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Government Shuts Down: Big Brother Remains Open For Business

Suzanne Posel

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Oct. 2, 2013

October 2, 2013




President Obama said “more families will be hurt” by the shutdown of the federal government.

Obama blamed the Republicans for bringing this upon the American people by waging an “ideological crusade” against Obamacare.

The president chided Congress, saying that without $16.7 trillion, the Republican Party would bring an ‘economic shutdown” to the US.

Obama said: “The longer this shutdown continues, the worse the effects will be. So once again I urge House Republicans to reopen the government. It’s all about rolling back the Affordable Care Act. This, more than anything else, seems to be what the Republican Party stands for.”

The Obama administration, through the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) has contingency plans for the government shutdown.

Factions and agencies of the US government who will remain unscathed by the shutdown include:

• US Armed Forces

• Broadcasting Board of Governors

• Chemical Safety and Hazard Investigation Board

• Commodity Futures Trading Commission

• Council of the District of Columbia

• Department of Defense

• Department of Agriculture

• Department of Education

• Department of Energy

• Department of Health and Human Services

• Department of Homeland Security

• Department of Housing and Urban Development

• Department of State

• Department of US Treasury

• District of Columbia

• Executive Office of the President

• Export-Import Bank of the United States

The US Postal Service, active military, border patrol guards, and Social Security beneficiaries are other federal services that will continue on during the shutdown.

A memo released by the OMB stated that “we do not have a clear indication that Congress will act in time for the President to sign a Continuing Resolution .”

The Statue of Liberty monument on Battery Park, New York closed down because of the government shutdown.

US veterans flooded the National Park Service who was turned away from attending a memorial for fallen soldiers.

An estimated 200 veterans met with barricades and security guards at the World War II Memorial in Washington, DC.

House Representative Steven Palazzo commented: “These men and women didn’t cower to the Japanese and Germans. I don’t think they’re about to let a few National Park Police stand in their way. We’re going to be there. That’s all there is to it. I don’t know what these veterans will do if they’re not allowed to view the monument, but whatever they do, I’ll be right there with them.”

Pazzio assisted the veterans; moving barricades and pushing aside security guards to the memorial could continue.

Pazzio added: “It’s better to ask for forgiveness than permission. We lined the veterans up along the blockade, we saw an opening and we took it.”

Yosemite National Park (YNP) celebrated its 123rd birthday by being closed to visitors with entrances locked and barricaded.

While national parks have been closed to the public, Congress has approved (as allocated in contingency plans ) “federal agencies through a complex mix of funding sources, public lands and waters would likely remain open to most oil, gas, and mining operations.”

Those national parks that are being drilled for oil include:

• Padre Island National Seashore

• Big Cypress National Preserve

The Klu Klux Klan (KKK) had to cancel a rally at the Gettysburg National Military Park (GNMP) because of the government shutdown. The Confederate White Knights of the KKK were sent home without having their gathering.

Mike Litterst, spokesperson for the NPS said : “Anyone who’s hoping to arrive, even for a day visit, would see gates closed and would be turned away. There won’t be any access.”

During the last governmental shutdown in 1995, the federal system was down for 21 days which affected 3.4 million federal employees pay.

NASA celebrated 55 years old without welcoming visitors.

Kelly Humphries, spokesperson for NASA said : “Nobody wants a shutdown or a furlough, but we must take care of the space station. We’ll just have to see what happens.”

The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) will see departments on hold which will affect services in the technological community.

The Federal Housing Administration (FHA) and the Small Business Administration (SBA) apply funds to Americans. Those funds will be halted.

The SBA said: “The Administration strongly believes that Congress should act immediately to end this shutdown and fund critical Government operations.”

The American Bankers Association (ABA) said that loans supported by the government through grant programs will be “disrupted” making it difficult for homebuyers to use FHA programs.