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Result of Yellen Vote

John Tate, Campaign for Liberty

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Jan. 8, 2014

Earlier tonight, the U.S. Senate voted 56-26 to confirm Janet Yellen as the next Federal Reserve Chair.

Once again, Harry Reid refused to grant a vote on Audit the Fed, despite nearly 75% of the American people supporting a Fed audit.

But today’s total marked the lowest show of support for a Fed Chair nominee in history!

Despite 100 years of Fed propaganda, and a flood of Fed allies doing their best to block our efforts, we're gaining more momentum against the Fed and its reckless policies every day.

Visit for the roll call of tonight’s vote.

Federal Reserve Chairs come and go, but our opposition to the Fed’s secrecy and destruction of our economy will never change.

Passing Audit the Fed remains Campaign for Liberty’s top legislative priority, and with your help, we will overcome the hurdles and turn this historic legislation into the law of the land!

In Liberty,

John Tate


P.S. You can help C4L reach millions more Americans about the Fed’s reckless actions – and mobilize them to fight for Audit the Fed – by chipping in $10 or $20 today!