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NSA true purpose, surveiling US population: Alfred Lambremont Webre


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NSA true purpose, surveiling US population: Alfred Lambremont Webre



Press TV has conducted an interview with Alfred Lambremont Webre, an international lawyer, about a new study by the New American Foundation saying that the National Security Agency’s massive data collection has barely helped the United States thwart terrorist attacks.

What follows is an approximate transcription of the interview.

Press TV: Well does it surprise you that this new revelation basically says that the increased buying techniques used by Washington has really done nothing to change the situation of terrorism in the United States?

Webre: Actually this is not a surprising outcome, even though the investigation found that the American telephone metadata gathered by the NSA appears to have had an identifiable role in initiating only 1.8 percent of the cases here.

Because by our analysis the true purpose of this NSA programs was not surveillance of what they called “foreign terrorist” and we won’t get into that but rather the true purpose was to initiate surveillance, covert surveillance of the US population under cover of stating that they were surveiling for foreign terrorist threats.

Why do we say this? Because all of these programs go back and originate with one source and that was the false flag operation of September 11, 2001 which we now know was A: the CIA and DARPA had thirty years of prior information as to 9/11 exactly when it would occur through advanced quantum access technology. B: there is evidence that the NSA itself and high administration officials including George W. Bush, Richard Dick Cheney and Donald H. Rumsfeld down to the Joint Chief of Staff , all were active participants in the false flag operation of 9/11. 

Press TV: Let me just jump in here Mr. Webre. So do you think that now, as you said basically, it was a cover NSA what they were saying in order to surveil foreign especially suspects and terrorism was to help protect the American people, however you are saying that was not the case.

Do you think that the average Americans now have realized as you said that this was actually a cover to spy on the American people themselves?

Webre: Yes I think that finally that realization is beginning to dawn and members of the Congress are beginning to look at that and Edward Snowden is now considered to be a hero despite the NSA and the defense establishments attempt to demonize him, he was almost named Time  magazine’s man of the year. He is a true, true global hero.

So this report only confirms the fact that the true purpose of the NSA’s surveillance program was to surveil the US population not to surveil for foreign terrorist and that is why it is so “ineffective.”