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Is the U.S. Trying to Torpedo Syria Peace Talks?

Washington's Blog

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Sept. 11, 2013

Demands Syrian Government Be Blamed for Something that Hasn’t Been Proven

Yesterday was a roller coaster. First, the U.S., Syria and Russia agreed to avoid war if Syria placed control over its chemical weapons under international control.

Then, the State Department backed away from a deal, and we worried that the U.S. was still going to attack.

When Obama said he’d accept a negotiated diplomatic settlement, things looked good.

But now, the United Nations resolution being drafted by the Senate would say that the Syrian government was responsible for the August 21st chemical weapons attack.

Syria would never agree to such a UN resolution. And Russia has already said it would veto the resolution.

Please remember:

  • Congress members who have seen the classified intelligence from the U.S. government are not impressed, and top chemical weapons experts are skeptical

But the U.S. is attempting to do an end-run around the lack of evidence by having the UN assign guilt to the Syrian government … or to torpedo peace talks entirely.

Moreover, the U.S. is sending mixed signals – even now – about attacking Syria.