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As Gov. 'Shuts Down' Pentagon Spends $5 Billion on Weapons

JG Vibes

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Oct. 2, 2013

It has been over a day since the infamous “government shutdown” went into effect, and as expected the world continued to turn.  In fact as pointed out about 4.1 million people who work for the federal government, about 80% will still be expected to show up for work.[1]

Another thing that people forget, and that the mainstream media fails to mention is that this same government shutdown scenario has happened 18 times since 1976.[2]

Unfortunately, all of the things that we hate most about the government are still taking place despite the shutdown.  Cops are still roaming the streets harassing people, the IRS is still sending out bills, and the military continues to kill people.  To prepare for the government shutdown, the pentagon spent $5 billion on weapons, just on the day before the shutdown went into effect.

According to Foreign Policy the Pentagon awarded 94 contracts yesterday evening on its annual end-of-the-fiscal-year spending spree, spending more than five billion dollars on everything from robot submarines to Finnish hand grenades and a radar base mounted on an offshore oil platform. To put things in perspective, the Pentagon gave out only 14 contracts on September 3, the first workday of the month.[3]