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Suspicious Activity! 9 Undisclosed Heavy Lift Aircraft Inbound to CONUS Concealed by US Govt–Military Intel Reveals Photos and More! (Video and Pictures)


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Feb. 7, 2014


(Before It's News)

The below is a screen shot of the suspicious activity discussed more clearly in the video.

United States retired military personnel discloses disturbing information regarding ‘suspicious’ heavy lift aircraft activity inbound to Continental United States. He says that altogether, there were nine in one week’s time.

One of the things heavy lift aircraft are used for is the transportation of a large number of troops, or people, They can hold up to 500+ people and cargo. He notes that the speed and direction in which these aircraft were flying was rather peculiar, as well as the fact that the aircraft could not be clearly identified on the radar (shown in video).  He also adds that, although they do not know specifically from where, it appears they came from the vicinity of China or Russia.

To clarify, these are NOT screenshots from military radar, as a screenshot from a military radar would clearly give away where the information is coming from.  The pictures and video come from a civilian application so that others can check and see. Furthermore, both screenshots in the below video show two totally different types of aircraft. One is unidentifiable, and the other is. We were simply trying to bring this to a readers attention. We are not providing disinformation. This is credible information that is factual. If you have questions, I am happy to follow up with my contact. The one photo shows only a high speed jet, not a heavy lift aircraft. The high speed jet was shown as an example only..and no claims were made that the Bombardier was indeed a heavy lift aircraft. 

The reason the Bombardier was shown, in example, was to show that there are types of BLOCKED aircraft that will at least say what type of aircraft it is.  Whereas, in the ‘other’ example, it listed absolutely nothing, yet it too was blocked. This is explained in the video at approximately 2:50/3:00.

(My thoughts: Chinese or Russian troops?)  With all the financial/debt issues going on between U.S. and China, it makes one wonder. Is something catastrophic about to happen, or was it just a coincidence?

He shares the facts as well as other pertinent information you will want to know.  Be sure and listen to our interview in the video below so you can better understand all the ‘strange’ and ‘disturbing’ things going on right now, not only in the United States, but around the world. 

Check back tomorrow for our second interview where we will discuss the economic situation, the coming bank drill, and more!

Here is today’s video interivew. Please share this with everyone you can,