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The truck block of DC - threatening to stay until Obama resigns - HAS THIS PURPOSE: TO GIVE AN EXCUSE FOR CONGRESS NOT ENDING SHUTDOWN

From Dick Eastman

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Oct. 11, 2013

Why the Trucker strike?   Why did the Money Power pay to put an ongoing Trucker's Traffic Stopping Protest in Washington DC?  My first thought was a plan to make false-flag nuclear terrorism more harmful.  Now I am thinking that the truckers are there to make it easier for Congress to maintain the impass at time of shutdown and sequestration and default  --


The Truckers demonstration required big money to organize and motivate  -- but the payoff for the strike helping Congress pretend to be "unable" to resolve the spending crisis makes the cost very small in comparison to the benefit the criminal financial sector will obtain.   

Deflation is the biggest part of it -- more money being parked in the financial sector.  And less medical benefit going to the population -- allowing the financial sector to give back less to medical insurance payout than formerly. 

It's all about fattening the financial sector.  As is the shutdown.  As was the fiscal cliff.

If you don't see it that way, then please tell me how you do see it?

Or are you fooled by the fake political showmanship between the Speaker of the House and the Senate Majority leader?  Are you still thinking that either of them is working for you and not Goldman-Sachs??

Remember  Obamacare was first devised by Hillary Clinton during her husband's administration -- the same people  -- and that Obama brought Goldman-Sachs people to run his programs -- the Jewish Maifa.

You are too afraid to say it?  If you can't name it -- you certainly won't fight it or overcome it!

Dick Eastman 


The truck block of DC - promising to stay until Obama and Congress resigns - HAS ONLY THIS PURPOSE: TO GIVE AN EXCUSE FOR CONGRESS NOT ENDING SHUTDOWN -- to lock in the shutdown and the non-funding of Obamacare.    Truck drivers have nothing to do with organizing this strike.  Once again it is the financial sector  -- Goldman-Sachs and Morgan-Chase and the insurance companies that invest money they receive as insurance premiums  -- while through the shut-down that closes the program -- and the bogus "Obamacare exchange" that is supposed to sell insurance but is broken down  -- so that in every case people with insurance are losing their satsifactory old plans and are forced to buy "qualified plans" that charge often a thousand dollars more per month  - regardless of whether or not "Obamacare" is funded or defunded.   But if the phony "standoff" between House and Senate, between Republicans and Democrats can be made to continue and if the truckers can give added excuse of why a resolution is not being worked out -- if all that is allowed to continue -- then the financial sector will get all of those new gigantic premiums and will be paying out far far less  -- because of the war the law is written and because of the shutdown.   The golden goose has been set up  -- the incentive for Big Finance, Big Media, Big Political Prostitution put there by the Financial Sector  -- the Jewish Mafia  --  there is no incentive to move from the shutdown at all.  Organized crime at  the top makes billions more if the shutdown and the processing failures and the trucking strick continue.

The American people have overcome their fear of naming the crime and the criminals.  They have to tell each other what they know and come to agreement that what is happening is happening and that it must be stopped from happening by a united country -- all races, creeds, regions  -- insisting that organized crime leave the country.

The truckers say they want what is necessary  -- but they offer no plan.  They have no demands.  Just a blanket insistence that "everyone resign!"   This is perfect for the Money Criminals - they have once again created their own opposition -- and made them fools, to repel the intelligent and reasonable citizens from taking action -- for fear of being identified with the ignorant fools  -- and look at their leader  -- a woman leading the truck drives -- but a woman carefully picked to repel thinking people.   This female is what the people will be shown as representing populists.  And in a few months all populists will have the standing that this ignorant and unpleasant woman has.  Tell me -- how did she get to lead the truckers who supposedly decided on this shutdown?

And you read what I say here, you blink once or twice, and then you open the next "read."


Dick Eastman