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Harry Reid’s BLM’s Next Victim: Red River Land Grab Happening Now, First Bundy Ranch Now This!

Josey Wales

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April 23, 2014

RED RIVER RUMBLE? BLM Wants to Seize 90,000 Acres of Texas Ranchers’ Land!

Looks like Harry Reid’s BLM is getting ready for a really big land grab. The next target appears to be 90,000 of acres of Texas Ranchers’ Land near Red River.  

This amounts to about 116 miles of land near the Texas-Oklahoma border. On this Red River land grab, the Texas Ranchers have a deeed and have paid taxes on for over a hundred years. But of course, that doesn’t matter to the BLM thugs.

Byers, Texas along the Red River — The BLM stole 140 acres of the Tommy Henderson ranch thirty years ago. They took his land and paid him absolutely nothing. He sued and lost. Now the BLM is using that court case as precedent to do it again. The problem is, the land they want to seize is property that ranchers have a deed for and have paid taxes on for over a hundred years.

This is U.N. Agenda 21 sustainable development rules being implemented on American soil. This program has been coming for years, yet most people know nothing about what the new world order rules mean to them personally. Now Americans are going to experience Agenda 21 sustainable development first had. BLM is on a mission, if the American people become divided on this issue, private property rights will be all but null and void.

The BLM claims that about 90,000 acres (116 miles along the Red River) have never belonged to Texas in the first place. They will seize the land and it will seriously change the boundaries between the two states.

Since 1803 when the Louisiana Purchase was completed, there has been a controversy over the boundary between Oklahoma and Texas. The boundary is supposed to be the vegetation line on the south side of the Red River. But the River has moved over time. The problem is the definition of that boundary line- Oklahoma and Texas each use different semantics to define it. And the BLM is finding ways to use the disputed words to give them the ability to seize the land.