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21st anniversary of the Waco Massacre


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April 19, 2014

21st anniversary of the Waco Massacre

New evidence of how the U.S. military was involved



Today marks the 21st anniversary of the end of the "Waco Massacre" between state and federal agents and David Koresh’s Branch Davidian community near Waco, Texas


A 2-DVD set is offered as a memorial to the lives lost at Waco in the spring of 1993. These films represent the massive failure of federal gun-control law enforcement that resulted in almost 100 casualties. Award-winning "Waco: A New Revelation" forced the Clinton administration to conduct an $11-million Special Counsel investigation to review the actions of the FBI at Waco. "The FLIR Project" reviewed the erroneous findings of the Special Counsel's Office in its attempt to bury the truth of the Waco tragedy.


"Waco: A New Revelation" is the film that triggered a new congressional investigation of the Waco tragedy and caused the Justice Department and the FBI to reverse their long-held positions on what happened. It has generated a firestorm of events unprecedented in the history of documentary filmmaking.


This compelling feature-length documentary presents new revelations about the events that led up to the deaths of 79 men, women and children at Mount Carmel on April 19, 1993. Since 1993, former members of the FBI, former Special Forces and CIA operatives have come forward with new evidence to suggest that the FBI’s claim is inaccurate.


In the spring of 1998, under the Freedom of Information Act, investigators from MGA Studio’s film division became the first private citizens to gain access to the Waco investigation evidence lockers. What they found was shocking. Upon examination, the evidence gathered under the supervision of federal officials appeared to contradict the FBI’s congressional testimony, raising serious and disturbing questions about events surrounding the siege at Mt. Carmel and the deaths of the Davidians.


"The F.L.I.R. Project" focuses on the final dark question of the Waco tragedy: Did the FBI fire upon the Branch Davidians as they attempted to escape the burning building?


The film examines the Danforth re-creation at Ft. Hood, Texas, on March 19, 2000. The test seems to be rigged to produce the desired government outcome. Lots of scientific evidence is presented in rapid-fire fashion. So, did the FBI fire on the Davidians? Watch the film and you decide.


Responsible for researching and producing a trilogy of documentaries about the Waco siege, the 1993 government raid on the Branch Davidians that ended months later in a gun battle and fatal firestorm, my investigation and unraveling of the tragedy has been an eight-year work in progress.


Watch a preview of the film here.




After completing the first film, "Waco: The Rules of Engagement," in the late fall of 1996 there were still many unanswered questions. Just a few included:





•  What caused the shoot-out to start on Feb. 28?

•  What was the incident that initiated the gun battle on the April 19?

•  What caused the explosion on the roof of the concrete bunker, 12 minutes into the fire?

•  What did we find on the four visits to the Austin Evidence Locker?

•  What can be seen on the 28 video tapes made by the Texas Rangers on April 19?

•  What were the functions of the three different types of pyrotechnic devices recovered in the Mt. Carmel rubble by the Rangers?

•  How was the famous "Delta Force" military unit involved in the end-game?

•  What were the roles of Webster Hubbell, Vincent Foster and Hillary Clinton in the final hours of the Branch Davidians?

•  What did the CIA know about the Waco tragedy, before the final showdown in April?

    •  Who were those men at the back of the building, firing automatic weapons into the last, remaining exterior doors in the building as the fire raged on?



These are just a few of the questions answered in the second film, "Waco: A New Revelation."


The ultimate, or "darkest" issue of the entire episode lies in former Sen. Jack Danforth’s attempt to provide a definitive answer to the question, Did the FBI fire on the Branch Davidians as they attempted to flee the burning building? Was Danforth right when he stated that he was 100 percent certain that the FBI did not fire on the Davidians?


This question and several other significant issues revolving around the flashes of light on the FBI’s Forward Looking Infrared video of April 19, 1993, are answered in the last of the Waco trilogy, "The F.L.I.R. Project," where you can see how the Danforth Waco "recreation" was not just flawed, but actually rigged to provide answers that would support the government’s explanation of endgame events on April 19.


If you haven’t seen the "F.L.I.R. Project," you don’t know about:





•  The effect of changing the weapons and ammunition to be tested.

•  That glass and metal rubble can’t produce an image like gun fire flashes.

•  The effect that dust has on the size, shape and duration of a gun muzzle flash.

•  The effect of chemically treated military uniforms on the ability of a F.L.I.R. device to detect a man.

•  The attitude of FBI personnel towards the Davidians by the end of the siege, and many more issues revealed in the final installment.

    •  How the Danforth team watered down the test area, altering the test environment.



Click here to learn more.






Brad O’Leary and Edward Lee present a convincing argument that implicates not Lee Harvey Oswald, but rather a conglomerate of conspirators, in the death of beloved President Kennedy. "Triangle of Death" will alter everything you thought you knew about John F. Kennedy’s death.


Since the assassination, federal documents have been declassified – documents that hold the compelling evidence for this book. The authors also reference material from the KGB and information from the Bonano crime family (one of the "Five Families" that controls organized crime activities in New York City within the nationwide criminal phenomenon known as the Mafia), as well as documents obtained from a French court and an exclusive interview with a French witness who was previously only debriefed by the FBI and CIA.


After painstaking research and attention to previously overlooked details, the authors shine light on the dark landscape of the Kennedy assassination. This conglomeration of facts, documents and testimonies reveals a massive conspiracy between the CIA-controlled government of South Vietnam, the French global heroin syndicate and the New Orleans Mafia.


Read more here.




With groundbreaking investigative journalism, "First Strike" uncovers substantial new information, including a terrorist connection, about the fate of TWA Flight 800.


Sept. 11, 2001, did not represent the first aerial assault against the American mainland. The first came July 17, 1996, with the downing of TWA Flight 800. This book looks in detail at what people saw and heard on that fateful night.


"First Strike" explains how a determined corps of ordinary citizens worked to reveal the compromise and corruption that tainted the federal investigation. With an impressive array of facts, Jack Cashill and James Sanders show the relationship between events in July 1996 and September 2001 and proclaim how and why the American government attempted to cover up the truth.