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The Government if a Hitman

From RR

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March 21, 2014

Census Disclosure

I hereby affirm that the provisions of Title 13 requiring me to disclose my race, personal financial data, birth date, or any other personal private information to the Bureau of the Census, an agency of the US Government constitutes an unreasonable, unwarranted search of my person, house, papers, and or effects, and  a governmental invasion of the sanctity of my home and the privacies of life. As such, these provisions violate the 4th Amendment of the United States Constitution, and are thus wholly void, and I am not bound to obey them.

I have completed the only sections of the census form pertaining to the constitutionally mandated actual enumeration as follows:

1. The actual number of people living at the address printed on the form, excluding untaxed Native Americans.

2. The age of each person in accordance with United States Constitutional Amendment XIV Sec. 2.

3. The sex of each person in accordance with United States Constitutional  Amendment XIV Sec. 2.

I have thus fulfilled my obligation to the attainment of the actual enumeration of the populace of the United States. Any fine or other sanction that is levied by any office or organization stemming from the unconstitutional provisions of Title 13 in connection with my response to this or any other census-related questioning will be challenged in a court of Law.

This is the piece of paper I handed to the person who came to my house demanding I fill out all the questions asked on the recent census. She was flabbergasted when she read the above. I send this for your use, and anyone else who refuses to relinquish their privacy


From: "Janet Lee Meisinger"

Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 8:23:36 AM

Subject: The Government Is a Hitman: Uber, Tesla and Airbnb Are in Its Crosshairs | TIME; The Gov't is a Hitman

"The real losers are not just the next generation of innovators but also customers who lose out on more ways of getting what they need or want."

"Everything the State says is a lie, and everything it has - it has stolen." ~Nietzsche

When we received the last census 'demands' for intrusion into our private information, I wrote a Constitutional Notice and Demand to *all the offices involved in Denver, Arizona, Indiana and D.C. informing them they were running the Census like a protection racket - demanding that if we did not give up our Creator given right to privacy protected by the 4th Amendment - they would fiscally harm us.  And that I do not participate in protection rackets.  Then I reported them to the U.S. Marshall's Office in Denver.  Smile emoticon  I always learn something when I do things like this.  I found out that the U.S. Marshalls office will not investigate criminal activity unless the U.S. Justice Dept. tells them to.  They are utterly useless to we the people.

BTW - the U.S, Justice Dept. was on one of the first misconstructions of government the liar lawyers created - putting it directly under the executive - destroying separation of powers.    Janet Lee Meisinger

* The feds always compartmentalize everything costing us more $ and to create confusion.