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Custom Search crashes just as Sebelius testifies 'the website never crashed'

J.D. Heyes

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Oct. 31, 2013

(NaturalNews) When you are an embattled Washington bureaucrat, it seems like the whole world is against you.

That's very likely how Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius felt this morning.

Hauled up to Capitol Hill to answer a myriad of questions about why, after spending years in development at a cost of several hundred million taxpayer dollars, did the federal government's website crash on launch, Sebelius said:

The website never crashed. It is functional, but at a very slow speed and very low reliability.

Hmmm. Well, we're used to just about everybody in the Obama administration lying to us, but this time it's actually comical. Because just minutes before Sebelius arrived to testify, guess what happened?

The site crashed. Yeah, you just can't make this stuff up.

It crashed, and then stayed crashed

As reported by Breitbart News:

Spot checks verified that the State of North Carolina, Virginia, Utah, Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Nevada, Colorado, New Mexico, New York, Maryland, Vermont, Connecticut, Massachusetts, Hawaii, Kentucky, Minnesota, and New Hampshire are all down - which likely means the entire federal site is down.

And a half-hour into Sebelius' testimony, the site remained down.

The embattled HHS secretary, who is having to take the heat for the failed site so her boss, Mr. "You Get To Keep Your Plan" President Obama, once more doesn't have to, was called to testify before the House Energy and Commerce Committee Wednesday, "as the focus of the ObamaCare rollout debacle shifted from the faulty website to the fact that millions are losing the health insurance President Obama repeatedly, and over the course of two presidential elections, promised them they could keep," Breitbart reported.

The questions come amid reports earlier this week that the Obama administration was warned a month in advance that the site was not ready for launch.

Another report, from NBC News, said Obama, Sebelius and others knew from the outset of the debate over the "reform" law that would come to be called "Obamacare" that millions of Americans would not get to keep their current health insurance plans and that rates for many of those policyholders would increase.

The Liar in Chief and his minions are still lying

Obama and Sebelius, as well as White House spokesman Jay Carney, have all blamed the loss of policies on the insurance companies, citing a provision in Obamacare that says such plans would be "grandfathered" in - meaning, if someone had a plan before the law took effect, they could keep it.

Only, Sebelius' HHS has written rules specifying minimum levels of coverage each health insurance plan must contain, so any current policies that were supposed to be grandfathered in - but which now don't meet these minimum standards - have to be canceled.

So it's not the fault of the insurance companies - it's the fault of Sebelius' agency.

And Obama's.

Since HHS is an Executive Branch agency, he could have already picked up the phone and ordered the agency to change its coverage rules so current insurance plans indeed could be grandfathered in, as he promised they would be.

But he hasn't. And it doesn't look like he will, which figures.

So whose fault is it really?

Obama and Sebelius have lied to the American people since Obamacare was first introduced in Congress. Democrats lied to sell it, too.

Who are you going to believe this time, now that Obamacare is already failing to deliver "as promised?"
