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BAD SIGNS, by J.B. Campbell


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Sept. 12, 2013

I just got some bad news. Our local doctor reported that a trucker he knows brought a government consignment of goods up from the Mexican border to the Arizona/Nevada check point. The Nevada inspector asked, “What’s in the back of your truck?” The trucker didn’t know, it was a government consignment and so he hadn’t bothered to check.

The inspector said, “Let’s have a look.”

They opened the back and the trailer was stacked with new signs that said, “MARTIAL LAW AREA.”

No agency name on them. The trucker was on his way to the north-east part of the country. The signs were apparently made in Mexico.

Trouble is on its way…



TimW says:

Bad news indeed.

But the simple truth is that the US has been under martial law, whether enforced or not, since the 1930s. This situation traces its roots to the various bankruptcies of the United States.

The first such event was in 1791; the debt incurred, to the usual suspects, was that arising from prosecuting the so-called Revolutionary War. This war was not about the common man’s struggle for independence from England; but about who would rule the Crown Colony.

The Founding Fathers, masons almost without exception, accepted that they would be allowed to rule the colony if they honoured these debts. To pay them, they drafted the Constitution later in the same year as the bankruptcy; whose legal implications are that all signatories agree freely to pay the debts of someone else. Thus the people were shanghaied into this position, unbeknownst to themselves. They thought that they were being given rights; they were in fact being given responsibilities, in exchange for those somewhat limited rights.

The legal ramifications of bankruptcies at this level are that 70 years are determined to re-structure the economy and to introduce mechanisms whereby the original obligations can be met at the expiry of that period.

The second bankruptcy occurred, on cue, seventy years later, in 1861. This time, the mechanism for restructuring the debt involved the Northern Government in a war of aggression against the personnel and property-rich South. Those allegedly enfranchised would simply exchange one form of serfdom for another; they would, in exchange for “civil rights”, agree to meet their income tax obligations; money which would be fed to the original creditors, residing in their European chateaux.

On 9.10.1931, the third bankruptcy occurred, seventy years later. This time, the debt would be consolidated by stealing all the gold of the American citizenry, and giving them Social Security numbers, as befits objects which are entirely owned by the government as chattel property. Furthermore, Congress agreed that a State of Emergency might be declared, in response to the financial crisis; this situation involves the suspension of the Constitution, and the imposition of a state of martial law, with all power thenceforth residing in the hands of the Executive. The Chief Executive of course being a blood relation of the Royal Family of England, as has always been the case.

This situation pertains to the present day. The proof of this contention is that every US courthouse displays the flag not of the US, but of the Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of that nation, ie a gold-fringed US flag.

Those of you with a slightly greater ability to pay attention than is average will note that the fourth US bankruptcy occurred, according to the clearly-defined timeline of such events, on 9.10.2001.

You will therefore be able to understand the events of the following day, and their subsequent developments, in a new light.