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Dean Garrison

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Feb. 11, 2014

bye bye holder

Eric Holder recently revealed in an interview with The New Yorker, which is set to publish next week, that he will be leaving his Attorney General post in 2014.

The Washington Times reported on Monday:

U.S. Attorney General Eric Holder will step down this year, he said in an interview with the New Yorker’s Jeffrey Toobin in the magazine’s Feb. 17 edition.

In a feature article, Mr. Holder said he plans on staying in his position “well into” the year.

Last November, Mr. Holder, the first black attorney general, told CBS News he didn’t have “any plans” to step down.

Mr. Holder has made voting rights the test case of his tenure, the New Yorker reported. He has been a vocal critic of the Supreme Court case that invalidated key parts of the Voting Rights Act and has supported Congressional action to renew and revise the law.

The Obama Administration has been under relentless pressure in regards to Eric Holder’s actions and activities. He played a key role in Fast and Furious and has played a key “watchdog” role in squashing controversies for the administration through his office, by refusing to investigate or otherwise stonewalling the attempts of others.  He has been investigated for perjury, signed off on a warrant to spy on a Fox News journalist, and been threatened with impeachment, all in the last year.

His list of controversies and involvement from the IRS Scandal to threatening states which fight for the preservation of the 2nd Amendment are too numerous to mention.

In the end, one must wonder if this was a personal choice or if Eric Holder was given a choice to leave or be fired.

Either way…good riddance.

That’s one down and a whole lot more to go.

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