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Eric Holder snaps at Congressman Louie Ghomert over contempt remark: 'You don’t want to go there buddy!'

Fred DeRuvo

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April 9, 2014

WASHINGTON (INTELLIHUB) — I have no sympathy for Eric Holder and those of his ilk. Like most on the left, Holder’s intent as Attorney General is to destroy freedoms that American citizens enjoy under the U.S. Constitution. In doing so, he frequently is held under the microscope for the many infractions and failures he alone appears to be guilty of committing.

In a ridiculous (and childish) outburst recently to U.S. Rep. Louis Gohmert, R-Texas during a Congressional hearing, Holder came out of the closet for a split second to show his true ignorant colors. In the video below, while being questioned by Gohmert, who at one point stated, “realize that contempt is not a big deal to our attorney general, but it is important that we have proper oversight,” Holder cut Gohmert off shooting back with “You don’t want to go there, buddy! You don’t want to go there, okay?” (See video below around the 2:40 mark.)

Apparently, that is street slang for “Please give me a break, Representative Gohmert.” Uh, sure. The fact of the matter is that Eric Holder should be in jail by now, but like President Obama, too many in Congress are afraid to do anything for fear of being labeled “racist.” Instead, they gesticulate in their frustration and whine about not getting the documents that they have been trying to obtain for well over a year. Meanwhile, as Gohmert points out, Holder’s department has no problem in providing these same documents to the lawyers of terrorists on trial.

Eric Holder should be fired, then jailed. He should receive no severance pay, and as a convicted felon, should forfeit his retirement. That will not likely happen because though there is the desire to impeach (or fire, or whatever) Holder, it would appear that those who want to get rid of Holder don’t have the necessary anatomical body parts to actually bring that about.

I’m not sure what they’re waiting for because we, the people, cannot do it. We do not have the authority, and the best we can do is tell our senators and representatives that we want them to do it.

Holder has no respect for the law of the “white man,” and that is clear. He is acting under the delusion that because the Constitution was written by a bunch of white guys, he, as a black man, is not required to obey. This is what those in the New Black Panther movement say. Unfortunately for Holder, he took an oath of office to uphold the Constitution. Has he done that? Do I have to answer that question?

What will it take for those elected officials to do what the majority of people want done? We’re not talking about changing the Constitution. We’re talking about upholding it! All of them took the oath of office and the majority of people in the US want them to take their oaths seriously.

Ever wonder how much Holder hates whites?


While I appreciate the fact that people like Gohmert and many others put up a wall of resistance when it comes to the lawlessness of this current administration, that wall is not enough, because this administration has built a bigger wall to resist the efforts of people like Gohmert. This is what separates the men from the boys. At this point, men need to stop talking (whining, begging, cajoling, questioning) and do what is dictated by the United States Constitution. It is no longer up for debate or discussion.

Holder needs to be removed from office, then arrested and charged with a number of offenses, not least of which is treason. Lying to Congress would be a good one as well.

The fact that he has not been removed and/or arrested proves to me that the Global Elite has their filthy fingers deep in Congress. The people that work for the Global Elite do so because they end up serving themselves. They are there only to protect the Global Elite’s agenda and we see it on a daily basis.

It’s not just the office of the presidency that was bought and paid for long ago. Too many Congressional seats have also been bought and paid for as well. The only answer to that is to elect people who aren’t beholden to the Global Elite, and never will be. That’s asking a lot though, but that is what needs to happen.

It’s tiring, isn’t it? One tends to feel powerless and defeated before even starting.

The reality though is this: Can we ever tire enough of doing what is right? Maybe focusing on one or two things works better for you, but because society has been overwhelmed by the Global Elite’s agenda, it’s difficult to know where to start. Choose one or two things that you want to see changed and start there. When you’ve done all you can with those, then move onto one or two other things.

We need to obviously keep the pressure up on our elected officials because without it, they won’t do what’s right. I bet many to most don’t even know that America is a Constitutional Republic.

Keep the pressure up, don’t lose faith, and persevere in doing what is right. Even if we lose, we maintain our integrity.

(Image: YouTube)

About Fred DeRuvo
Fred DeRuvo is the author of numerous articles and a growing number of Name Your Linkbooks related to conservative theology and politics. Fred received his Bachelor’s degree from Philadelphia College of Bible and his Masters from Tyndale Theological Seminary. Fred received his Th.D from Northwestern Theological Seminary in Florida. Listen to Fred’s program and on MPR 105.3 FM in the Philippines. Fred began Study-Grow-Know Ministries several years ago where he fights the scourge of Leftist politics and policies that seem to be gaining a foothold in America. His blogs include Study, Grow, Know and Politically Correct Morass.