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'Oklahoma Bombs', possibly courtesy of Uncle Sam’s own mercenaries.

The Unhived Mind

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October 2008 Vol; 1 Report number 1

No one has ever seen this expose’…. before this date !

“Oklahoma Bombs”, possibly courtesy of Uncle Sam’s own mercenaries.**

Following my appearance before the U.S. Senate intelligence sub committee, (June 1995) I was asked to supply an investigation into the BOMBS OF OKLAHOMA ..(Plural is intentional)

After completing a report for the Intelligence committee at the request of Senator Arlen Specter, in which I showed that the bombing of the Murrah building was done with two bombs and that two or three others had been found and removed from inside, but never went off. And that the bombing was likely an inside job with Tim McVeigh as the delivery boy for the most part and there were others whom no one knew for sure at that time 1995. Many facts have developed in the last few years, that no one was aware of, soon after the bombs had gone off !

I had great difficulty delivering the report to Senator Arlen Specter, even though it was at his specific request.

He said he never got the first one I sent to Washington D.C. offices. Then he gave me a new special person and address in Pennsylvania and he said he never got that copy either ?

It is just as well , if he was telling the truth, because he would not have liked the outcome of my report, that threw the whole thing back into the U.S. Government’s back yard ! In my report, I had scientifically proven that there were other bombs and that the one large bomb in the truck, could not have done the job. It was obvious that a bomb on the third floor had done the most damage. It was a hundred feet from the truck bomb and elevated about forty or fifty feet up on the third floor !

Most likely the explosion (9 seconds after the truck bomb) according to the seismographic print out I had gotten a few hours after the bombs went off, was likely, a package of C- 4 explosives strapped to the cement pillar on the third floor. That pillar was sheared off on the 3rd floor cutting right through the steel re- bar enforcements inside the pre-hardened cement .The visual appearance of this column was that it was blown outward as well.

But it was not until several months later that I received the real shocker and the answer to many strange questions. You may recall there was always a rumor that a mid-easterner was involved and at least one or two other unknowns? Even the FBI got into that investigative mind set.

The arms dealer, covert operative, who had stolen my toy business in Atlanta , Georgia in 1985-86, to use it as a secret covert front operation for his illegal arms and mercenary training operations (world wide for the covert operations of America’s security agencies), apparently was involved with the bombs, with some of his mid-eatern friends!

Other-wise it is another one of the unbelievable coicidential events that the Covert operatives want you to believe ,”it just happened !”

It is my conclusion and opinion that, This mercenary operative, Gary Best, was involved in the Oklahoma bombs !

After I completed my report to the Senate, a follower of my work, at that time, sent to me a newspaper story, from Oklahoma. With a note that asked “IS THIS THE SAME COMPANY THAT STOLE YOUR TOY COMPANY ?”

The story that was sent to me, was written by Gypsy Hogan and published by the Oklahoma newspaper .

The story was about a strange purchase of a meat company, the Governor’s involvement and the bankruptcy of the company that had actually never done anything since it�s start up?

However all that strange action was overshadowed by the person who bought and then bankrupted and left the business, with out ever doing any thing !(A method of operation by this character) **

The person was the secret agent armament salesman and supplier for the U.S. Government , who had stolen my business many years earlier, (1985-86) to use it (My toy company) for a covert-front for illegal weapons sales and supplies for terrorist groups. All on the behalf of our top secret agencies (CIA and the Intelligence agencies) around the world!

His name ? Gary Best, his company names (Plural) all VISTA USA INC ., Vista Inc. etc. The prefix of “Vista”, on everyone except one, Mega Oil Inc.(Which was still his corporation)

Here is what I discovered!

In 1992 a few years after screwing me out of my business and a few others (that’s his M.O. according to FBI Top Secret reports !) He steals a business , in a contractual fraud of some sort, uses them as front operations to cover the arms and explosives and training of mercenaries for the C.I.A. and the National Security Agency.

When he accomplishes his needs with the false front companies, he bankrupts them, steps away from the remains of the company and starts up another!

In the early 1990′s, Best had been assigned to Azerbaijan area, his job was to supply weapons and training to the Azeri’s to fight the Armenians and at the same time set up arms sales and supplies to the Chechnian , and Bosnia rebels as well.

Gary Best had moved his operations to Baku, Azerbaijan, the old Russian Oil center and crude oil source for the Russians for many years. That area looks like a 1940′s Texas oil area, filled with old non producing, oil wells, rusted fast in their deserted past ! Like hundreds of miles of grave stones popping up in the desert.

With this new covert job for the CIA or for NSA or for another covert secret agency, in mind, he set out to grab up an oil company as a front! He was to supply weapons for the Azeri’s to fight the Armenians, cooperate with the Russians at the same time. His mix with the Russian president and the president of Azerbaijan, and Washington D C , also indicate possible double agent assignment !

Mr. Best of course sets up the deals and hires terrorist trainers (soldiers of fortune) and buys and transports the weapons, using hired help, all at an “arms ” length (Pun intended) .

I had personally watched this M.O ., while he was my partner in the Altanata Toy company, I once owned. While I made toy puppets, he was selling air craft and missiles for a much larger, financial income.

For the Azerbaijan operations, He had conned an oilman out of Texas, and stolen his company, a man named Ponder, Ponder oil company Inc.

The same as the theft of my company the toy manufacturing operation in Atlanta, Best was using it as a front.

Best then claimed he had a contract with the Russian government to set up in Azerbaijan.

Representing himself as an oil company to regenerate crude oil from the old dormant oil region!

At the same time he was appearing to start up oil production, he was doing the arms supplies and training for the Azerbaijanis’, and other areas the CIA needed to cultivate.

Part of his pay was with oil contracts and it was a multimillion dollar operation for him .

In this new oil contracted deal, Guess who his partners where ?

The same good old boys who he worked with in the Iran Contra mess out of my toy company in Atlanta.

And who he worked with in Viet Nam!

General Richard Secord and General Heine Aderholt, formally of Air America ( said to be the drugs and arms operation in Viet Nam .)***

The three of them set up contracted business in Azerbaijan. For a start up payment of $10,000,000.

They started training an army and supplying the army with weapons. They did this in one of the camps that Osama Ben Ladin had set up and used.

From there, they shipped to several other hot spots that the CIA had created. Plus remember, they brought the Ponder Oil company drilling equipment as a front with them from Mr. Ponder’s oil company in Texas (So they looked real)

Later, when Ponder found out it was a false front (as I did, with my toy company afew years earklier) Mr. Ponder demanded to get out of his contract with VISTA OIL INC. and MEGA OIL INC. (Gary Best ) . Since a big part of his pay was to be from the oil pumped out from the Russian contracts that never really ever existed !

Ponder was, in the mean time, selling shares of stocks to investors on the false promises from Gary Best !

Gary Best did to him, as he did with me, but with more leverage.

One day while the two were at odds, Ponder was in Baku , Azerbaijan, 4,000 miles from home in a small oil shack , when Best pulled the plugs on him!

Max Ponder reported the following , “Best came into the small offices, an confronted Mr. Ponder with four or five Azeri mercenaries at his side ,with AK 47 machine guns and a told Ponder to get on the next flight out of Azerbaijan ! ”

END OF CONTRACT! End of several legitimate years of Ponder oil, of Alice Texas.


To get back to the point of this report. Best, for some reason packed up his bags in the middle of this Azerbaijan golden cow operation, and moved, quickly and temporarily to Oklahoma city . Well, at least he made a few visits there.

Not much of a permanent move to Oklahoma, he just needed a reason to be there. This time he needed a front company for the Oklahoma City area. How about a taco meat packing company ? Sounds logical to me !

Best bought out, took over, or other wise grabbed up, a stumbling company called Harris meats, one and one half of a mile from the Murrah building, in Oklahoma City!

The company re-named now, Vista Foods inc. ( 14 years earlier my toy company had it’s name changed from the Animal factory Inc., to Vista Animal Factory U.S.A. inc, in 1986)

Also, in 1992 Ponder Oil name, was changed to the same, Vista oil , and then Mega Oil inc., another phoney non existing company artificially lent funds to VIsta Oil, and later shows up in Oklahoma!

Gary never puts real funds into anything, he does as an old mob connected friend of mine always said , UOPM, use other peoples money, and Gary Best did that all the time.

With synthetic funding from Mega Oil, (Gary Best) and a line of Bull crap, Governor Keating from Oklahoma city , joined in with friends and stock investors in the new meat company!

I must point out Governor Keating was a long time Justice department leader during the time of the Iran Contra actions which Best was directly involved. Keating was either an old friend of Best or was conned by him like others. I am not sure.

The Governor also signed off on a $75,000. low interest loan for the Vista, Mega, meat company to help get started! (As with all the Best busineses,the meat company, never really did get started )

If anyone in the Governor’s offices really knew that Gary Best was an arms dealer and mercenary training expert, was and is unclear.

However in the middle of this strange meat company action, the Governor got an internal memo from an adviser and Public relations friend, who wrote a note ,similar to this, to Gov. Keating, “It appears that Gary Best is a CIA, you better stand down from supporting him!”.. it was too late by then.

Keating had help generate many thousands of dollars for Best, and even cut the ribbon for an artificial start up date !

To assist with miscellaneous bussiness, it was reported , Gary Best brought with him a few Mid-easterners ,once in a while from the Baku, Azeri operations to help him in Oklahoma !

The location of the new covert front meat factory, was about 17 blocks from the Murrah bldg.

located at 1616 west Reno Ave.

Buy the way, the same time the Governor was in a high level of federal law enforcement during the Contra actions .

It had been reported that Gary Best, after I had the toy company stolen from me, Best supplied electric watch timer devices, out of my Toy conpany, for the Contras for their C- 4 explosive bombs whilw he was with Ollie North’s operations .The timers they previously had used, did not work well and the young Contras blew them selves up once in a while until Best introduced the electronic digital watches as explosive timers, for the C-4! Had he done the same for the Oklahoma bombs ?


Realizing the only thing GARY BEST does, in life, is supply explosives, air craft, missiles and mercenaries for the CIA or other agencies, what was the idea in Okalahoma ?

One wonders what his intent was? I know he had no intent to make taco meats for the local mexican restaurants. He was selling 10,000,000. air craft from my toy companny, not 50 cents worth of meat for tacos !

Then April 19 1994, 9;00 am, BOOM ! , BOOM !

There goes two explosions nine seconds apart ! April 19 ,1995, in the Murrah building!

The VISTA meat company never made a single package of meat !

Mr. Best disappeared back to Azerbaijan.

Then, one year later , on April 19 ,1996, Mr. Best (Vista Meat Inc. ) Best filed formal bankruptcy papers for the meat company. YES! The very day of the one year anniversary, while all of Oklahoma was at payer meetings and somber meetings of rememberance for their friends and children who had died in the bombing event, Gary Best was filling his Bankruptcy papers for the meat company that never was ! (Except another false front operation for some thing !?)


It was not bad enough that he had set this company up fora front for something, maybe the front for the bombing of the federal building, but Best was about to try to steal what little was left on the start up meat company .

All the equipment (in the factory, that never got started) was about to be turned over to the Courts to go to the first lien holders of the majority stock !

That was a company called MEGA OIL INC (One of Gary Best’s companies in the Ponder Oil ,Azerbaijan operation of course. ) Gary had written that lien holder down as the primary stock holder with a supposed loan of $2,000,000. coicidentally the amount of estimated value of the equipment on the floor at the meat company!

The proposed liquidation sale of the property and repaying MEGA OIL, would have screwed all the other investors out of their investments, many brought into the meat company with the good words from Governor Keating for the investments.

Since the MEGA oil holdings are worth about 2 million (on paper) and the machinery is worth about 2 million no one else gets any thing !

The financial screw job included the Oklahoma loan from the State of Oklahoma, signed off on by the governor.

By the way you did read this correctly, VISTA FOODS INC, bankrupted APRIL ,19, 1996! A typical covert ops ceremonial anniversary departure , one year to the day of the bombs!.


Why was Gary Best, the heavy arms, and explosive dealer, mercenary training expert for the CIA, etc., in Oklahoma city ?

What was his operation there? …TACOS?

Why did he ceremoniously bankrupt on the anniversary date of the bombs ?

Were his assistants at the meat company, front company, the Mid-easterners everyone had seen in Oklahoma days before the bombs ? And tried to track down , after the bombs?

Even Gary Best’s lawyer in the Corporate bankruptcy action was a mid -easterner, named Kandi Jepen Pate a Pakistani or Indian. (Best had done many Pakistan covert operations in the 1980′s and 1990′s I had seen video tapes of Best with the President of Pakistan in 1984.)

Was the mystery leg found inside the Murrah bldg that was blown off of some one , one of the legs from a co-conspirator of the bombers ? I think so. (It was never identified ) It had military dress camos and a military boot on , but no one ever said they lost a son or a dad or an uncle that was not Identified by any one ?

Does anyone know of a missing guy who worked for the (Formerly HARRIS meats, Vista Meats who disapperaed around that time ? )

The finale toll was over a hundred and sixty dead in the Oklahoma bombs but the total numbers dead (assisted by Best and his arms and the training of mercenaries armies came to about 35,000 dead in Armenians with 1,000,000 in refugee camps in the area. (1989-1995)

General Aderholt told me, in 2000, on a phone call, that he and General Richard Secord left the business deals with Best and the Azerbaijan operation after a year or two because “Best was too radical and not to be trusted”

(These are the Generals who ran the Air America operations and Viet Nam covert assassination programs !)


The governor apparently did know some thing in advance of the bombs, even if it never rang a bell for him! His brother ,with the help of a former FBI chief, wrote a book manuscript before the bombs of 0klahoma, that described the plans for the bombs, with a character named Tom McVay , (not Tim McVeigh)

He described a similar car like the one both Mcviegh and McVay was driving when they got caught, The real one and the one in the Governor brothers story!

Do you believe that was that a coincidence? Several months before it happened ? The names of Tim McVeigh and Tom McVay are too much, for me !

The technical adviser for the book, by the governor’s brother , was the FBI agent who was close with Bill Clinton and Janet Reno. And I believe worked under Governor Keating in the justice department!

Some one knew some thing and no one paid attention to Gary Best or the possible, Vista meat and bomb factory !

One and One half a miles away !

Never let anyone try to even argue on this one ! Now you know !! Some one let another MURDERER get away again !!

Watch this space for spying on the spies, I will report more of this type of insiders information each week.

” All the stuff the participants do not want you to learn! ”

Next week: NUCLEAR FISSION MATERIALS smugglers !

Featuring; GARY BEST !

See product page for the original bombs of Oklahoma on DVD

See the photograph in the photo section titled : ” Killer on the way to carry out murder “a photo taken of the killer going to carry out the murder and mass destruction of 28 people !

The following are excerpts from a speech presentation given in California;by Daniel Sheehan of the Christic Institute

(No, they were not Communists)

He is explaining one small part of some of the actions surrounding a RICO racketeering, 24 million dollar, law suit filed against against many Government connected “spies” and their Murder of a room full of people .

The intent was to kill EDEN PASTORA, the leader of the CONTRAS, who the CIA wanted to replace! They failed to kill him but their bomber did accomplish one thing, he killed a room full of non related reporters and one young American reporter, named Linda Frazier, from Miami Florida !

The assasin got away ..

His picture shown in the photo section only a short time before he killed at least EIGHT people as collateral damge in theattempted murder, for the CIA ! Twenty four people had their arms, legs and eyes blown off!

Collateral Damges!

I was a federal sworn witness in this case, linked like a spider web, many of the arms dealers and drug smugglers involved with the CIA at that time as a cover, eventually came through my TOY COMPANY in Atlanta !

This was the beginning of how I became involved with investigating bad guys in Government!

Here is one small part of the story.

This is Daniel Sheehan speaking ;

“In May of 1984, Eden Pastora called a public press

conference and there he was going to denounce the FDN (the

major contra movement, the one in Honduras) and the U.S.

Central Intelligence Agency for attempting to co-opt and

subvert his nationalistic contra group. At that press

conference held in a jungle camp of Eden Pastora on May 30,

Memorial Day of 1984, you can see the videotape to this day

as they came up the river into the jungle camp and the

numerous journalists climbed out. You can see among them a

Danish journalist with a large, aluminum camera case with a

baseball cap on, walking with them, chatting merrily as he

went into the building where the press conference was to be

held. You see this man, Per Anker Hansen, move to the front

of the room on the videotape and place his camera case next

to the table where Eden Pastora would hold his press


When Eden Pastora comes into the room and all of the

journalists begin to surge to the front of the base camp

room, and then, as the press conference starts, you see a

young woman, Maria, bring a cup of coffee to Comandante Zero

and accidentally kick over the camera case. It falls on its

side, and no one pays much attention. She gives him the

coffee and the press conference commences. What you then see

is this alleged Danish journalist begin to skulk out of the

room, moving across the side of the room on the video tape

and out the door.

Immediately thereafter, a deathly roar engulfs the

building, destroying everyone in sight, killing eight people

immediately, killing three international journalists,

including an American journalist (Linda Frazier), blowing off

the arms and legs, blinding, tearing off the limbs of the

journalists assembled. Twenty-four people were massively

injuried and, indeed, everyone would have been slaughtered by

the bomb had it not been for the fortuitous event of it

having been turned over on its side.

Because, it turns out, the bomb had been made of deadly

C-4 explosives. This type of explosive is second only to

nuclear devices in its explosive capacity, a type which is

very difficult to obtain unless you have contact with the

Central Intelligence Agency or other intelligence groups.

Because it had been turned on its side, it blew the entire

roof off the building and blew the entire floor out instead,

laying waste to everyone as it exploded laterally.

( Bob Fletcher insert: The same C-4, with a tmer, was used in the

third floor explosion in Oklahoma City explosion, ten years later,.

Now, when the bulletins went out across Costa Rica that

this had happened, one of the people listening at home on the

radio was a young reporter by the name of Martha Honey. She

was an American reporter, but she reported for the Canadian

Broadcast Corporation and for the London Sunday Times. Her

husband, Tony Avirgan, had been at this press conference.

Tony Avirgan was the ABC television cameraman who had been

assigned to film the press conference. He had been

devastated by the bomb. It tore out a portion of his side,

had burnt one whole arm and his hand, and blown shrapnel into

his face and chest. He was in critical condition and was

flown out by helicopter to the hospital and later to the

United States, where he underwent months of plastic surgery.

( Bob Fletcher insert :”Also listening at home was John Hull and a

visitor Vaughn Forest, from the US Congressman, Bill McCollum’s offices.)

Martha Honey, being the person that she is, insisted

upon going to the United States Newspaper Guild asking for a

grant to look for who it was that had perpetrated this

horrendous bombing, and asking to work with her fellow

journalists to bring these people to justice. She began her

investigation and then had an extraordinary event occur.

In early 1985, during her investigation, a young man by

the name of Carlos Rojas Chinchilla, a young carpenter down

in Costa Rica, was sitting at a restaurant and bar a couple

of blocks from the U.S. Embassy when in came three men. One

of them was left at the door, the other two left. And the

man [David] who was left at the door looked around, and came

over to Carlos, and sat down and told him that he wanted

Carlos to help him, that he had to escape, that he was a

participant in the terrorist bombing at La Penca, which had

murdered the people at the press conference. He said he was

part of a terrorist band of contras who were going to blow up

the U.S. Embassy and who were going to assassinate the U.S.

ambassador to Costa Rica, Lewis Tambs.

( Bob Fletcher’s this same time period, my toy company was about

to be taken over , merged, with a covert arms dealer in Atlanta,

connected to these Contra operatives!)

He went on to say that these terrorists were based on

the ranch of a millionaire American rancher by the name of

John Hull; that these had been the people, indeed, who had

carried out the assassination of the journalists and had

planned to kill the U.S. ambassador. Such a major event, he

continued, would provoke the United States, cause it to blame

the bombing of their embassy on the Sandinista government and

to result in a military strike against that government.

This man shared the information with Carlos, and Carlos

in his utter amazement later learned that some people had

been arrested (a few people from Hull’s ranch) who fit the

description of these people. And when he realized that what

he had heard was true, he went to the only North American

family he knew to have them go warn the Embassy. The

daughter of that family happened to know Martha Honey, and

went to Martha, and shared the information. They then went

to talk to this man, David.

They began a series of interviews with David through

Carlos — in the public parks, on tape recorders, in

churches, in hotel basements, all across the city —

gathering the information about this terrorist group. One

day, Carlos and David were caught by John Hull’s terrorists

in a park and thrown in the back of a car, held at gunpoint,

and brought to the ranch where they were held in a wooden


David told them that they were going to be killed if

they didn’t get out of there. And so, the two of them,

taking their lives in their hands, leaped on this guard and

knocked him down and broke through a window and ran into the

jungle in a fusilade of bullets, and escaped through the

jungle. Eventually they made their way back to civilization,

where they hitched a ride. They shared their story with the

Costa Rican authorities and with the intelligence people


However, the [Luis Alberto] Monge government that was in

power at the time, was sympathetic to the contras, and so,

the journalists themselves had to continue the investigation

alone. A week later they learned that David, who had run off

to another place, had been recaptured by John Hull’s men, had

been brought to Hull’s ranch, tortured to death, and buried


(Fletcher insert:….. “It was discovered that a man named Vaughn Forest,

the assistant to Congressman Bill McColum, the guy I ran against in the

Orlando, Florida distrsist for Congress 1990, was with John Hull the

night of the explosion , waitng for the news that the deed was done!”

Congressman Bill McCollum , got away with illegal and immoral acts, while in Congress for years, with his CIA connected adviser, Vaughn Forest. )

** Copy rights 1996 Bob Fletcher..

Excerpts from “The Animal Factory puppets of the world order”

Manuscript for Book First copy rights 1987 as “Toys of War ” by Bob Fletcher.

Copyrights ..Bob Fletcher October, 2008

A few stories coming soon ! To this spot!

A few forgotten spy dead operations…and dead Americans because of them !

1) KILLING OUR OWN MILITARY AND CIVILIANS ? …”Bringing the war home! ”

Chemicals brought back from the first Iragi attacks..on our equipment killing American soldiers…and almost killing my marine son , CAUSING BIRTH DEFECTS !









theunhivedmind says:

September 24, 2013 at 10:56 pm

Study George Stephanopoulos’s manuscript titled ‘True Colors’ to understand what is going on since the 90s.

-= The Unhived Mind