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Amber Alert website shutdown exposed as Obama administration hoax

Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

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Oct. 11, 2013

(NaturalNews) It is no longer a secret that the Obama administration has been actively engaged in a massive domestic terrorism operation against the American people, turning the recent federal government shutdown into a flagrant display of tyranny and abuse. And the latest scam to be exposed in this ridiculous political charade was the recent shutdown of the federal government's Amber Alert information website, a move that Steve Watson over at explains was nothing more than an obfuscated false flag attack, of sorts, that was quickly outed by the more intelligent factions of American society.

When the occupying federal regime began its shutdown circus at the beginning of the month, posting website landing pages explaining that certain government services were no longer available, for instance, and placing roadblocks around national parks and even privately-owned land -- these are just a few of its more absurd activities -- the mainstream news quickly became riddled with reports of public outrage throughout the land. Many people, it turns out, were far more "awake" than the Obama administration probably anticipated, which meant that many of its egregious political stunts were almost immediately met with opposition and resistance, not against Congress as hoped but against the Obama regime.


Phony redirect page on Amber Alert site easily spotted, exposing Obama shutdown hoax

One of these stunts was the "shutdown" of the federal Amber Alert website, which was very quickly identified by members of the public as being a complete hoax. You see, the Obama administration merely redirected users trying to visit the Amber Alert homepage to a new landing page explaining that the website was unavailable due to "the lapse in federal funding." But some users quickly noticed that if the landing page's URL was altered to remove the word "unavailable," the original Amber Alert page could still be accessed. In other words, the Obama regime deliberately set up a fake landing page to deceive the public about the alleged shutdown of the site.

"The Amber Alert government website has been restored to functionality after internet users pointed out that the website and the system was never really down, and was just made to appear that way by the U.S. Department of Justice (DOJ), possibly as a publicity stunt," writes Watson for

Federal Amber Alert website informational only, does not contain actual law enforcement tools for functionality

And a publicity stunt it was, as anyone with an understanding of how the Amber Alert system actually works already knows that states and counties operate it, not the federal government. The federal Amber Alert page is merely an informational tool, and not an actual law enforcement tool, which means there is technically nothing about it that needs to be "shut down," at least not in the way intended by the Obama regime as far as public perception is concerned.

"This is part of a criminal pattern of obstruction to tax-payer funded services," adds Alex Jones for about the intention of this and other phony shutdown efforts. "As with highway pull-offs being closed to bar view of Mount Rushmore in South Dakota, and boat ramps on the Mississippi being blocked, the system wants to make the shutdown as painful for the American people as possible, as National Park Service rangers have admitted. This is outright criminal because the Amber Alert site is still up, they're simply blocking it."

After its machinations were exposed, the federal Amber Alert website was later restored. A spokesman from the DOJ later admitted that the Amber Alert system was never actually taken offline, and that the informational site had been restored "to prevent confusion."

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