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With Friends Like John McCain

Norman Singleton - Campaign for Liberty

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July 17, 2013

Harry Reid must feel pretty good right now.

He is now on track to get his entire laundry list of liberal nominees confirmed by the Senate without having to use the “nuclear option” to destroy the filibuster and then cope with the resulting fallout. 

No doubt many other Democrat Senators are happy they did not have to choose between their constituents, who did not want them to help Reid destroy the filibuster, and Big Labor and other special interests that were pushing for the nuclear option.

So who made Reid and his cronies so happy?

John McCain.

You see, while you and I were doing all we could to put enough heat on the Senate to reject Reid’s scheme to gut the filibuster, John McCain was working behind the scenes to broker a deal with Reid.

The final deal, reached on Tuesday, promised that if Reid dropped his threat to the nuclear option, enough Republicans would join John McCain in easing the way to their passage so Reid could get almost all the nominations he wanted.

As I’ll explain in more detail below, this may not be the last time Reid threatens to use the nuclear option, only to have John McCain broker a last-minute “deal” to give Reid everything he wants.

That is why it is important you call John McCain at the number below and tell him “NO MORE DEALS!”

Senator John McCain: 202-224-2235

In the coming weeks, Harry Reid will try to get more radical, statist nominees through the Senate.  And it is likely that what happened this week will happen again — Reid will threaten to use the nuclear option, and John McCain will preemptively surrender.

Unless you and I can mobilize enough grassroots Americans to take a stand, Reid will ultimately confirm all of Barack Obama’s nominees through the Senate — either by using the “nuclear option” or by cutting deals with weak-kneed Republicans like John McCain.

So please call John McCain at 202-224-2235.  And if you can, please send a generous contribution of $50, $30, or even $10 to help Campaign for Liberty expand our efforts to stop Harry Reid from going nuclear and STOP Republicans like John McCain from selling out.

I am particularly concerned that Harry Reid and John McCain will next cut a deal to ease confirmation of Representative Mel Watt to head the Federal Housing Finance Agency. 

As C4L has written to you before, Representative Watt was one of the major promoters and defenders of the policies that led to the housing bubble.  He also worked furiously behind the scenes to torpedo then-Congressman Ron Paul’s efforts to pass his Audit the Fed bill.

Putting Mel Watt in charge of the Housing Finance Agency is like making a known arsonist fire chief!  And Watt’s nomination is in danger.

Campaign for Liberty’s Capitol Hill sources have informed me that Mel Watt’s confirmation hearing was so bad that his confirmation is in jeopardy, unless Reid goes nuclear or cuts another deal with McCain to provide enough GOP support to confirm Mel Watt.

Which is why it is crucial you call John McCain at 202-224-2235 and tell him to stop cutting deals with Harry Reid and instead do all he can to fight President Obama's radical nominees such as Mel Watt.

And, if you can, please help C4L turn up the heat on the U.S. Senate in support of liberty with a generous contribution of $50, $30, or even $10.

In Liberty,


Norman Singleton

Vice President of Policy

P.S. John McCain preemptively surrendered to Harry Reid, allowing Reid to secure confirmation for seven of President Obama's radical nominees to bureaucracies like the NLRB, the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, and the E.P.A. without having to pay the price for deploying the nuclear option.

Now, basking in praise from the beltway media and the special interests, John McCain is likely to cut more deals with Harry Reid to confirm other radical nominees – such as Ben Bernanke’s pal Mel Watt, and maybe even a Department of Homeland Security Secretary whose view of the Constitution makes Janet Napolitano seem like Andrew Napolitano.

That is why it is critical you call John McCain at 202-224-2235.  Tell him to stop making deals with Harry Reid and instead stand up for the American people against the President’s radical nominees.

And if you can, please make a generous contribution of $50, $30, or even $10 to help Campaign for Liberty expand our efforts to stop Harry Reid from going nuclear and STOP Republicans like John McCain from selling out.