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Nancy Pelosi booed for saying Snowden Broke law

Paul Lawrence

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June 23, 2013

Speaking on stage Saturday at the NetRoots Nation conference in San Jose, Calif, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) was booed when she said the former NSA contractor Edward Snowden broke the law when he leaked classified documents revealing secret surveillance programs.

During Pelosi’s time on stage she also called on the audience to reject any comparisons between Barrack Obama and his predecessor George W. Bush on their oversight of surveillance programs, reports the Hill.

“He did violate the law in terms of releasing those documents,” Pelosi stated, drawing loud boo’s from her audience.

“I understand, I understand, but he did violate the law. And the fact is that, again, we have to have the balance between security and privacy, and we don’t know what sources and methods may have been revealed, which is a tough thing.”

Americans Disapprove of Government Surveillance Programs

Most polls you come across seem to show division between approval and disapproval of the NSA leaks but by the reaction Pelosi received, its hard to believe that most Americans would disapprove of Snowdens actions.

In fact, a White house petition to pardon the whistle blower has just broke the  100,000 signatures milestone. The White House has made a pledge to respond to petitions that receive over 25,000 signees.

The news of NSA surveillance programs has spread disgust around the globe.

The Rest Of The World Is Absolutely Disgusted With Our Big Brother Spying Methods

Pelosi can try to detach Obama from Bush but at this stage in Obama’s presidency, after a recent flooding of scandal, the American people are coming to the realization that the government over reach has gone to far and common sense/law is being spit on by their representatives.

It’s a sad state of affairs when legislatures like Pelosi cannot recognize what the law is.

Ever hear of the fourth amendment?