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Nightmare: Senate Votes on Aiding Al-Qaeda on September 11

Freedom Outpost

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Sept. 9, 2013

The Senate now plans to vote to authorize Barack Obama to use U.S. military force in Syria on Wednesday. That is, Sept. 11. Surely God is a comedian playing to an audience with no sense of humor. The perverse horror.

Nightmare Senate Votes on Aiding Al-Qaeda on September 11

Someone pinch me. This is a nightmare. Are we so far gone that our elected officials would vote to authorize military action in support of al-Qaida on the 12th anniversary of the day that al-Qaida declared war on America and slaughtered 3,000 of our sisters and brothers? This is the poison fruit of the Obama administration’s Shariah policy of scrubbing all counter terror materials of jihad. How can we expect our elected officials to understand the enemy’s doctrine when there is a national prohibition on such discussion?

Russia says that it has compiled a 100-page report showing that the Obama-backed Syrian rebels, not Assad, launched the chemical weapons attack. According to McClatchy, “Russia said the report had been delivered to the United Nations in July and includes detailed scientific analysis of samples that Russian technicians collected at the site of the alleged attack, Khan al Asal.” And also, “the statement drew a pointed comparison between what it said was the scientific detail of the report and the far shorter intelligence summaries that the United States, Britain and France have released to justify their assertion that the Syrian government launched chemical weapons against Damascus suburbs on Aug. 21.”

Will they vet this document at the Senate hearings, or will the clueless McCain’s insistence be enough? It certainly is enough for talking heads like Bill O’Reilly, who nearly took the head off of anyone last week who dared to mention al-Qaida and/or the jihadist elements in the Syrian opposition. But how can the American people be expected to believe anything this administration tells us when they blatantly and flagrantly lied about Benghazi? They blamed the YouTube video when it was Muslim terrorists, and they knew it all along.

The disconnect from reality doesn’t end there. Back in May, jihadists were arrested on the Syria/Turkey border with sarin gas – the same poison used in the disputed chemical weapons attacks. Reuters reported, “Secretary of State John Kerry’s public assertions that moderate Syrian opposition groups are growing in influence appear to be at odds with estimates by U.S. and European intelligence sources and nongovernmental experts, who say Islamic extremists remain by far the fiercest and best-organized rebel elements.”

Putin went further and called Kerry a liar.

This is the same denial template that the Obama administration employed in Egypt. Remember? The narrative was that it was a freedom revolution and that the Muslim Brotherhood had little role in the revolution and stood to gain nothing from it, despite evidence that I published from the very first, as did my few, brave colleagues. America was misled by the Obama administration when it assured Americans that the Muslim Brotherhood would have no political role in the “new Egypt.”

I was right then, and I am right now.

This has been a long time in the making. Back in April 2007, I interviewed prominent Egyptian blogger Sandmonkey on Middle Eastern affairs. It was a critical time: Bush had lost the Congress to the Democrats in the November 2006 election, and Pelosi and company were instituting their own foreign policy changes.

Regrettably, Sandmonkey and I stopped talking in 2011 when I warned that the “freedom revolution” in Egypt was a Muslim Brotherhood coup. He said that the Arab Spring in Egypt “had nothing to do with the Muslim Brotherhood.” The left and the Islamic supremacists went after me with all they had for my correct assessment in January 2011. We know how that went.

But that’s not my point. In 2007, Sandmonkey told me: “Any kind of democratic reform in the country [Egypt] for the past 3 years has been rolled back specifically because there is no more pressure coming from Washington anymore.” Under Obama, it only got worse.

And regarding Nancy Pelosi’s 2007 visit to Syria, he said: “The day after Pelosi’s visits there were immediate arrests of Syrian activists. That was the fruit she yielded. ‘Oh the Americans came over and they said they have a different foreign policy and they’re more interested in placating Bashar’s ego.’ And he went out and got [arrested] everyone he wanted because he knew he had an ally in Washington that wouldn’t pressure him as much.” Back then, Pelosi was placating Assad’s ego. Now he’s Hitler, and we’re enabling the jihadists.

We know who the opposition is. But you can expect the Obama administration to act shocked, shocked I tell you, when vicious jihadists take control of Syria. Obama will say that he acted too late. “If I hadn’t had to go to Congress, all would have been well.” And his propaganda organizations (ABC, NBC, CNN, CBS) will advance that big lie, as they have faithfully done his bidding for six years.

Assad is not scared of Obama (why should he be?), and he is not backing down. Syria’s Deputy Foreign Minister Faisal Muqdad said last week that “the Syrian government will not change position even if there is World War III.

With the Russians moving warships into the Mediterranean and the Chinese “observing” from their own warships as well, it looks as if it could shape up to be just that. And as Barack Obama told reporters that the first cell of Syrian “rebels” trained and armed by the CIA is already making its way to the battlefield, it could end up being a contest between the shirtless horseman and the helmeted bike rider.

This is exactly what I warned of back on Aug. 31. European readers expressed real fear concerning Syria and U.S. intervention. One wrote to me that Europeans “sense a possible ‘Archduke Ferdinand’ response igniting a world war too close to home. Since Barack Obama entered the scene, all hell has broken loose in every possible corner and nook and cranny. His failures are so epidemic, so unprecedented in modern history.”

Is Obama really going to go to war against the Russians aligned with al-Qaida and the Muslim Brotherhood? Reset button, indeed.

Join us at Ground Zero at 1 p.m. at Cedar and Trinity to oppose this treason (details here).

My colleague Robert Spencer and I will host a press conference featuring speakers including 9/11 family members Rosaleen Talon and Nelly Braginsky, 9/11 first responder Alan T. DeVona, Sudanese human rights activist Simon Deng and Coptic Christian human rights activist Ashraf Ramelah. They will call attention to the plight of Christians in Syria and the cost of the Obama administration’s unreality about jihad terror worldwide. The NYPD denied our permit for our event, as well as denying a permit to a biker rally in Washington that opposed the Million Muslim March there. Who is running the show in America? The Muslim Brotherhood? We will be there nonetheless: freedom of assembly. Join us