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Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2013 18:58:12 -0400




All, thanks to Richard Harper, Madison Forum Member, for the below information.  Richard's research is accurate and his conclusions are valid.  One of the areas of study for my Master's Degree program in Psychology with emphasis in Organization Development, was a strong focus on "Why companies go bankrupt and countries fail."  The answer was: "Ignoring the Data, and Denying the Facts." 

When we see the facts and the overt data surrounding us, we often think this can't happen to us, and then it does!  We are not that clever, but we wish not to do anything that would take us out of our psychological comfort zone.  There is more to this discussion than that simple statement, but that sums it up.  There are always the people and experts that tell us the "world is really round" and we, unthinkingly accept their admonition because we abdicate to their so called authority.

I just heard Peter King, (Rep NY), state on Fox News that the Constitution "absolutely gives the President the power to go to war."  What utter nonsense!  But, he makes my case.  Only Congress has the power to declare war.  That is a fact that we all know.  So as you read the information below, please know there are politicians who lie to you and tell you they have told you the truth.  E.G. Bill Clinton's statement, "I did not have sex with that woman...Monica Lewinsky."  Or Nixon's statement, "I am not a crook."

Or the big lie behind the "Gulf of Tonkin Resolution" that North Vietnamese gun boats attacked our warships.  That big lie cost America 50,000 causalities.   This has been the reality of politicians and the fate of countries throughout the ages.  The lie helps them fool the people.  However, the people cannot be fooled all the time, and we are becoming more knowledgeable of deception and truth.  Americans are now becoming very angry as they know that they have been duped by those whom they trusted time and time again. Please forward to your lists.

"Knowledge is power... Ignorance is slavery."  M. Opitz

Michael Opitz


The Madison Forum

-------- Original Message --------

Date: Sun, 1 Sep 2013 15:39:13 -0400
From: Richard Harper <>
To: Michael Opitz <>

Dear Michael,
Thank you for the information you sent below.
I hope you will not be offended, but since I am terrified about the continued existence of our country as we have all known it, and because I hear more and more people my age stating their fear for our country's survival (a very experienced and respected lawyer, who was in WWII, stated this to me last week without my solicitation, for example), I had to state what I am feeling and fearing.  Even if some do not agree, most of us should not have to be thinking such things.  It is not our imaginations working overtime !!  It is exactly all that Obama is, and is not, doing.
Please note my remarks on Isakson's Facebook page, and I would appreciate your passing this message on to all Madison Forum members, of all the people I can think of..
It is a completely obvious fact that Muslims, if you think about it, are unhappy, and cause great problems, all over the world, including their own countries !!! Is there any place in the world that you know of where they are happy ?? No !! Even the good ones - because it is a fact that they certainly will never control the bad ones!! How much common sense and observation is required for each American to see this ??
I know this may offend many people, but the over simplified fact is, that the Koran basically says that everyone in the world will eventually be a Muslim, under their control, or will be dead.  Period.  What else do you need to know ??  Why do you think Maj. Hasan did what he did ??
Most people are terrified for our country as it is, just because the probable (and I believe absolutely) Muslim, Obama, has continually, daily, committed definite and obvious violations of the Constitution - all to usurp our liberties and rights.  It would take a fool not to realize it is being done to eventually gain complete control of our once wonderful and free country.  And if you read the news, it is accelerating daily, while we squabble over a continuous and distracting stream of inconsequential, and planned, internal political strife. 
We need to quit acting in separate groups across the country, fighting hundreds of individual little actions, to stop the innumerable usurpations that have been growing internally for the purpose of taking over and destroying our country for the last half century.   We need to quit being distracted my the million little cuts at a time, and unite as one country, as they have in Germany, Australia and the Scandinavian countries, to tell Muslims here to abide by our laws or leave, before it is too late and we lose control of our wonderful country. That is the only way to force our nation to face facts and overcome the biased press and timid, and/or collusive, members of Congress to action and save our country.
Every single member of Congress has been violating their oath of office to the Constitution since 2008.  Why? Because each one has to know of how and why the Democrats required John McCain to be declared "natural born" by a Senate resolution (which they did fallaciously) to run for President,  while Nancy Pelosi, as Chairman of the Democratic National Convention, colluded on the announcements to all of the states of Obama's inauguration by leaving out the normal phrasing of "under the Constitution" in the announcements .  Except, ironically, in Hawaii, where that wording is required by law - which proves she knew it was a lie.   This proves Pelosi and the Democratic leadership knew it and colluded to have him nominated, and our timid secretaries of state of each state never challenged it - in any state !! It has also been proven (by a birth certificate) that McCain is not "natural born" either (his mother left the naval base in the Panama Canal Zone - American Territory, at the time - to give birth to him in Colon, Panama, making him not "natural born").  And now, because of the complete corruption of Congress that I am stating here, the Republicans are continually mentioning Cruz, Rubio and Jindal for President, or VP, - none of whom are "natural born".  I suppose they have all finally begun to believe two wrongs make a right.  If you do not believe any of this, please e-mail me and ask for my five years of research. Cruz even announced he was giving up his dual Canadian citizenship, I would believe, to start the process of confusing the "natural born" issue about him for the uninformed.
I also am sick and tired of the worsening, and dangerous, blah, blah, blah of all of the news and press, which are doing nothing more than lulling the collusive, as well as the timid and/or indifferent, citizens of our country away from action.
And that includes not telling Obama to stop ignoring and/or flouting the Constitution almost daily, thereby making it meaningless !! Get rid of him before it is too late and martial law is invoked (which is what more and more educated and knowledgeable people are agreeing upon with me). Nothing else is going to save us !!
A mosque directly across the street from the Twin Towers site, which is the same as spitting in our collective faces (and proving to the rest of the Muslim world that we will do nothing about it, thereby emboldening them even more around the world), much less all of the brave souls who have given their lives for our country, should tell us all we need to know !!!!  Are you kidding me - that we allow such a thing and there are no consequences for a President and all Congressmen who say and/or do nothing about it ?? That single fact is all any patriotic American really needs to know, to really understand why we are losing this country !! Let all patriot organizations across this country unite for one action only, which will notify, and start action on, all of the myriad of liberally (or communist, or whatever term you prefer) inspired other subversions being instituted against our Constitution daily. This will tell Muslims (and all other subversives) here, and around the world, to abide by our laws and obey and fear us, or suffer the consequences, for good and forever !!  Have Obama invalidated as President !!  It can be done very easily, with a lot of legal defense during the process, of course !!
After presenting on, and pleading for help against, the illegal Presidency of Obama for over five years, I am sick of people's response of doing nothing toward a unified mission to get rid of Obama, It is like everyone is saying, well we are in dire and threatening times, but if you talk about it, I do not want to get involved.  Let's just focus on these, daily increasing, thousands of little unconstitutional things that have been going on.  That way, we can feel we are doing something patriotic, and just keep on ignoring the obvious genesis of all of this, which is a corrupt Congress doing nothing about an illegal President !!  And within two more years, or so, we will be a police state !!  How the hell much do you need to know ???
Patriotically, and Blessings,
Richard Harper
Make God Continue To Bless America
You Prayers, And Action, Are Needed To Make It So


On Sun, Sep 1, 2013 at 10:46 AM, Michael Opitz <> wrote:

All, thanks to John Vescuso, Madison Forum Member, for the below information and link.

Michael Opitz


The Madison Forum

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Isakson Statement on Authorization of Military Action Against Syria
Date: Sat, 31 Aug 2013 18:10:08 -0400 (Eastern Daylight Time)
To: undisclosed-recipients

‘If we fail to take strong action against Syria for this horrendous attack, then we are sending a signal to Syria as well as to Iran and North Korea that they are accountable to no one’ ATLANTA, GA -- U.S. Se...