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Custom Search Web site Runs Afoul of FTC Regulations

Davide M. Adaml, Jr.

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Jan. 6, 2014

David M. Adam, Jr.



TEL.#1 703-2431999


----- Forwarded Message -----

From: "Joseph R. John" <>


Sent: Monday, January 6, 2014 1:36:01 AM

Subject: Web site Runs Afoul of FTC Regulations

In 1997 Orson Swindle was appointed by President Ronald Reagan as a

Commissioner of the Federal Trade Commission and remained in that position

until 2005. 

The Honorable Orson Swindle is reminding the American people that the

Federal Trade Commission is the federal government's principal Law

Enforcement Agency for enforcing antitrust and consumer protection laws.

The FTC deals with mergers and acquisition; with fraudulent, deceptive, &

illegal business practices, and information system privacy & security.  In

the below listed article, former Commissioner Swindle outlines a number of

illegal aspects, in the Obama Health Care Web site's (

),  and how the Obama administration has been promoting the Obama Healthcare

Law; he points out how the Web site runs afoul of Federal Regulations of the

Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and the Consumer Financial Protection

Bureau(CFPB).  The fraudulent practices by the Obama administration on its

Web site tends to mislead the reader on pricing, the Obama administration

has also promoted false "representations, omissions, and practices that will

also most likely mislead the consumer".  It seems that the Web site was

designed to bait and switch information, which is an "illegal sales

practice."  The "untruths and misleading facts" that were continually

promised by Barrack Obama to the American people and were on the Web site,

were repeated by Obama 34 times over a 3 year period, when he said, "If you

like your health care, you can keep it."; it was recently revealed, that

Obama knew he was repeating those same "lies", 34 times, because the goal of

the new law was to force the American consumers to get off the existing

health insurance plans they already had, in order to force them to subscribe

to the flawed Obama Healthcare plans.  Obama continued to promise the

American people with false provisions of the flawed Health Care Bill that

were untrue, like "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."; and

he always knew they were untrue.  It the same practices were followed by any

private US corporation in the United States, employing the same lies in

their promotions, that Obama used, the FTC would have ensured those private

US corporation would have lost their license to conduct business in the

United States.  Unfortunately, the Obama administration's gross violations

of FTC's and CFPB's Federal Regulations are being ignored by the US Attorney

General and the Democratically controlled Senate, whose members continue to

permit the occupant of the Oval Office to disregard Federal Laws, Federal

Regulations, and provisions of the US Constitution with impunity.  We are

appreciative of the fact that Orson Swindle has pointed out further

violations of Federal Laws and Federal Regulations by the occupant of the

Oval Office in the below listed article (Orson Swindle's impressive

background follows). 



Lt Col  Orson Swindle, III, USMC (Ret) (Vietnam POW) retired from the US

Marine Corps in 1979, and his military career is one of extraordinary

triumph.  On November 11, 19666, he was serving as a US Marine Corps aviator

in South Vietnam flying his 205th mission, on what was to be his final

combat mission, when he was shot down, captured by the North Vietnamese, and

held as a Prisoner of War in Hanoi for six years and four months.  On March

4, 1973, Lt Col Swindle was released from captivity at the conclusion of

America's involvement in the Vietnamese War.  For valor in combat, he was

awarded with more than twenty military decorations, including two Silver

Star Medals, two Bronze Star Medals, two Legions of Merit Medals, thirteen

Air Medals, and two Purple Heart Medals.  From 1981 to 1989 Mr Swindle

served in the Reagan Administration, where he directed financial assistance

programs to economically-distressed rural and municipal areas of the

country.  As the Assistant Secretary of Commerce for Economic Development he

managed the Department of Commerce's national economic development

initiatives, directing seven offices across the country.  In 1993, Orson

Swindle worked with former Cabinet Secretaries Jack Kemp and William

Bennett, former Congressman Vin Weber, and Ambassador Jeanne Kirkpatrick to

form Empower America. He was the Republican candidate for Congress in

Hawaii's 1st Congressional District in 1994 and 1996.  Lt Col Orson Swindle

was a former roommate of Senator John McCain's in the Hanoi Hilton prison in

North Vietnam, they became close personal friends, and Orson was intimately

involved as one of the leaders in the national campaign in Senator McCain's

2008 run as the Republican Party's nominee for the office of the Presidency.


Orson Swindle is a frequent speaker on matters of public policy,

particularly information system security and privacy, corporate governance

and information management,  He frequently speaks on the topics of

motivation, overcoming adversity, character, and leadership.  His audiences

have included those from legal and business communities, military, academia

& students, politics, public service, and civic groups in both domestic and

international settings.   Orson is a member of the Board of Directors of the

Citizens Against Government Waste, serves as a member of the Advisory Board

for The Free Enterprise Nation, is the Senior Advisor to the Combat Veteran

For Congress PAC Board of Directors, and is a former member of the Board of

Directors of RSA Security, Inc.  He is a recipient of the Semper Fidelis

Award by the US Marine Corps Law Enforcement Foundation for "Leadership and

Accomplishments" and is the recipient of the WWII Marine Raiders "Point Man"

Award for his lifetime of leadership and for "pointing the way".  The

Honorable Orson Swindle's full and impressive bio is listed on the

Leadership page of the Combat Veterans For Congress PAC Web site, .



Joseph R. John, USNA '62

Capt              USN(Ret)

Chairman, Combat Veterans For Congress PAC

2307 Fenton Parkway, Suite 107-184

San Diego, CA 92108


Fax: (619) 220-0109




Then I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, "Whom shall I send, and who will

go for Us?" Then I said, "Here am I. Send me!"

-Isaiah 6:8