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Bundy land context: US ‘leaders’ steal land with MERS bankster fraud & War Crimes, hoard CAFR & off-shore trillions

From Carl Herman

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April 17, 2014

The Bundy land conflict evokes Americans to a local venue to protest crimes of a psychopathic US “leadership” immersed in “Big Lie” crimes centering in warmoney, and media (also in ~100 other crucial areas).

Perhaps the easiest of these crimes to explain, document, and prove is the history of unlawful US Wars of Aggression all on easily-proved lies known to be false as they were told is  

Because all of our families sacrificed through two world wars, the damning facts of US “leadership” lies to send US military to commit unlawful Wars of Aggression is enough to demand arrests of those political and media “leaders.” 

And that said, let’s look at four areas of damning facts of US “leadership” crimes in context of the Bundy spark to patriot actions:

  1. US “leaders” steal Americans’ homes through MERS bankster mortgage fraud.
  2. The US claims to own over 80% of Nevada from lie-started, treaty-violating, unlawful war on Mexico.
  3. US “leaders” lie to hoard CAFR trillions in taxpayer assets while demanding our austerity.
  4. US “leaders” hoard ~$30 trillion in tax-free foreign banks.
  1. US “leaders” steal Americans’ homes through MERS bankster mortgage fraud: Washington’s Blog reported

“A prominent economist said about the 2008 financial crisis:

“At the root of the crisis we find the largest financial swindle in world history”, where “counterfeit” mortgages were “laundered” by the banks.

The Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems – MERS – was one of the main ways the swindle was done, and the main way in which counterfeit mortgages were laundered by the banks.

MERS is a shell company with no employees, owned by the giant banks.

MERS threw out centuries of well-established law about how real estate is transferred – and cheated governments out of many tens or hundreds of billions of dollars in recording fees.”

In addition, the rigging of interest rates was/is known by The Federal Reserve and encouraged, this fraud is now conservative and admitted fact, trillions in bank bailouts and bail-ins are thrust upon the public, and known solutions worth literally ~$100 trillion are deliberately left out from public consideration by these lying sacks-of-spin asset-hole criminal “leaders.”

2. The US claims to own over 80% of Nevada from lie-started, treaty-violating, unlawful war on Mexico: US federal government claims to “own” over 80% of Nevada. US land claims (and here) in Nevada and throughout the US Southwest originate in a lie-started, treaty-violating, unlawful invasive war on Mexico

If the land in question was stolen by the US federal government, and used US military to do so only with unlawful orders and lies to our trusting soldiers and families, then we have strong arguments that all ensuing claims of the federal government are void because anything passed as so-called “law” in obvious violation to the US Constitution is void with zero legal force.

US land claims on this stolen land are closer to the argument, “All land is the King’s land” than comprehensively truthful public consideration of what is and is not in the public’s best interests under a representative democratic republic of limited government under the US Constitution. US key policies are also far closer to fascism than a republic limited under law.

3. US “leaders” lie to hoard CAFR trillions in taxpayer assets while demanding our austerity: Government Comprehensive Annual Financial Reports (CAFRs) reveal trillions in held taxpayer assets. For example, California’s 2011 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report with the state’s 12 million households (22-minute television interview to explain this data here) reveal:

Several models (and here) of cost-free government are known, beginning with Benjamin Franklin’s pamphlet on colonial Pennsylvania operating its government without taxes to Thomas Edison explaining debt-free money with Henry Ford in a 1921 summer media tour. As good as these breakthroughs are, resource-based economics is our predictable future just beyond these three reforms.

4. US “leaders” hoard ~$30 trillion in tax-free foreign banks: 1% oligarch/leaders hoard ~$30 trillion in off-shore tax-free shell banks (much of which may have been gained through criminal fraud). Related, the Federal Reserve reports the US top seven banks have over $10 trillion in assets recorded in over 14,000 created “subsidiaries” to avoid taxes.

Our “leaders” hide more than total annual economic output of the US and Japan combined. This is also 7 to 32 times the $1 to $3 trillion estimated to end global poverty (herehere). Importantly, the 1% in US government have reneged on their promise to end poverty since the 1990 World Summit for Children, and even reject full support of microcredit to end poverty while earning a profit.

Global poverty kills a million children every month. Since the seven US banks created the last 10,000 of their tax haven subsidiaries since 1991, more human beings have died from preventable poverty than from all wars, murders, and violent deaths of any kind in all human history. As you may know, ending poverty reduces population growth rate in every historical case.

To understand the 1%, please read the last two paragraphs again, and then consider the “emperor has no clothes” obvious unlawful wars and full spectrum of economic parasitism that Americans may not have factual command to articulate, but feel strongly to correct. 

In conclusion: The Bundy land case, at this point, seems to require much more research in order to explain and document as clearly as the related issues above. 

As always, my recommendation is to use the OBVIOUS crimes of US oligarchs to cause their surrender, then we can end all of their crimes, employ existing solutions, and begin creating the civilization that our beautiful planet deserves.