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Larry Klayman

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March 15, 2014

Exclusive: Larry Klayman explains how top officials avoid accountability

Having been a U.S. Justice Department prosecutor and self-appointed crime fighter for many years, founding and running Judicial Watch and now Freedom Watch, I have come to learn the hard way how our so-called government attempts to cover up its deceit, fraud and corruption. Indeed, there is a formula that applies in almost every case. This helps explain why congressional committees have not been able to obtain even a scintilla of justice for the atrocities committed by President Barack Hussein Obama and his comrades in scandals ranging from Fast and Furious-gate to Benghazi-gate, IRS-gate, Extortion 17-gate and a host of other egregious violations of the public’s trust.

A textbook Washington scandal can usually begin with a whistleblower – that is, someone inside the government who has a conscience and “blows the whistle” over criminal activity – coming forward to the press. When this happens, the media seize on and frequently sensationalize the story to reach readers and, in the case of cable news, viewers. After the story takes hold and begins its journey to reach critical mass, congressmen and senators exploit it to further their political interests and goals, appearing on Fox News or MSNBC and CNN, depending on which proverbial ox is gored – left or right, Democrat or Republican.

As the exploitation of the scandal grows, congressional committees are proud to announce investigations and hearings. These hearings may result in key witnesses being called to testify, such as IRS chief Lois Lerner who has the knowledge to implicate President Obama and his leftist enablers in high crimes and misdemeanors for singling out conservatives for discriminatory and illegal tax treatment. But when someone like Lerner is called to the congressional witness stand during a hearing, she will pull a trick like taking the Fifth Amendment, meaning that she will improperly invoke her alleged rights against self-incrimination. When this occurs, with the attendant public outcry, and when concerned influential persons and entities then up the decibel level to demand public accountability, to effectively shut off any further inquiry, the attorney general of the United States will announce a criminal investigation.

Those gullible enough to believe that the attorney general, who is appointed and serves at the pleasure of the president, has good intentions to get to the bottom of a scandal and prosecute wrongdoers are surprisingly prevalent in our media establishment. Indeed, given their political proclivities, if they are sympathetic with the administration in power, they are inclined to play along with this charade and deceive the public into thinking that the people will have effective law enforcement.

But the real reason the attorney general “decides” to investigate – during the Obama era the corrupt Eric Holder and during the Nixon Watergate era the likes of the felonious John Mitchell – is to effectively take evidence “off the market” for congressional investigators and others like Freedom Watch who want and need this evidence for their investigations and court cases. This is because once criminal probes begin and federal grand juries are empaneled, the administration in power is able to claim that all of the relevant evidence is off-limits as secret grand jury material.

And, as the Justice Department-run grand juries carry on – usually endlessly until after the administration in power leaves office – little to nothing happens in terms of law enforcement. If indeed a person or two wind up being indicted, they are almost always lower or middle level officials who take the fall for the higher ups, including but not limited to the president himself.

Why do these lower and middle level officials take the proverbial fall for their masters who put them in power? Assuming that they have not been bribed – which does happen – this is because if they do not play ball they will have no chance of being appointed to any future government position and could even risk, as in the Clinton years in particular, being killed. During these years, over 80 government witnesses and others capable of implicating the Bonnie and Clyde of American politics in major crimes simply vanished off the face of the earth like a Malaysian airliner. One can call my “observations” rank speculation and so-called conspiracy theory, but the law of averages would more than suggest that of the 80, at least a few were offed by the henchmen of Bill and Hill.

If the fear of being offed is not enough to quell other persons from coming forward to testify, the passage of time, given the American psyche that tires of most things after a period, will cause the media and their customers to lose interest. The end result: Corrupt politicians, government officials, judges and other public servants almost always skate free, particularly if you are an American president, who is truly above the law.

During the Clinton years, I obtained a court ruling that President Bill Clinton had committed a crime when he released the Privacy Act protected White House file of a woman who claimed that he had sexually harassed her in the Oval Office, Ms. Kathleen Willey. The finding by federal Judge Royce Lamberth was historic – the first in American history. But although I did much at Judicial Watch to uncover government corruption, government law enforcement predictably never followed through, and Congress failed to even impeach and convict Slick Willy.

Today, We the People are confronted by a tyrant far worse than Bill Clinton. Obama is a socialist who has shown disdain and enmity not just for the birthplace of Judaism and Christianity, Israel, but the Judeo-Christian heritage in general. He has attempted to further the interests of his ultra-leftist agenda at the expense of those he perceives are part of the rich white establishment, preferentially elevating “his people” over others who are not of his ilk and liking; turning upside down the discrimination he seeks to right for those dear to him.

In so doing, President Barack Hussein Obama has used every dirty and lawless trick in the book to try to achieve his distorted and perverse mission, giving rise to what he has coined and dismisses as “phony scandals.” And to thus far cover up these scandals, he and his minions have used the traditional means of which I speak to keep truth and justice from the American people.

Obama and his comrades may think, for now, that they have been clever, but in the end justice will be done. We the People cannot and will not be kept down for much longer. The dam built of government fraud and cover-up is about to burst. The country cannot and will not take it any more. All legal means must be used to bring these criminals to justice. But justice will not come from congressional committees or federal grand juries! It will come only if we ourselves have the courage, as the Founding Fathers did in 1776, to risk all to save the nation and by extension ourselves and loved ones.

Help Larry Klayman with his class-action suit against Obama’s use of the NSA to violate Americans’ rights

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