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Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, NaturalNews Editor

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Oct. 3, 2013

(NaturalNews) Anyone looking for evidence of the impending total failure of the U.S. government need look no further than the shenanigans taking place right now in Washington D.C.

To summarize:

• As the nation hurtles toward an inevitable debt collapse, the Obama administration insists the answer is to pile on more debt by raising the debt ceiling. Anyone who disagrees with this is being characterized an "anarchist."

• Unless the debt ceiling is raised, the U.S. Treasury will default on hundreds of billions of dollars in debt obligations in less than a month. Such a default would absolutely wreck the credit worthiness of the USA, causing the future debt burden to start wildly multiplying in a runaway mathematical blowout that can only end in financial collapse.

• Obamacare, a broken system of coerced, unconstitutional health insurance mandates, is already causing widespread economic disaster across the country as tens of millions of people are losing their jobs, having their hours cut, or seeing their company-sponsored health plans cancelled. But the socialist philosophy of Obamacare is so central to the political left that they are viciously defending it at all costs. If Obamacare fails, the socialist fantasies of the left go down the drain with it, and they can't let that happen... not even if it means medically bankrupting millions of Americans thanks to the outrageously high costs of health insurance everyone is now forced to buy.

• As political leverage in all this, the federal government is supposedly "shut down," but the IRS is still collecting money, the TSA is still groping travelers at the airport, and billions of dollars in government waste is still accruing each week. To make the shut down appear worse, the Obama administration erected tall barriers around World War II veterans' memorials, desperately attempting to dramatize the shut down while blaming the Republicans. (This also shows the utter disrespect for American veterans who fought for the very freedoms Obama seems to enjoy destroying at every opportunity.)

• The mainstream media, ever the pathetic defenders of failed "hope and change" rhetoric, is still running interference for the Obama administration, pretending that all this is the fault of Republicans and that somehow Democrats had no part in any of it. The very idea that Republicans might want to negotiate a mutual agreement rather than bowing down to the destructive wrath of Obamacare is heavily and repeatedly criticized by the media. How dare you want to negotiate! Peasants don't negotiate with kings! They bow down and kiss feet!


You are watching the slow-motion collapse of the U.S. government

What you are witnessing here is the utter failure of the U.S. federal government -- a failure that may portend an even more sobering failure soon to come.

This is a government that has:

• Run out of money

• Run out of credibility

• Run out of ideas

• Run out of trust from the People

• Run out of excuses for its utter abandonment of law, justice and the will of the People

Maybe it's time that We the People ran them all out of Washington, eh? It's certainly clear to the American people at this point that virtually no one in Washington represents their interests anymore... the exceptions being a very small number of stoic defenders of fundamental freedom like Rand Paul and Ted Cruz. For their efforts to stand firm against the government steamrolling the entire economy into oblivion, they are being called "anarchists" by Sen. Majority Leader Harry Reid, an all-out wretched apologist for endless, cancerous growth of the institution of government.

What happens if 25 million federal paychecks suddenly stop?

As I'm watching all this, I can't help but wonder just how much more the American people are going to take before they fill the streets in protest. Or, even worse, what happens if the so-called "desperate measures" now being invoked by the Treasury can't hold out long enough and the entire system goes into financial default?

What happens in just one week across America if all the people dependent on government don't receive their paychecks? Imagine: 25 million full-time and part-time federal employees suddenly waking up and realizing there is no paycheck; there is no retirement; there is no free health care and there is no "faith and credit of the United States government."

I could tell you almost exactly what's going to happen when that day comes, but you probably wouldn't believe it anyway, so I'll save that explanation for when the time is right. But I will give you the hint (wink wink) that you'd better brush up on reading and buy everything ever written by James Wesley Rawles, because unless an unprecedented holy miracle occurs that defies the laws of economics, there is no saving the U.S. government from its own financial destruction.

If the U.S. government were a hospital patient, you'd pull the plug out of sheer mercy

The only real question is how long it will take for the People to finally lose sufficient faith in this failed government to actually pull the plug and shut it down permanently. If you think of the U.S. government as a hospital patient, it's being kept alive with an artificial lung, an IV feeding tube, a cocktail of toxic blood thinners and a bedside defibrillator. The crash cart is on standby and the heart monitor is showing a failing pulse headed towards flatline.

The Fed stands ready with a syringe full of adrenaline (labeled "Quantitative Easing"), but the patient has already been injected fifty-seven times, and no one knows how much more the patient's heart can handle before exploding.

At some point, it's all such a horrifying wreck that you just pull the plug and pray for the suffering to end. That's where I believe America is ultimately headed: a collapse, a rebirth, and hopefully a new era of abundance without the onerous burden and interference of a government gone insane.