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Wayne Madsen

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June 30, 2013

The Observer of the UK interviewed the editor on the National Security Agency's Second, Third, and Fourth Party agreements with other intelligence services that pointed out that German and French protestations about the NSA and British Government Communications Headquarters (GCHQ) jointly tapping the transatlantic cable in Cornwall not withstanding, the NSA also cooperates with Berlin and Paris in collecting private information on European citizens.


On June 29, after The Guardian ran the story prior to The Observer running it on its web site and featuring it as a splash in its June 30 print edition, the story was pulled by The Guardian and The Observer. The second print edition of The Observer also deleted the story but not before the first print run reached London area news agents, as well as those in other British and European cities.


The decision appears to have been made after a well-coordinated campaign was launched by a number of web activists, including a Professor John Schindler who identifies himself as a professor with the U.S. Naval War College in Newport, Rhode Island. Schindler has been particularly critical of NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden and The Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald who broke most of Snowden's revelations on NSA surveillance.


Schindler immediately began sending out Twitter messages, soliciting further responses and messages from dubious right-wing sites like LittleGreenFootballs and The tactic is a familiar one. It was used in the campaign to bring down CBS News anchor Dan Rather on a story about President George W. Bush's AWOL status during his service with the Texas Air National Guard.


The Guardian is the sister paper of The Observer. The Guardian ran the Observer's story on Third Parties late afternoon on June 29. In a few hours, as the right-wing web campaign went into full throttle, the story was pulled from The Guardian.