPORT IT TO THE IRS. No wonder government doesn't want you to know about this secret account.


Click here for the full story...


It keeps campaign dollars coming from anti-Keystone donors like Tom Steyer because the Dems can explain that the vote doesn't do anything to really progress the pipeline.


So get ready America. If you want GDP to grow at more than .1%, we must collectively confront the lies and expose fake votes like this one. We have to point out what this is… a veneer of sound energy policy but no real action on the Keystone Pipeline.


Meanwhile, the big dollars can keep rolling in, the Democrat candidates get to look good… But our kids can't find jobs.


We need our lawmakers to vote for pro-growth legislation. In this case, the serious legislation was never there to be voted on.


Once again, thank you for sending me your e-mails. I can't respond individually, but do read and consider all of them. Send your question, comment, or complaint to


. . . How many are 'Paid Up? . . . – Randy


Bidwell comment: This is in response to "8 Million ACA Signups, Obama Claims Victory." According to The Wall Street Journal's GOP Says 67% Pay Health Premiums, "Around two-thirds of people who had picked insurance plans through paid their first month's premium by April 15, according to a report released Wednesday by Republican lawmakers using data from insurers."


We will continue to follow this one...


There's always a catch to these programs. Probably this: Institutions you can increase your prices, we'll loan them the money, make them feel worthless unless they have a degree. Just remember our terms. You must teach them our twisted agendas...


Bidwell comment: This is in response to yesterday's piece about loan forgiveness. As a rule of thumb, bad incentives yield negative outcomes... You and I know that.


It seems interest rates will have to rise so that there is a substantial cost to borrowing money. The Fed seems intent on continuing to wind down bond purchases and interest rates could start to rise late next year.

With higher interest rates, a real cost for borrowing money should exist. But we'll see how it all plays out.