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Bundy Ranch is REAL the US Government attempts to steal Rancher’s land

The Unhived Mind

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  • Apr 11, 2014
  • theunhivedmind

    Bundy Ranch is REAL

    UPDATE: The Nevada Militia has shown up at the Bundy ranch to kick the BLM out. The governor of Nevada celebrated the arrival of the militia and spoke in support of the Bundys, issuing the statement “No cow justifies the atmosphere of intimidation which currently exists nor the limitation of constitutional rights that are sacred to all Nevadans”.


    As I suspected, the Bundy’s ranch is on land that the Fed wants to mine for minerals and they need the water that is reserved for the cattle to conduct mining operations. The land has been assesed to have high grade deposits of minerals that are good for military applications and the Fed wants the Bundys out of the way. Adding to the problem is that much of the land is prime real estate, and the Fed wants it to sell it off. EVEN MORE DAMNING is that the best and most prime real estate is actually owned by the Bundy’s which means the BLM is trespassing on much of it anyway. It is neither state nor federal land. There have been numerous attempts to kick the Bundy’s off their property so a tycoon can come in and put a residential development in. So as is the norm, a turtle or fly or slug or whatever has been used as an excuse for an eviction, when multibillion dollar corporations wanting the land for mining operations and real estate tycoons wanting the most prime areas are the real reason, and the muscle of the government most likely bought by campain contributions is being used to get the Bundy’s off the land after the Bundy’s refused really good offers for it from potential buyers.

    The BLM is getting so anxious to get the cows off the land that they are running many of them to death, and that is why the backhoes are there to bury them. The BLM has hired blackwater mercenaries to snipe anyone who “does not belong” there.

    Bundy Ranch comments:

    “Feds say it will cost 3 million dollars to round up the cattle and dispose of them” My response:

    I have the solution to the problem. Hire a bunch of cattle rustlers to go in there and steal all the cattle. They will GLADLY do it for FREE. Then just give the Bundy’s the “three million” for their grief.

    “Feds say this is being done to save the desert tortoise” My response: I don’t think cows eat turtles. If the cows were devastating competition for them, they would have been gone in the 1800′s

    About the “free speech” zone: Has tyranny gone so far that it even has to control where people shout to the desert wind? Obviously so, which is why that same tyranny thinks cows threaten turtles now. Or is it that the land those cows graze on is in fact being sold to China? Maybe Warren Buffet wants it. Who knows. But turtles rule. And they will taste good in China.

    UPDATE: The cattle are not being killed and buried, they are in fact being taken by BLM supported cattle rustlers, as I said would be common sense. These rustlers have been given brand new trucks and trailers to do it, and they are selling the cattle at auction FOR PROFIT. THEY ARE SELLING THEM AT AUCTION, THE SAME WAY THE BUNDY FAMILY WOULD HAVE TO MAKE A LIVING. So HOW DO YOU GET A $3 MILLION LOSS OUT OF STEALING A FORTUNE IN CATTLE AND SELLING IT? GOOD QUESTION, THE ONLY ANSWER TO WHICH IS OBVIOUS OUT OF CONTROL CORRUPTION.

    The area is 600,000 acres. That is HUGE. And if you get out of your car on any of the roads you are immediately arrested and taken to federal prison, for committing a federal crime. Infrared sensors are in place all throughout the desert now, and there are numerous private corporate “blackwater” snipers on the hills. No one has been shot yet, but the state is certainly set for that.

    Rising up peacefully is NOT the answer. You cannot peacefully remove any tyranny, tyranny laughs at people who think “peace” can bring about change in a system enforced by state sponsored violence. They brought the guns to the party FIRST.

    -Original post- After looking over some of the videos and seeing what is going on out in Nevada, I firmly believe this is no hoax.

    Citing illegal land usage, the BLM moved in on a ranch which has been in place since the wild west days, and had paid cattle rustlers go in and steal the cattle. Some of the cattle were also killed and buried with backhoes. The only difference between this and Waco is that at Waco people were actually targeted and killed, and with the Bundy ranch, a family legacy was destroyed. Both were grave rights violations.

    I believe that what happened with the Bundy ranch was the result of continuous encroaching regulations and arrogance of the government, and that the Bundy family actually still had a truthful right to continue using the land under the law. Most likely the BLM was given unlawful orders to destroy the ranch and it’s cattle and they followed through on them. I am still looking into this story and will post updates. I have been to many protests, and know the CIA ones from the real ones. The video Farganne posted was of a real one, I have no idea why he doubts it.

    This is a mirror image of the destruction of the hog farmers in Michigan, where a totally out of control government rolls around in arrogance like the pigs they killed will roll in _____

    theunhivedmind says:

    April 11, 2014 at 12:14 am

    Cliven Bundy Calls on Sheriff to Start Arresting BLM Feds

    “Don’t we pay him to protect our life, liberty and property?”

    Paul Joseph Watson

    April 10, 2014

    UPDATE: Infowars reporters are now on the ground in Nevada. We will have live updates on today’s show. Check out the audio feed.

    Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy has called on Clark County Sheriff Douglas Gillespie to start arresting Bureau of Land Management agents on charges of trespassing and theft as his battle against the federal government intensifies.

    Bundy’s dispute with the feds escalated yesterday when several of his supporters were assaulted by BLM officials. The BLM is currently rounding up Bundy’s cattle in order to enforce a regulation in order to protect an endangered desert tortoise after 600,000 acres of public land was reclassified as federal property.

    During a Moapa Valley town hall meeting last night, Bundy said he went to visit Sheriff Gillespie a few days ago but “found him hiding under the table”.

    “He is the man that has constitutional jurisdiction and authority, he has policing power here in Clark County Nevada, and he has arresting power, so we elected him and we pay him, what do we pay him to do?” asked Bundy, adding, “Don’t we pay him to protect our life, liberty and property?”

    Bundy noted that his life was under threat because he couldn’t get a response from a 911 call, adding, “My liberty is threatened when they lock me away from my land and my property and I can’t care for my cows….they stole my property, around 300 head of cattle….they stole them in Clark County Nevada.”

    Bundy also called on Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval to make a stand for residents of Clark County. Sandoval publicly blasted the BLM over their creation of a ‘First Amendment Area’ outside of which free speech is banned while also decrying the “intimidation” tactics used against the Bundy family, but he has yet to offer anything other than vocal condemnation.

    “I love you people, and I love this land, and I love freedom and liberty, and I love the sovereign state of Nevada and nobody can tell me the United States owns this land,” said Bundy, adding that he would pay any grazing fees to Clark County and not the federal government.

    Asserting that the land under dispute was owned by the people of Clark County, Bundy asked, “Is the United States government trespassing on your land?” to which the crowd reacted with an emphatic “yes!”

    During the town hall meeting, Bundy’s sister, Margaret Houston also spoke about how she was assaulted by BML agents earlier in the day, remarking, “It felt like a war zone and I felt like I was not in the United States….they have snipers, they have helicopters, they’re carrying machine guns, it’s not pretty, it’s like a foreign country.”

    The fact that at least 200 armed federal agents are watching Bundy’s ranch from a military-style compound with sophisticated surveillance technology has sparked fears that the dispute could escalate into a Waco-style assault.

    theunhivedmind says:

    April 11, 2014 at 12:28 am

    Feds Assault Cancer Victim, Pregnant Woman in Clash With Bundy Supporters

    Bundy family member tasered by BLM agents

    Paul Joseph Watson

    April 10, 2014

    Bureau of Land Management agents assaulted a cancer victim, set a dog on a pregnant woman and tasered Ammon Bundy during a confrontation yesterday as the dispute between Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy, his supporters and the feds threatened to boil over.

    Video of the incident shows BLM agents exiting their vehicles near the intersection of Gold Butte Road and state Route 170, a few miles from the Bundy ranch. The BLM claims they were responding to a BLM truck being struck by a protester during an earlier incident. Protesters claimed the agents were there to “punish” them for daring to violate a “First Amendment Area” set up by the feds, outside of which free speech is banned.

    Armed with attack dogs and taser weapons, the BLM agents attempt to push the protesters back.

    Ammon Bundy, son of Cliven Bundy, was hit by a taser but supporters managed to pull out the barbs before he could be incapacitated.

    Cliven Bundy’s sister, Margaret Houston, was also thrown to the ground by a BLM agent.

    “I have 11 children, I’m 57 years old and they threw me to the dirt….I was just taking pictures, I just said get out of here,” said Houston, a recovering cancer victim, later telling a news station that she was also hit by a vehicle.

    Asserting he was prepared to die for his land, another Bundy family relative stated, “I just saw federal agents throw my aunt on the ground, I saw my cousin get tased three times, I saw them pull dogs and sick it on a pregnant woman….I got hit by multiple vehicles because I wanted a couple of questions….this is America and they are the aggressors, we are not the aggressors.”

    Protesters chanted “no BLM” as the standoff came to an end and BLM agents began to leave while being yelled at to “get out of here!”

    According to the Las Vegas Review Journal, “serious bloodshed was narrowly avoided” during the confrontation.

    The Bundy family is currently under constant surveillance by around 200 armed federal agents in a military compound near the ranch. Authorities are enforcing a law that forbids grazing rights on federal land under the justification of protecting an endangered desert tortoise. Bundy and his supporters insist that the spat has nothing to do with unpaid grazing fees or tortoises and everything to do with an out of control big government asserting its power over patriotic Americans.

    The feds have rounded up 352 of Bundy’s animals so far. Armed militia groups are now heading to the area to express support for Bundy while making assurances that they only intend to document the situation and have no interest in sparking violence.

    Yesterday, Nevada Governor Brian Sandoval blasted the feds’ handling of the situation, adding that the BLM’s establishment of a ‘First Amendment Area’ “tramples upon Nevadans’ fundamental rights under the U.S. Constitution.”

    The Bundy family came face to face with the consequences of violating the free speech zone on Sunday when Dave Bundy was arrested for taking video footage from a state highway of BLM agents rounding up his family’s cattle. Video footage later proved that armed snipers had their guns trained on the family during the incident.

    Sen. Dean Heller, R-Nev. also publicly issued a statement expressing “great disappointment with the way that this situation is being handled.”

    Watch another video of the confrontation from yesterday below.

    Cliven Bundy also appeared on the Alex Jones Show yesterday. Watch the interview below.

    theunhivedmind says:

    April 11, 2014 at 12:31 am

    Federal Snipers Train Guns on Family For Filming Cattle

    Man arrested for expressing free speech outside of designated “First Amendment Area”

    Paul Joseph Watson

    April 7, 2014

    Federal snipers with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) trained guns on members of a family yesterday after they dared to stop and take video footage of cattle outside the bounds of a designated “First Amendment Area,” before arresting one of the men for non-compliance.

    The cattle were being rounded up by BLM officers as part of a crackdown on Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, who has refused to pay “grazing fees” demanded by the feds as a result of a re-classification of 600,000 acres of federal land in northeastern Clark County which Bundy claims has been in his family for generations.

    Some fear the dispute could turn into a Ruby Ridge-style violent standoff because Bundy has said he is prepared to become a martyr for what he perceives as a constitutional stance against tyranny.

    As we reported earlier, the feds have now started rounding up Bundy’s cattle in the name of protecting a supposedly endangered species, the desert tortoise, forbidding Bundy from interfering or even entering the vast area. The case is quickly turning into another iconic battle between big government and a besieged family.

    Fears that the confrontation may turn violent and concerns that Bundy is drawing increased support from liberty activists and the local community prompted the feds to tape off two ridiculous “First Amendment Areas,” outside of which free speech in support of Bundy is banned. A sign placed inside the area reads “Welcome to Amerika – Wake Up” alongside a hammer and sickle logo.

    When Bundy’s family members violated that rule yesterday in an attempt to peacefully document the cattle roundup, they were met with a barrage of loudspeaker warnings and four BLM snipers with their guns trained on the dissenters.

    “Several members of the family had gone out for a drive in several vehicles to try to monitor the ongoing federal action to remove their father’s cattle from the range,” reports the Moapa Valley Progress. “They were not travelling on recently restricted federal land, but were travelling along the state highway looking north across the valley for signs of cattle, Ryan Bundy said.”

    “He was doing nothing but standing there and filming the landscape,” Bundy said of his brother Dave. “We were on the state highway, not even off of the right-of-way. Even if they want to call [the area that we were filming] federal land; which it’s not; we weren’t even on it. We were on the road.”

    None of the family members were armed, but as soon as Dave Bundy began filming the cattle in the distance, 11 BLM vehicles each with two agents arrived and surrounded him.

    “They also had four snipers on the hill above us all trained on us. We were doing nothing besides filming the area,” said Ryan Bundy.

    The family were told to leave the area via loudspeaker because they had violated the crudely established “First Amendment Area”.

    “They said that we had no first amendment rights except for up by the bridge where they had established an area for that,” Bundy said.

    When Dave Bundy didn’t immediately heed the warning and return to his vehicle, a dog was set on him and he was subsequently arrested.

    “He was filming and talking on the phone, I don’t know to whom,” Ryan Bundy said. “It happened pretty fast. They came down on him hard and had a German Shepherd on him. And then they took him.”

    When Dave Bundy’s father Cliven attempted to contact emergency response in both Mesquite and for Metro in an attempt to discover the whereabouts of his son, he was told to, “get off the phone or he would be arrested,” according to Ryan Bundy.

    Should the Bundy case escalate any further, what has up to this point remained a largely local news story threatens to explode into a national controversy – re-igniting resentment over big government and a federal bureaucracy increasingly trampling on the rights of the American people to be left alone.

    theunhivedmind says:

    April 11, 2014 at 12:33 am

    “Red Dawn”: Supporters Rally to Defend Family Facing Showdown With Feds

    Waco-style confrontation looms in Nevada as Bundy threatens “range war”

    Paul Joseph Watson

    April 8, 2014

    Supporters of Nevada cattle rancher Cliven Bundy violated a “First Amendment Area” by staging a rally in support of Bundy, who earlier declared a “range war” against federal authorities in response to a land dispute that threatens to escalate into a Waco-style standoff.

    Bundy is currently embroiled in a spat with the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) over his long standing refusal to acknowledge a 1993 modification to grazing rights on land that Bundy asserts has been in his family since 1870. On Saturday, hundreds of federal officials, aided by helicopters, low flying aircraft and hired cowboys, began rounding up Bundy’s cattle in northeastern Clark County.

    The feds say the move is about enforcing the law and protecting the endangered desert tortoise, but the Bundy family says the spat represents a showdown between big government and American farmers.

    “We’ve had enough, we’re going to take our land back, we’re done,” said Bundy’s wife, Carol Bundy, adding that the rally was held “to show that we are not standing alone. People are getting tired of the federal government having unlimited power.”

    More than 100 supporters violated a crudely taped off “First Amendment Area” to rally in support of the Bundy family, erecting two flagpoles with the words “We the People” attached, above a flag which read, “Liberty Freedom For God We Stand”. The first amendment area stood empty, with one sign nearby declaring, “1st Amendment is not an area.”

    “I grew up on this ranch. This is what we knew,” said Margaret Houston, Cliven Bundy’s younger sister. “It’s got nothing to do with the cattle and the tortoises. It’s about taking our rights — power — and it’s wrong.”

    “Right now it looks like the movie Red Dawn, said, Ryan Bundy. “Right now we’ve got 200 plus federal agents up there in a military compound that they have put together and they’ve got snipers….everybody’s armed, and they’ve been monitoring our ranch with high-tech surveillance equipment….it was never about the grazing fees, it’s about control.”

    Ranch manager Derrel Spencer warned that a “revolution” was brewing unless a solution could be found to settle the dispute.

    As we reported yesterday in an article that has already garnered over 4300 comments, Bundy’s son Dave Bundy was arrested on Sunday by BLM officials after refusing to follow a dispersal order as he filmed cattle from a state highway. According to Dave’s brother Ryan Bundy, snipers had guns trained on them throughout the incident. Feds claimed Dave Bundy had violated the ludicrous “First Amendment Area,” outside of which free speech is banned.

    The Bundy family posted still images of snipers who trained guns on them in the video below.

    After his son’s arrest, Cliven Bundy posted a statement on his website which read, “They have my cattle and now they have one of my boys. Range War begins tomorrow.”

    The Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department asserts that the actions against Bundy are a “federal operation,” while the Nevada Cattlemen’s Association told ABC News, “This has gotten way out of hand,” while refusing to become involved.

    theunhivedmind says:

    April 11, 2014 at 12:35 am

    20 Cowboys Break Fed Blockade in Nevada, Retrieve Cattle

    “We gathered about 30 head,” Ammon Bundy told Infowars

    April 10, 2014

    On Wednesday several of supporters were assaulted by Bureau of Land Management agents.

    Ammon Bundy, the son of besieged Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy, told Infowars reporter David Knight today around 20 cowboys went on land claimed by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management (BLM) and retrieved cattle.

    “We gathered about 30 head,” said Bundy. “We did have a small confrontation with them, but they didn’t have the forces to do a whole lot. They couldn’t mobilize fast enough and we were able to gather those cattle and get them to the ranch.”

    Cliven Bundy and his family are currently engaged in a standoff with the BLM over a long standing refusal to acknowledge a 1993 modification to grazing rights on land that Bundy asserts has been in his family since 1870. On Saturday, hundreds of federal officials, aided by helicopters, low flying aircraft and hired cowboys, began rounding up Bundy’s cattle in northeastern Clark County.

    Bundy’s dispute with the feds escalated yesterday when several of his supporters were assaulted by BLM officials. The BLM is currently rounding up Bundy’s cattle in order to enforce a regulation in order to protect an endangered desert tortoise after 600,000 acres of public land was reclassified as federal property.

    During that confrontation, Ammon Bundy, was tasered. His sister, a cancer victim, and a pregnant woman were assaulted by BLM agents.

    Protesters chanted “no BLM” as the standoff came to an end. BLM agents began to leave while being yelled at to “get out of here!”

    Ammon told Knight and Infowars state representatives will address demonstrators later today.

    CDNpiper says:

    April 11, 2014 at 2:14 am

    This is big. I’ve been following this for days now and this could be the shot heard around the world. This is exciting! I just hope that it doesn’t end up like Ruby Ridge, or Waco.

    Unlike those days, twitter, facebook, and people’s awareness of agenda 21 has made this an explosive issue. Here’s an explanation from his daughter, in a nutshell.

    “Sorry this is long but applicable here. By SHIREE BUNDY COX:

    I have had people ask me to explain my dad’s stance on this BLM fight.

    I just hope it’s not a distraction and a planned event. I personally this is the real deal.