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Rand Paul explains how Obama goons blocked WWII memorial as a sickening tactic in high-stakes blame game

J.D. Heyes

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Oct. 6, 2013

(NaturalNews) No matter what political party you back or if you would vote "none of the above" if you had a chance, what the Obama administration is doing to "increase the pain" of the current government shutdown, strictly for political gain, is shameful. Nowhere is this more obvious than the White House's decision to prevent World War II veterans from visiting their own memorial in Washington, D.C.

You have probably heard those reports, but you may not have heard any explanations for it. Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., recently addressed the motivations behind such a callous, heartless decision in an interview with Fox News.

All to score political points, and that should anger you

Paul, who accused the administration of using "goons" to block the memorial, had this to say about it: "If Harry Reid and the president want to keep the parks closed - I mean did you read the story today? Some idiot in government sent goons out there to set up barricades so they couldn't see the monument. People had to spend hours setting up barricades where there are never barricades to prevent people from seeing the World War II monument because they're trying to play a charade," he said on "Hannity."

He went onto to say that Reid, who is Senate majority leader, and Obama are "going to play a game" and that they "like the shutdown" because they believe it will only hurt Republicans (who are, by the way, overwhelmingly getting blamed for it in the mainstream media).

"They're going to play a game with us to say, 'Oh, you can't see the monuments?' That's ridiculous, they're doing it because they just aren't serious about this; they like the shutdown," he said.

Later, in a separate interview with former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee, on his radio program, Paul said Obama deployed more guards at Washington's parks and memorials than were in Benghazi.

"The president has assigned 7 security guards to guard the World War II monument. That's two more than he sent to Benghazi. We've got more people guarding the WWII monument than we had guarding the ambassador," he said.

Paul also lashed out at Democrats in general as being part and parcel of Obama's strategy of pain.

"We're trying to fund government and they're trying to stop any funding because they think it's a parlor game and they'll win politically, but they're not willing to negotiate and I think that's an untenable position," Paul said.

Erecting 'Barrycades' where they've never been

Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa), at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing a few days after the shutdown began, also suggested that closing the memorial was mere political theater for the public's consumption.

"There were barricades around something that 24/7, 365 I could" visit on previous occasions, Grassley said. "The show of putting barriers around because of the shutdown and spending all the money to do it ... causes me to be a little cynical."

As Grassley said and as Paul alluded to, the memorial - if you've been there - does not normally have a barrier around it. In fact, it is completely accessible - no formal entrance or exit. Think of a statue sitting in the middle of your local park; it is just there. So, think of the time and taxpayer money that went into physically erecting barriers to a memorial that never had them in the first place. And think of this: all to keep Americans out of a memorial that seeks to honor the Greatest Generation and one which was built (and is maintained) with your tax dollars.

For the record, the barricades were ordered erected by the Office of Management and Budget, which reports directly to the president. The OMB could not have ordered them installed on its own authority.

As of Oct. 5, Obama has doubled down on the closure of the memorial, having the barricades wired together to prevent veterans from simply pushing past them, as happened earlier in the week.

Stay classy, Mr. President. And petulant.
