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Big Government is now the GOP Platform


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Dec. 18, 2013

Collectivism is alive and well within the party apparatus of the Republican jellyfish tax cutters. This loathsome game of surrender is the hallmark of phony conservatives. The article, Why the GOP are cowards, needs to be read again, since its application has proven once again that big government is in actuality, the default position of the party of double talk.

"Republicanism is not equivalent with the GOP political party. Genuine conservatism has had fleeting representation within that party. Examine the history and the principles of each. A real conservative stands for the principles of individual civil liberty and personal responsibility, limited government, states rights, separation of powers - federalism, minimal taxes, honest money, bona fide free enterprise, defense of borders, an American First foreign policy, lawful statues and traditional values. A true conservative believes in the righteousness of the 1776 Revolution. Republicans that are authentic conservatives have a serious dilemma, how do you justify the record of the GOP?"

Review the House of Representative totals, as Roll Call provides in the Breaking Down the Budget Vote, with a link how each member voted. Mark the weasels and prepare for the primary season.

When the august Cato Institute challenges the credibility of the GOP in How Serious Are Republicans?, the rank and file conservatives better face up to the fact that voting Republican is akin to blacks casting their ballot for Democrats. Both parties take for granted their core constituencies, while selling them out for the authoritarian supra government that never improves the lives of regular citizens.

"More of it is just political cowardice, out of fear of cutting something that might offend some voter, somewhere. Notice how quickly the FAA's sequester issues were resolved once potential voters (and campaign donors) squawked. The furloughs of air-traffic controllers were unnecessary, resulting from union contract issues and the deliberate decision of the Obama administration to make the sequester as painful as possible, and should have been fixed. But it's clear that Republicans moved so fast in part because it was largely upper-middle-class voters who were affected.

Similar meekness is pushing other Republicans to suggest that the party should move away from "austerity" to support a "growth agenda." House majority leader Eric Cantor, for example, has expressed a desire to "focus on what lies beyond these fiscal debates." And, Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal exhorts Republicans, "We seem to have an obsession with government bookkeeping … We as Republicans have to accept that government number-crunching - even conservative number-crunching - is not the answer to our nation's problems."

It is easy to cut spending that you don't like. But if Republicans are serious about cutting spending, lowering our debt, and reducing the size of government, they are going to have to cut spending that they like. They are going to have to make cuts that affect their districts and their constituents. They are going to have to accept cuts in defense. And, they are going to have to structurally reform entitlements, even at the risk of angering seniors."

WarJB.jpgThis budget deal breaks the Sequestrationagreement, PERIOD. Leaving aside country club pleasantries, the Tea Party Patriotsmailing of Dec. 12, 2013 hits the mark dead center.

This new "bipartisan budget deal" cobbled together by Paul Ryan and Patty Murray behind closed doors smells like the rotten garbage we have become accustomed to see coming out of DC.

When DC reaches a bipartisan compromise on spending, taxpayers always lose. Compromise means, "Democrats get the spending they want AND Republicans get the spending they want."

Heritage Foundation points out three simple facts about this deal:

1. It busts through the so-called "spending caps" set in place by the sequester.

2. It taxes and spends more.

3. It spends now with supposed savings coming later.

Wait before panic sets in, the media wants you to believe that Republican Senators are coming to the rescue. A silver bullet (supplied by DHS) and voted for by GOP "career politicians", killed the lone ranger a long time ago.

Even in the UK, the Mail identifies the essential disconnect in the GOP, It's war! Senate gears up for epic battle as ZERO Republicans line up to support budget agreement(and Democrats need to find at least five); "The GOP's Senate leaders plan to launch a procedural effort to kill the plan over a laundry list of objections – including a claim that it short-changes military veterans and other government retirees."

Sure looks like Big Government by any standard is the admitted GOP platform.

The Tea Party Patriot notice continues.

Here are our predictions about what is going to happen next.

·        The House will pass this budget deal.

·         In the Senate, Republicans like Mitch McConnell, Lindsay Graham, and John Cornyn will all vote no because they have primary challengers, knowing that it will pass anyway because the Democrats and other squishy Republicans will vote for it.

·        They will use this deal to grease the wheels for amnesty, making amnesty that much easier to pass.

·        The increase in taxes and fees will remain while the spending restraint will never happen because they will simply do what they are doing now, which is change the law to eliminate the spending cuts.

·        With this deal they are pushing the next round of budget talks out to 2015 so that they can focus on what’s important to them - reelection. Instead of tackling budget issues again in 2014, this deal allows them to avoid those talks during an election year.

·        They will use the extra time this gives them to co-opt new members that are elected in 2014.

·        Finally, the next budget, whenever that happens, won’t even keep these new higher levels of spending. We predict spending will increase again.

Remember the war against fiscal conservatives and small government libertarians, waged by establishment Republicans. The Republican Convention and the Ron Paul Revolutionis a clear example of the ultimate policy objectives of GOP party collectivists.

"The Grand Old Party produced a scripted appeal to the faithful. The 2012 Republican Party convention in Tampa, designed to sell a filtered image of a country club version of conservatism, begs the historic substance of a traditional embodiment of true timeless values. Hitting a range of obligatory themes is not equivalent to standing for the principles of a constitutional republic. Appealing to the estranged elements of the GOP needs more than words to restore faith and hope. Reasoned policy stands require a refutation of the failure of the Neoconservative agenda. So do not be duped by the language in the platform."

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The Irrelevance of the Republican Partyessay argues that the same old false choice is nothing but a hoax. "The only rational option is to create a true grass roots party that encompasses the disaffected middle class. NeoCons are traitors. Establishment proponents loyal to the two party farce, do not allow genuine conservative doctrines into public policy."

With that said, the revulsion of the Obama presidency is demonstrated with every administrative action. The Big Government era is back in force under the self-absorbed Pied Piper of statist executive rule. With each note from the flute of this imposter, the government plagues spread wider and causes the death of representative democracy. Yet, the Republican doctrine accepts the "compromise" and act as a befuddled facilitator.

Carrying the fight to the enemy is not part of the GOP script. The emergence of the Tea Party movement is in direct correlation to the fiscal irresponsibility out of the beltway brigade in the army of the district of criminals. Spineless Republicans are closet Federalists or worse, latent potentates. The corporatists that direct both parties ravel in the enjoyment of phony party squabbles. With every new charade, the course of policy continues to advance the fascist state.

Once upon a time Congressional Resistance against Presidential Despotismwas normal. "The primacy of the legislature over the executive branch was always the intent of our founding fathers. Unfortunately, the exact reverse has taken hold in the den of inequity that holds court in Washington, DC."

The John Boehner speakership is synonymous with capitulation. In many ways, the combat against federal tyrants intensifies and gathers more recruits, when the face of the enemy is a pure progressive police state. Cooperative captivity is no more tolerable then peaceful coexistence.

Citizens unwilling to take the battle to the government with forceful lobbying of their viewpoints deserve enslavement. Third party activism is imperative so that the electorate can compare a liberty directed, small government manifesto to the bipartisan state-controlled platform pushed by both major parties.

How many times do you need to be kicked in the face before you stop turning the other cheek? Obama and Boehner share the same bathhouse. Both keep sticking it in the derrière of the taxpayer. That Republican "Big Tent" now covers the socialists that pretend to be representing the people, while empowering the big government nightmare.

SARTRE – December 16, 2013

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