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Is The City Of Pinellas Park, Florida Fronting The NSA?


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Aug. 28, 2013

On May 18, 2013, Joe, the main security guard at the Pinellas Park, Florida Library, told me that when he wasn't working at the library on the weekends, he is a National Security Agency (NSA) agent who stops scientists from disclosing information to the public.

Joe said that his ID was in his car. Joe told me that his name is Fred. Angela Pietras, the director of the library, later told me that his name is Joe.

In discussions on May 18 and 19, 2013, I spoke with Joe for about an hour. Our meetings should be available on the video from the camera near the security guard's station. Angela Pietras told me that the library just uses video, not audio.

I told Joe that I am a CIA MK-Ultra Project Monarch Intelligence Asset, that I investigate corruption at the highest levels, that I disclose the Reptilian Draconian Vampire Agenda on the Internet, and that I am an alien abductee. He told me that he didn't want to deal with the aliens because he had been abducted, and that he was frightened.

I told Joe that based on my experiences I felt that our meeting was not coincidental. I asked him if he knew Robert and Jack Slovak, my NSA scientist cousins with Top Secret Clearances. He said there are a lot of NSA scientists. He did not tell me whether or not he knew my first cousins.

I told Joe that Robert Slovak had told me on April 1, 2012 that the world would be ending soon, and that he gave me geophysical explanations for this prediction. I told him that this information was deleted almost immediately from my brain.

Joe waxed philosophical during our meetings. He inferred that I was caught up in my own self-importance. He told me that many people were in my situation, and that everyone knew what I knew, but they just didn't talk about it.

Of course I knew that what he was saying was untrue. I told him that I was writing a book about my experiences and he said I would never be allowed to publish it.

Joe was wearing a shirt that said Allegiance Security. I later learned that Universal Protection Service acquired Allegiance Security in April of 2013. The company's website boasts that it is one of the largest security firms in the United States.

At the end of May 2013, I spoke with an executive at Universal Protection Service. I am withholding his name to protect him. I told my source about my conversations with Joe.

The executive at Universal Protection Service told me that he is a former federal agent. He did not dispute anything I had told him about Joe, and ended our conversation with "Let's leave it at that."

I called my source at Universal Protection Service again the next day. "I got into trouble yesterday with the government, with the DHS," he told me.

"The Department of Homeland Security?" I asked.

"Yes," he said. "We're talking on an open line. We're not supposed to be talking. We signed agreements."

"I didn't sign anything," I said.

"Yes you did," he said.

I was astounded. While I have no conscious awareness of signing an agreement with the NSA, I know enough about mind control and Manchurian Candidates that I very well could have signed an agreement without having any knowledge of doing so.

"Do you know what could happen to me?" he asked. He could have said us instead of me but I may have blocked this from my memory.

Stunned, I said, "No, I don't. I'm sorry."

"Goodbye Ms. Kelly," he said.

After we hung up, I realized that obviously I knew what could happen to him. He could be killed or arrested.

My conversation with my source at Universal Protection Service took place about two weeks before Edward Snowden was charged with espionage in leaks about NSA surveillance programs.

During this period, Dan Speaker, Director of Information Technology for the City of Pinellas Park, asked the police to visit me after his employee Jeff ran away from me at the Pinellas Park Library on June 17, 2013. After I politely asked Jeff if I could ask him a question, he told me that I was harassing him.

When I told Pinellas Park Police Officer Rexroad about these experiences in Pinellas Park, he repeatedly asked me what he could do for me.

When I told Angela Pietras about my experiences with Joe, she said, "We need to put an end to these repetitive conversations. I don't think the library can help you with these issues."

On June 11, 2013, Joe told me that he isn't a NSA agent and that he wasn't working on May 18 and 19, 2013. I told him that Angela Pietras said he was. He showed me two pieces of paper and said the handwriting isn't the same?

"So what does that mean?" I asked politely. "That doesn't mean anything. Have a good evening," I said, heading for the door.

"Now I will," he said.

I told him that I was sorry, that my intention was not to upset him.

Debra Rose, Administrator of Library & Recreation for the City of Pinellas Park, Florida, was very gracious when we talked on the telephone after I left Pinellas Park. "I don't believe our library has any connection to the NSA," she said.


----- Original Message -----
From: FK
Sent: Wednesday, August 28, 2013 4:08 PM
Subject: Is The City Of Pinellas Park, Florida Fronting The NSA?