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401K's Converted to Government Bonds!

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FW:  Jan. 2o7, 2014

Check your 401K and Retirement Plan! Plans being switched to ALL Government Bonds without Approval. Finding out by Retirement End of Year Statements

I got an email from Jim Willie, Golden Jackass, with an article and information linked about how people are finding out their 401K retirement plans have been switched to 100% government bonds without approval or notice. In fact they are being switched out from where the individual allocated their retirement money.    Jim has been predicting that this would happen for awhile now and it appears his prediction is now becoming reality.

I wrote about retirement plans many times.  The latest was how retirement plans are expensive  and about Perpetual Assets and what they do.  (The video of my interview of Will is on the side, that explains what Perpetual Assets is)

Here is an article from Economic Policy about how the government is coming after everyone's retirement accounts.

Check your statement and find out if your retirement plan is being rolled into government bonds too.  Call your financial planner who is in charge of it, ask if your retirement plan can be put into bonds without you being notified.  

I have information up on the side about Perpetual Assets.   I really hope everyone with a retirement plan seriously considers having your retirement plan money in your OWN hands, where you completely control it!

I sincerely and deeply feel the only way for Freedom from government control of your money is controlling it yourself and holding it without the government getting their hands on it.  I only put out information I believe in and I believe will help people.

It is that important!

USA Today published this article last month (December 2013) about how government bonds give you the most money for your retirement plan.   The media is of course working with the government and Wall Street to get everyone's money, they are all in it together.   They are putting propaganda pieces out ahead of the moves of everyone's money into government bonds.

Here is the original article linked at the top:

I just heard from a friend of mine that who worked for the Social Security Administration for a few years that his entire 401k has been moved from where he allocated it into US treasury bonds.He just received his annual statement that shows all of his funds have been moved, without his permission or even notice!This is what Max Keiser and Jim Sinclair have been predicting for over a year now. As far as I know, thus far this has only been applied to non-active employees, but it looks like the tip of the iceberg, and smacks of desperation. 

Here is the statement of how his retirement fund has been switched to all government bonds without his approval or notice it was being done.