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HHS using taxpayer money to launch massive promotional campaign for Obamacare

J.D. Heyes

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July 21, 2013

(NaturalNews) The Affordable Care Act, less affectionately known as Obamacare, is the great reform of the nation's healthcare system since our founding. Its wonderful requirements and provisions will alleviate suffering, improve access to care for all Americans, lower costs, boost outcomes, heal the rain forests, stop climate change and bring about world peace, so we were told for months on end before this Act of a temporary Congress became the law of the land.

Okay, the bits about the rain forests, climate change and world peace are just me being facetious. But seriously, weren't we sold Obamacare as the end-all, be-all for American health care? Sure we were. So why is the Obama administration now trying to sell it to us all over again - and using copious amounts of our tax dollars to do so?

Total melding of party and government

Well, it's politics, you see. Democrat party politics. And Obama is the head honcho. Per Breitbart News:

Conservatives have long derided Democrats as the "party of government," noting the party's enthusiasm for government spending and programs. In recent years, campaign finance disclosures have shown that employees of every federal department, including Defense, give overwhelmingly to Democratic candidates. But President Barack Obama has taken the "party of government" one step further, turning the government into an arm of the Democratic Party, using federal agencies and taxpayer dollars to boost Democrats' electoral prospects.

The latest example, the news site reports, is Obamacare. To wit: The Department of Health and Human Services is spending tens of millions on a massive ad buy to a) promote a law that was already sold to Americans as the cure for what ails the healthcare system in our country; and b) to convince you to jump head-first into one of the state-sanctioned (but federal-run) "health insurance exchanges," for which there are no definitive rules and regulations as of yet (this is part of the "train wreck" regarding Obamacare that Montanan Max Baucus, the primary Senate author of the law who is now suddenly retiring, previously talked about).

Train wreck is a far cry from the end-all, be-all reform of America's healthcare system, isn't it? And spending millions to convince us otherwise is a blatant example of just how bad those who foisted it on us know it will be. Otherwise there wouldn't be any need for this massively expensive propaganda campaign.

But the president and those who supported this bill have to put lipstick on the pig that is Obamacare - make you think it's something it's not; take your eye off of those who "gave" it to you; try to convince you that all of the lies they told to sell it to you in the first place really are true - in order to bolster their election changes in 2014.

Stay healthy, my friends

That's why, after all, the president decided to (illegally) postpone the part of the law requiring employers to provide expensive health insurance coverage to employees if they have 50 or more full-timers until after the 2014 election.

But such actions have consequences - consequences for the future of the country. Per Joel Pollak at Breitbart:

We are witnessing, under President Obama, the complete breakdown of the wall between party and state. The ambient left-wing tendencies of the bureaucracy--amplified by public-sector unions and by our nation's education system--have been sharpened into partisan tools to refashion society in the Democratic party's image and interest. To Democrats, that is not a scandal: they believe their party's interest is the national interest, and the media largely agree. Yet it marks the start of a decay that, if not stopped soon, will destroy our system of government.

For now, the best way to avoid the coming pitfalls of the Obamacare system is to use it as little as possible. Get your diet right. Get off the couch and get some exercise. Look through our archives and research the best supplements for you. Live healthy and strong. And hang on, because the ride's going to get rough.
