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Benjamin Fulford

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April 28, 2014

Barack Obama, spokesperson for the United States of America Corporation, tried and failed to cash some forged “Kennedy bonds” during his trip to Asia last week, according to Japanese royal family sources. The bonds can be seen here: kennedy bonds-1

If you note, one of the bonds has a picture of the space shuttle on it. It does not take a historical genius to realize there were no space shuttles in existence while Kennedy was alive. The bonds were manufactured using paper from $20 US bills that had all the ink washed off them, according to MI5 sources. Nonetheless, Bill Clinton had previously succeeded in cashing some of these bonds. Not so for Obama this time.

However, Obama was able to extort some pocket change thanks to acts of terror such as the sinking of the South Korean ferry and the electronic hijacking of Malaysia Air flight 370, according to Japanese military intelligence. There are also renewed threats to use weather and earthquake weaponry unless the US corporate government was given more money, the sources said.

This was how a US agency source, who predicted recent terror attacks against Asia in advance, described Chinese reaction: “The Chinese blue army (computer geeks) now have all the banking codes, nuclear launch codes etc. One button and the entire financial system ceases. This means Russia and 9 other nations have these codes as well; it could get interesting.”

Also, there was a meeting last week between a White Dragon Society representative and representatives of a major Asian secret society. The previous head of this society has deceased and a new boss has taken over, the WDS was told. At the meeting the Asian society representatives proposed a joint WDS/Asian society move to make an alliance with the Hollywood/California faction of the US Oligarchy. This is now in the works but do not expect any immediate results. It will manifest itself in the form of major movies etc. starting a year or so from now.

At the meeting, the WDS also strongly suggested that the Asians ally with the BRICS nations and the Europeans ASAP to offer to trade all US dollars held outside of the United States for a new currency.

This offer was taken under consideration. The Asian representatives also said that already all US dollars made before 1990 have been black-listed as part of a move to cut off cabal underground money.

Foreign exchange tellers Tokyo Mitsubishi UFJ Bank confirmed this. Bills with a date from before 1990 are mostly CIA forgeries, the sources said.

There were also lots of long emergency meetings in Washington last week involving IMF head Christine Lagarde and US Treasury Secretary Jack Lew about Russian insistence on being paid in Euros for oil but these meetings were not able to resolve anything, according to pentagon sources.

Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested that the way to end the financial crisis would be to kill all members of the Rothschild family, according to CIA sources. That is why the Rothschilds are now either in hiding or long missing as is the case with Nathaniel Rothschild.

It is unlikely, however, that killing the Rothschilds will solve the financial crisis. The Rothschilds are merely high level middle-men. The problem is clearly centered now on Washington D.C. and the Federal Reserve Boards’ United States of America corporate subsidiary. The Feds are still stubbornly using mercenary armies to try to start world war 3 in the Ukraine. Fortunately, the European governments are not going along with this scheme. Neither is the pentagon. Even the Israelis have distanced themselves from the ongoing operation in the Ukraine.

What we are dealing with is the Nazi faction of the CIA headed by the Bushes, the Rockefellers, the Clintons, George Soros and their buddies. Obama is their spokesperson. He is also the person who forensic evidence shows is blocking all attempts to start up a new financial system.

It is true that the pentagon white hats support Obama because, in their words: “he prevented World War 3 from starting in Syria.” However, the agency white hats need to realize they were given a false choice in the last election between Mitt Romney and world war 3 or Obama and no change.

There is a third option and that is to march into Washington, arrest all the criminals, and set up an interim government headed by the joint chiefs of staff to preside over the restoration of the Republic of the United States of America with an up-dated constitution. A new election process could then be put into place to ensure that money is never again allowed to hijack the political system. As a recent opinion poll revealed, only 4% of Americans think replacing everybody in Congress is a bad idea.

If the US regime clings to Obama and the status quo, the ongoing slow economic strangulation of the United States will continue until there is revolution and chaos. This is a mathematical certainty. It can only be prevented by an orderly transition.

Outside of the United States, the isolation of the cabal rogue regime in Washington is now impossible to ignore or deny. Last week’s example of this was that, while Obama was touring Asia to promote a policy of surrounding China with hostile states, China was holding joint military exercises with eight neighbouring countries including India, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan and Singapore.

China, ASEAN and India also came to an agreement last week to solve all remaining territorial disputes over Islands etc. in a peaceful manner.

So much for the big US regime’s plan to stir up island troubles in order to isolate China.

The entire planet is sick and tired of the cabal mindset of starting wars, stealing resources, spreading disease, constantly lying and generally making life miserable for everybody.

Here is an example of how deep the cabal wormhole goes. For a long time, several different people have been e-mailing me information that Michelle Obama was born as Michael Ramsey. Ramsey, they say, played for the Oregon State Beavers from 1981 to 1983. The number on his shirt was 44.

Later, he changed sexes and became Michelle Ramsey who went on to marry Barack Obama and adopt two children with him. Obama went on to become the 44th president. The photo of Michelle as Michael could be a Photoshop smear job but, even if it is so, somebody in the agencies is pushing very hard for this story to get out. They are also putting out the story that Barack and Michelle are going to get a divorce.

Whatever the case may be, this is yet another sign there are some seriously dysfunctional things going on within the military industrial complex.

The Asians and the rest of the world are willing to finance the US military industrial complex through a transition to world peace. They understand that feeding and taming a wild dog is a far better strategy than fighting against one.

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