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Welfare State Collapsing — Government Shutdown or Glitch?

Andrew Pontbraind

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Oct. 12, 2013

At around 9am Eastern time on Saturday, calls started pouring in to the Nations EBT card hotline as callers were stating their cards were not working. Several states around the Nation began to experience these connectivity issues before panic quickly began to ensue.

NEW YORK, NY - Mothers stroll past the Bay Parkway Community Job Center on September 28, 2013 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. The center part of the Workers Justice Project, provides shelter and wage negotiation services for immigrant day laborers who normally wait for work on street corners in the Bensonhurst Brooklyn. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

NEW YORK, NY – Mothers stroll past the Bay Parkway Community Job Center on September 28, 2013 in the Brooklyn borough of New York City. The center part of the Workers Justice Project, provides shelter and wage negotiation services for immigrant day laborers who normally wait for work on street corners in the Bensonhurst Brooklyn. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

NEW YORK (INTELLIHUB) — Since the 2008 crisis, the Nation has seen a rapid increase in Government handouts-particularity that of EBT cards, which are part of the SNAP Program. And with the worries of financial meltdown, the Feds Q.E. Infinity, corporate jobs being sent overseas, and minimum wage not enough money to pay bills for millions of Americans, a single day of food stamps going dark could be a disaster.

According to CBS, representatives from the EBT Hotline said the glitch in the system does not appear part of the government shutdown. However, the Federal EBT website was offline due to the government shutdown. The officials were not able to comment on when the glitch would be fixed.[1]

17 States are reported to be effected by the so-called glitch. According to a Xerox Spokesperson, “during a routine test of our back-up systems Saturday morning, Xerox’s Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) system experienced a temporary shutdown.”[1]

 Although we have official responses and answers to the problem in an attempt to pacify the dangerous situation, I think many questions need to be answered. 

Why would Xerox have this sort of test while the entire Nation watches in worry as the inept government struggles to agree on how to fund the government? I would think this is at the very least, highly irresponsible given the current political and financial atmosphere of our bankrupt country.

Was this a beta-test or some sort or risk assessment to evaluate public reaction to the end of benefits? It seems this is unlikely, however once again the timing of this seems to be very questionable as nobody in their right mind or position of responsibility would risk causing such a panic right?

The Xerox spokesperson says they expect to have systems running normally soon.

This situation is a very scary peek at how quickly this country could end up in a dark age of riots and violent warfare when welfare recipients dependent on our communist system suddenly do not receive their benefits. This is shown by hundreds of tweets from people in Walmarts. reporting carriages being left full of food in lines and all over the stores as “chaos” followed.[1]



 [1]  Foodstamp Nation In Turmoil: EBT System Goes Dark, “Glitch” Blamed –