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Report: NSA spied on Israel

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Dec. 2l1, 2013

US and British spy agencies eavesdropped on an Israeli prime minister, energy firms, aid agencies and an EU official overseeing anti-trust cases, the New York Times reported Friday.

In surveillance of more than 1,000 targets in more than 60 countries between 2008 to 2011, the National Security Agency and Britain’s General Communications Headquarters spied on the communications of foreign leaders, including former Israeli prime minister Ehud Olmert, according to secret documents revealed by intelligence contractor Edward Snowden.

The vice president of the European Commission, Joaquin Almunia of Spain, who has authority over anti-trust issues, also appears on a list of surveillance targets, it said.

Almunia has clashed with US tech giant Google over how it operates its search engine and when contacted by the Times, Almunia said he was “strongly upset” by the revelations of eavesdropping.

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