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HENEGHAN: The Latest NSA-Mossad False Flag and the American-Turkish Council Fingered Again

Tom Heneghan International Intelligence Expert

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Sunday   August 4, 2013


The Latest NSA-Mossad False Flag and the American-Turkish Council Fingered Again


by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert


by Tom Heneghan, International Intelligence Expert








UNITED STATES of America  -  It can now be reported that the nation of Yemen has arrested five (5) Israeli Mossad agents who have been operating an alleged al-Qaeda terror cell on Yemeni soil.


This new Israeli Spy Ring is responsible for the alleged terrorist threats made against the American, British, German and French diplomatic installations around the world.


Note: The five (5) Israeli Mossad agents masquerading as al-Qaeda terrorists also have ties to the American-Turkish Council operating out of Istanbul, Turkey.


The American-Turkish Council (which has direct working relationship with the U.S. State Department) was responsible for the assassination of the late U.S. Ambassador to Libya Christopher Stevens and three other Americans in Benghazi, Libya.


P.S. At this hour the Obama Administration, along with the U.S. State Department, the CIA and the Department of Justice, are involved in a massive obstruction of justice operation in attempting to silence former and current CIA employees who are material witnesses to the massive TREASON that took place in Benghazi, Libya on 09-11-2012.




P.P.S. We can also divulge that Canadian Intelligence officials have turned over new evidence to the U.S. Department of Justice that fingers two (2) Iranian Intelligence officers: Chiheb Esseghaier and Raed Jaser as the operatives responsible for the Patriot Day bombing in Boston, Massachussets (Operation Wack-a-Mole aka Benghazi Blowback).


Note: Both Esseghaier and Jaser were part of a four-man team that were on the ground in Boston and included two (2) Saudi nationals that escaped and flew out of Boston Logon Airport on a Lufthansa flight that arrived in the nation of Lichenstein.


The two were assassinated the next day by outsourced Israeli Mossad assets, Blackwater mercenaries tied to British MI6 while they were on their way to the National Bank of Liechtenstein to receive their commissions.  The commissions were to be paid out by none other than an American-Turkish Council account at the National Bank of


Tom Heneghan Intelligence Briefings April of 2013

The Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force has also fingered the entity responsible for the Boston, Massachusetts BLACK OP aka FALSE FLAG, which was, once again, aka Oklahoma City, 9/11, Aurora, Colorado, Sandy Hook and now the FALSE FLAG in Boston, a direct attack against the American People.

The entity responsible for this Satanic criminality is the NSA (National Security Agency), Israeli Mossad, Nazi German "Becker Cell" in Hamburg, Germany (also tied to 9/11).
Most of these bought and paid for assassins, including the crisis actors, have already left the United States on a Lufthansa flight that took them to none other than the nation of Liechtenstein where they will get paid commissions for committing murder and mayhem by this Nazi German Deutsche Bank stooge financial institution, the National Bank of Liechtenstein.

Item: They are both Saudi Arabians with direct ties to Saudi Intelligence and the Israeli Mossad.

As reported last night, the two operatives took a Lufthansa jet to the Liechtenstein capital of Vaduz five hours after the Boston bombing.  They paid cash for the tickets and used Israeli passports to board the Lufthansa flight at Boston Logan Airport.

P.S. We can now divulge tht the two operatives tied to the U.S. NSA and the Israeli Mossad were assassinated today on streets of the Liechtenstein capital while they were on their way to a bank in Liechtenstein to receive their commission for stating this act of treason against the American People.

Note: The assassination team was outsourced by the U.S. NSA and the Israeli Mossad to Blackwater mercenaries tied to British MI6.

P.P.S. At this hour we can reveal that Israel Mossad agent, weasel and foreign born Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel has been fingered by the Joint U.S.-French Intelligence Task Force (aka the Resistance) operating on American soil as the individual who helped coordinate the FALSE FLAG BLACK OP attack that murdered and injured American citizens in Boston, Massachusetts.

This filthy little tribaloistic bitch Emanuel has also been fingered as coordinating with Yahoo, Google and AT&T of Dallas, Texas in a massive espionage and hacking operation of not only French Consulates in the United States but average American patriotic citizens like Ambassador Leo Wanta, a noted Federal Whistleblower and myself.


The two Iranians were arrested on April 23, 2013 by Canadian Law Enforcement and charged with plotting a terrorist attack against a Canadian passenger train that just so happened to have three former CIA officials as passengers who had worked at the Benghazi, Libyan outpost.


It is not a coincidence that Canadian officials have produced evidenced showing that the two Iranians arrested in the plot to bomb a Canadian passenger train were also employees of none other than the American-Turkish Council.



Item: Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, the crisis actor and patsy and former Department of Homeland Security employee), who is on trial now for the Boston bombing FALSE FLAG remains totally innocent.


We can now divulge that Tsarnaev was never wounded in the neck and the injuries he received were at the Jewish administered hospital in Boston when the FBI and CIA officials violated Tsarnaev's Miranda Rights and then used intimidation and physical assault in a failed attempt to get Tsarnaev to give them a false confession.


In closing, a massive financial emergency remains imminent with the Deutsche Bank, Citibank of New York and Barclays Bank of the United Kingdom totally broke with their books saddled with massive ass backwards derivatives tied to the Central Bank of Japan and HSBC of Hong Kong.



Stay tuned for future intelligence briefings in which we will expose the Chicago Mercantile Exchange Group and its President Terry Duffy and the bank holding company Jefferies Inc. for engaging in a massive insider trading BLACK OP involving the U.S. bond and 10-year note markets.


High frequency electronic NSA-style algorithmic trading was shut down by the CME Group for five seconds right before the U.S. Labor Department released their monthly unemployment report.



We can now divulge that the Labor Department leaked the unemployment report to Jefferies Inc. and CME Group President Terry Duffy and the five second delay allowed Jefferies Inc. to amass enormous long positions in U.S. bonds and 10-year notes, which exploded to the upside after a negative unemployment report was released.


We can also reveal that the bank holding company Jefferies Inc. used the looted funds of former PFG customers as their collateral in this massive financial swindle.


Direct message to Jefferies Inc and CME Group President Terry Duffy: CBS News has the goods on you.

Duly elected, non-inaugurated, natural born

Albert Gore Jr., the REAL President of the United States









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