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Cop Crafts Paln to Wreck Country, Lose Voters

Bob Unruh/WND

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Jan. 3o0, 2014

Top conservative voices warn Republican Party to abandon amnesty

Top commentators are warning the Republican Party to drop amnesty cold – right now – or risk losing it all, because the addition of millions of illegal immigrants to the voting rolls does nothing good.

“Why on Earth are they bringing in people sworn to their political destruction?” wondered columnist Ann Coulter on Thursday.

Senior statesman Pat Buchanan added that the issue will create a “war inside the Republican Party – a Balkan war…”

He told Laura Ingraham on her radio program that would knock the party “off its present gain.”

Coulter’s advice was more blunt. Under a Drudge headline “Coulter: Republicans on Suicide Watch,” her column, which was posted on WND, cited a still embargoed report from Phyllis Schlafly that “demonstrates that merely continuing our current immigrant policies spells doom for the Republican Party.”

“Immigrants – all immigrants – have always been the bulwark of the Democratic Party. For one thing, recent arrivals tend to be poor and in need of government assistance. Also, they’re coming from societies that are far more left-wing than our own. History shows that, rather than fleeing those policies, they bring their cultures with them,” Coulter wrote.

“At the current accelerated rate of immigration – 1.1 million new immigrants every year – Republicans will be a fringe party in about a decade.”

She continued, “How are Republicans going to square that circle? It’s not their position on amnesty that immigrants don’t like; it’s Republicans’ support for small government, gun rights, patriotism, the Constitution and capitalism.

“Republicans have no obligation to assist the Democrats as they change the country in a way that favors them electorally, particularly when it does great harm to the people already here,” she said.

That the GOP is moving that direction is evident. The Wall Street Journal said Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., has confirmed the party is “looking to give illegal immigrants legal status right away, with the chance for a green card – and citizenship – down the line.”

Read the details, in Patrick Buchanan’s “The Death of the West.”

And a report from the Washington Times has Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus confirming a “general consensus” that an overhaul is needed on the nation’s immigration laws.

“I think politically speaking it’s a mixed bag, but the question is whether or not it’s something we have to do as a country, and I think that’s what’s trumping the political answer,” he said. “You see in our party, whether it’s [Kentucky Sen.] Rand Paul, who’s called for massive immigration reform, or [Florida Sen.] Marco Rubio, I think you have general consensus that something big has to happen.”

But the division remains. Sen. Jeff Sessions has argued that pushing immigration reform is bad politics and bad policy.

“[A]ccording to news reports, House Republican leaders are instead turning 2014 into a headlong rush towards Gang-of-Eight style ‘immigration reform,’” Sessions wrote this week. “They are reportedly drafting an immigration plan that is uncomfortably similar to a ‘piecemeal’ repackaging of the disastrous Senate plan – and even privately negotiating a final package with Democrat activists before consulting with their own members.”

He said, however, there has been “a near absence of any serious thought about the conditions facing American workers.”

Buchanan warned that moving forward with amnesty would mean the “last hurrah” for the speakership of Rep. John Boehner, leaving him with “a nice job at a trade association.”

WND reported just as President Obama was heading into the State of the Union speech on Tuesday that the statistics don’t support amnesty.

That’s because studies show Texans spend about $12.1 billion annually for services for illegal aliens, who generate only about $1.27 billion in taxes, and plans in Congress dubbed “amnesty” by its critics would do little to change that.

“The proponents of amnesty, or ‘earned legalization,’ as they term it, generally ignore the fiscal effects of illegal immigration other than to note that ‘unauthorized immigrants’ pay taxes,” said the report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform, or FAIR.

“If amnesty were enacted, most of the illegal aliens would become legal immigrants, and, according to the amnesty advocates, the fiscal impact issue would become moot,” the group asserted.

FAIR said the fiscal costs “from having absorbed the population of aliens who either entered the country illegally or overstayed visas would not appreciably change.”

“The only way to lessen the fiscal burden from illegal aliens is not by making them legal but, rather, by reducing the size of this uninvited foreign population,” FAIR said. “Amnesty legislation would assure that the population would become permanent and invite others to follow.”

The report noted that the same arguments were made in favor of amnesty in 1980s, but when the measure passed, “the study that tracked the earnings of the 1986 amnesty applicants five years after receiving amnesty found that for the most part the only income advance they had realized was an overall increase for all wage earners in which the amnestied aliens shared.”

However, amnesty for millions of illegal aliens already living in the United States long has been one of Obama’s top objectives. Obama has gone so far as to say that if Congress doesn’t pass the “immigration reform” he wants, he would not just wait for legislation.

“I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone, and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions,” he threatened.

Rep. Jared Polis, D-Colo., a far-left mega-millionaire, took to screaming on the floor of the U.S. House because he didn’t think the agenda for illegal aliens was moving quickly enough.

“You think they want to be spending their time here?” he shouted, referring to visitors in the congressional gallery. “I want you, Madam Speaker, to address the reason they are here.”


The study reveals in just Texas alone, taxpayers shell out $8.5 billion for education for illegal aliens annually, $1.8 billion for health care, $1 billion for justice, $47 million for public assistance and $577 million for general services. Not counting the spending in 49 other states.

The rhetoric has soared to new levels.

Ex-New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg contended that the current laws are “national suicide.”

“I don’t think that’s an exaggeration,” he said.

And Jeh Johnson, a leftist who is Obama’s Homeland Security secretary, claimed illegal aliens have “earned the right” of citizenship.

FAIR’s solution isn’t complicated.

“A refusal to enact amnesty legislation coupled with measures to deny benefits to the illegal alien population – with denial of job opportunities at the top of the list – would work over time to not only deter new illegal immigration, but also to encourage those already residing here illegally to return to their home countries,” the analysis said.





Top commentators are warning the Republican Party to drop amnesty cold – right now – or risk losing it all, because the addition of millions of illegal immigrants to the voting rolls does nothing good.

“Why on Earth are they bringing in people sworn to their political destruction?” wondered columnist Ann Coulter on Thursday.

Senior statesman Pat Buchanan added that the issue will create a “war inside the Republican Party – a Balkan war…”

He told Laura Ingraham on her radio program that would knock the party “off its present gain.”

Coulter’s advice was more blunt. Under a Drudge headline “Coulter: Republicans on Suicide Watch,” her column, which was posted on WND, cited a still embargoed report from Phyllis Schlafly that “demonstrates that merely continuing our current immigrant policies spells doom for the Republican Party.”

“Immigrants – all immigrants – have always been the bulwark of the Democratic Party. For one thing, recent arrivals tend to be poor and in need of government assistance. Also, they’re coming from societies that are far more left-wing than our own. History shows that, rather than fleeing those policies, they bring their cultures with them,” Coulter wrote.

“At the current accelerated rate of immigration – 1.1 million new immigrants every year – Republicans will be a fringe party in about a decade.”

She continued, “How are Republicans going to square that circle? It’s not their position on amnesty that immigrants don’t like; it’s Republicans’ support for small government, gun rights, patriotism, the Constitution and capitalism.

“Republicans have no obligation to assist the Democrats as they change the country in a way that favors them electorally, particularly when it does great harm to the people already here,” she said.

That the GOP is moving that direction is evident. The Wall Street Journal said Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., has confirmed the party is “looking to give illegal immigrants legal status right away, with the chance for a green card – and citizenship – down the line.”

Read the details, in Patrick Buchanan’s “The Death of the West.”

And a report from the Washington Times has Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus confirming a “general consensus” that an overhaul is needed on the nation’s immigration laws.

“I think politically speaking it’s a mixed bag, but the question is whether or not it’s something we have to do as a country, and I think that’s what’s trumping the political answer,” he said. “You see in our party, whether it’s [Kentucky Sen.] Rand Paul, who’s called for massive immigration reform, or [Florida Sen.] Marco Rubio, I think you have general consensus that something big has to happen.”

But the division remains. Sen. Jeff Sessions has argued that pushing immigration reform is bad politics and bad policy.

“[A]ccording to news reports, House Republican leaders are instead turning 2014 into a headlong rush towards Gang-of-Eight style ‘immigration reform,’” Sessions wrote this week. “They are reportedly drafting an immigration plan that is uncomfortably similar to a ‘piecemeal’ repackaging of the disastrous Senate plan – and even privately negotiating a final package with Democrat activists before consulting with their own members.”

He said, however, there has been “a near absence of any serious thought about the conditions facing American workers.”

Buchanan warned that moving forward with amnesty would mean the “last hurrah” for the speakership of Rep. John Boehner, leaving him with “a nice job at a trade association.”

WND reported just as President Obama was heading into the State of the Union speech on Tuesday that the statistics don’t support amnesty.

That’s because studies show Texans spend about $12.1 billion annually for services for illegal aliens, who generate only about $1.27 billion in taxes, and plans in Congress dubbed “amnesty” by its critics would do little to change that.

“The proponents of amnesty, or ‘earned legalization,’ as they term it, generally ignore the fiscal effects of illegal immigration other than to note that ‘unauthorized immigrants’ pay taxes,” said the report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform, or FAIR.

“If amnesty were enacted, most of the illegal aliens would become legal immigrants, and, according to the amnesty advocates, the fiscal impact issue would become moot,” the group asserted.

FAIR said the fiscal costs “from having absorbed the population of aliens who either entered the country illegally or overstayed visas would not appreciably change.”

“The only way to lessen the fiscal burden from illegal aliens is not by making them legal but, rather, by reducing the size of this uninvited foreign population,” FAIR said. “Amnesty legislation would assure that the population would become permanent and invite others to follow.”

The report noted that the same arguments were made in favor of amnesty in 1980s, but when the measure passed, “the study that tracked the earnings of the 1986 amnesty applicants five years after receiving amnesty found that for the most part the only income advance they had realized was an overall increase for all wage earners in which the amnestied aliens shared.”

However, amnesty for millions of illegal aliens already living in the United States long has been one of Obama’s top objectives. Obama has gone so far as to say that if Congress doesn’t pass the “immigration reform” he wants, he would not just wait for legislation.

“I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone, and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions,” he threatened.

Rep. Jared Polis, D-Colo., a far-left mega-millionaire, took to screaming on the floor of the U.S. House because he didn’t think the agenda for illegal aliens was moving quickly enough.

“You think they want to be spending their time here?” he shouted, referring to visitors in the congressional gallery. “I want you, Madam Speaker, to address the reason they are here.”

The study reveals in just Texas alone, taxpayers shell out $8.5 billion for education for illegal aliens annually, $1.8 billion for health care, $1 billion for justice, $47 million for public assistance and $577 million for general services. Not counting the spending in 49 other states.

The rhetoric has soared to new levels.

Ex-New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg contended that the current laws are “national suicide.”

“I don’t think that’s an exaggeration,” he said.

And Jeh Johnson, a leftist who is Obama’s Homeland Security secretary, claimed illegal aliens have “earned the right” of citizenship.

FAIR’s solution isn’t complicated.

“A refusal to enact amnesty legislation coupled with measures to deny benefits to the illegal alien population – with denial of job opportunities at the top of the list – would work over time to not only deter new illegal immigration, but also to encourage those already residing here illegally to return to their home countries,” the analysis said.


Top commentators are warning the Republican Party to drop amnesty cold – right now – or risk losing it all, because the addition of millions of illegal immigrants to the voting rolls does nothing good.

“Why on Earth are they bringing in people sworn to their political destruction?” wondered columnist Ann Coulter on Thursday.

Senior statesman Pat Buchanan added that the issue will create a “war inside the Republican Party – a Balkan war…”

He told Laura Ingraham on her radio program that would knock the party “off its present gain.”

Coulter’s advice was more blunt. Under a Drudge headline “Coulter: Republicans on Suicide Watch,” her column, which was posted on WND, cited a still embargoed report from Phyllis Schlafly that “demonstrates that merely continuing our current immigrant policies spells doom for the Republican Party.”

“Immigrants – all immigrants – have always been the bulwark of the Democratic Party. For one thing, recent arrivals tend to be poor and in need of government assistance. Also, they’re coming from societies that are far more left-wing than our own. History shows that, rather than fleeing those policies, they bring their cultures with them,” Coulter wrote.

“At the current accelerated rate of immigration – 1.1 million new immigrants every year – Republicans will be a fringe party in about a decade.”

She continued, “How are Republicans going to square that circle? It’s not their position on amnesty that immigrants don’t like; it’s Republicans’ support for small government, gun rights, patriotism, the Constitution and capitalism.

“Republicans have no obligation to assist the Democrats as they change the country in a way that favors them electorally, particularly when it does great harm to the people already here,” she said.

That the GOP is moving that direction is evident. The Wall Street Journal said Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., has confirmed the party is “looking to give illegal immigrants legal status right away, with the chance for a green card – and citizenship – down the line.”

Read the details, in Patrick Buchanan’s “The Death of the West.”

And a report from the Washington Times has Republican National Committee chairman Reince Priebus confirming a “general consensus” that an overhaul is needed on the nation’s immigration laws.

“I think politically speaking it’s a mixed bag, but the question is whether or not it’s something we have to do as a country, and I think that’s what’s trumping the political answer,” he said. “You see in our party, whether it’s [Kentucky Sen.] Rand Paul, who’s called for massive immigration reform, or [Florida Sen.] Marco Rubio, I think you have general consensus that something big has to happen.”

But the division remains. Sen. Jeff Sessions has argued that pushing immigration reform is bad politics and bad policy.

“[A]ccording to news reports, House Republican leaders are instead turning 2014 into a headlong rush towards Gang-of-Eight style ‘immigration reform,’” Sessions wrote this week. “They are reportedly drafting an immigration plan that is uncomfortably similar to a ‘piecemeal’ repackaging of the disastrous Senate plan – and even privately negotiating a final package with Democrat activists before consulting with their own members.”

He said, however, there has been “a near absence of any serious thought about the conditions facing American workers.”

Buchanan warned that moving forward with amnesty would mean the “last hurrah” for the speakership of Rep. John Boehner, leaving him with “a nice job at a trade association.”

WND reported just as President Obama was heading into the State of the Union speech on Tuesday that the statistics don’t support amnesty.

That’s because studies show Texans spend about $12.1 billion annually for services for illegal aliens, who generate only about $1.27 billion in taxes, and plans in Congress dubbed “amnesty” by its critics would do little to change that.

“The proponents of amnesty, or ‘earned legalization,’ as they term it, generally ignore the fiscal effects of illegal immigration other than to note that ‘unauthorized immigrants’ pay taxes,” said the report from the Federation for American Immigration Reform, or FAIR.

“If amnesty were enacted, most of the illegal aliens would become legal immigrants, and, according to the amnesty advocates, the fiscal impact issue would become moot,” the group asserted.

FAIR said the fiscal costs “from having absorbed the population of aliens who either entered the country illegally or overstayed visas would not appreciably change.”

“The only way to lessen the fiscal burden from illegal aliens is not by making them legal but, rather, by reducing the size of this uninvited foreign population,” FAIR said. “Amnesty legislation would assure that the population would become permanent and invite others to follow.”

The report noted that the same arguments were made in favor of amnesty in 1980s, but when the measure passed, “the study that tracked the earnings of the 1986 amnesty applicants five years after receiving amnesty found that for the most part the only income advance they had realized was an overall increase for all wage earners in which the amnestied aliens shared.”

However, amnesty for millions of illegal aliens already living in the United States long has been one of Obama’s top objectives. Obama has gone so far as to say that if Congress doesn’t pass the “immigration reform” he wants, he would not just wait for legislation.

“I’ve got a pen and I’ve got a phone, and I can use that pen to sign executive orders and take executive actions,” he threatened.

Rep. Jared Polis, D-Colo., a far-left mega-millionaire, took to screaming on the floor of the U.S. House because he didn’t think the agenda for illegal aliens was moving quickly enough.

“You think they want to be spending their time here?” he shouted, referring to visitors in the congressional gallery. “I want you, Madam Speaker, to address the reason they are here.”

The study reveals in just Texas alone, taxpayers shell out $8.5 billion for education for illegal aliens annually, $1.8 billion for health care, $1 billion for justice, $47 million for public assistance and $577 million for general services. Not counting the spending in 49 other states.

The rhetoric has soared to new levels.

Ex-New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg contended that the current laws are “national suicide.”

“I don’t think that’s an exaggeration,” he said.

And Jeh Johnson, a leftist who is Obama’s Homeland Security secretary, claimed illegal aliens have “earned the right” of citizenship.

FAIR’s solution isn’t complicated.

“A refusal to enact amnesty legislation coupled with measures to deny benefits to the illegal alien population – with denial of job opportunities at the top of the list – would work over time to not only deter new illegal immigration, but also to encourage those already residing here illegally to return to their home countries,” the analysis said.