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Drills, Props and Propaganda Predicting Large Scale False Flag Events

Jack Mullin, AP

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Aug. 10, 2013

A government-created fear designed to enlist public support for controls, legislation, rules and regulation increasing government power, while reducing individual rights, is called a False Flag Event (FFE). The fear is usually something quite dramatic, like the bombing of Pearl Harbor or the decimation of the World Trade Centers.

But, fear can also be insidious, fanning out slowly like carbon monoxide filling an unventilated garage while a motor vehicle is running. Slow FFEs include promotional agendas regarding some anticipated dramatic violence such as propaganda-hyped pandemics, or the eventual nuclear arming of Iran.

False Flag Events are the hallmark of a tyrannical government. Legitimate governments eventually evolve into tyranny using a tool bag of tired, repetitious applications of fear and deceit – routinely utilizing murder, explosions, kidnappings, rape, war, and deception for effect. Deception is typically deployed using mind-controlling tools attached to information channels, such as print media, and in modern times, television, radio, magazines and more.

During the later stages of a developing tyranny, False Flag Events are an important part of the final transition from a government with controls residing with those governed to a totalitarian system where control resides entirely with those governing.

In the United States of America, the former Federal Government has been captured and is now occupied by hostile foreign powers; and the False Flag was instrumental in the capture and subsequent usurpation of the National Government of America.

Beginning with the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, a steady infiltration and replacement of critical agencies, staff and military positions of power, culminating in the assignation of John F. Kennedy, has rendered the government of United States Federal Government usurped and now under the control of International banking and insurance corporations and their owners.

The most significant act of violence, so far, leading to the tyranny now visible to anyone with the courage to look, was the False Flag Event of September 11, 2001 – the deliberate destruction of the World Trade Centers in New York City. The WTC FFE is very well explained in the following video.

After the deliberately created trauma of 9-11, the American people were ready to accept the government’s “story” assigning responsibility for the acts of murder, and the destruction of property in World Trade Center complex, to a religious and geographically positioned group of people in the Middle East. Although it stretches the imagination to believe that technologically primitive people, with little or no access to United States flight control operations, the FAA, and military command operations, could conceivably coordinate what is clearly a sophisticated, highly organized and controlled operation causing defense systems to stand down allowing gigantic (target wise) planes to fly into the World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon. Accepting the “story” meant also accepting transfer of individual rights and self-determination to collectors in the citadel of power now occupying the former Capitol of the United States of America.

In 2013, the inhabitants of the former United States are waking up and many are seeing the blatant lies, contradictions, deception, murder, blackmail, extortion and corruption manifesting within the Judicial system, and Executive Branch and Legislative Branches of the Governments. The outward straightforward and unbridled corruption now uncloaking in corridors of power is an ominous sign: tyranny is coming into its final expression of total power, arrogance, and the hubris such power must bleed.

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